alucard13mmfmj 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kinda wish our side did the same thing. Not the assaulting police thing.. but being a force to be reckoned with if one of us got jailed, especially unjustly.

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most characters in western made multiplayer shooters look like they are dressed in random garbage for armor. And these western chars starting to look the same. From back to blood to redfalls to concord to hyenas to suicide squad.

alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

go look on youtube. 90% Dead or Alive videos that have any sort of bikini is age restricted.. while you have girls doing real life lingerie/bikini try on videos, 90% are NOT age restricted. they are doing skanky poses and even have see through shit.

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +7 / -0

these assholes dont understand.. we want to buy and play japanese games made by japanese. unfortunately, capcom has dozens and dozens of beloved IP's that they will pilfered and rape. they will make them even more gayer and blacker than current remakes. RIP. they know people will buy the remakes, so they just stick some DEI hire on it. fuck it up, but people wont know about it and still buy it anyways.

japan is gonna go down the same path as the USA, they are just 3-5 years behind. the olympics and abe being shot was the green light for globohomo to accelerate.

alucard13mmfmj 14 points ago +15 / -1

Literally 1920's where women cant show shoulders and ankles lol. Might as well bring back segregation while we are at it

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +7 / -0

If genshin gives up an inch.. its all over for genshin because these fags will ask for more and more and more.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

It also actively scan videos and thumbnails too. It scans videos for things to age restrict or shadowban/downrank you for.

alucard13mmfmj 6 points ago +10 / -4

The guy in the zoe quinn rape accusation is a retard. As peter griffin told a caller in a suicide hotline who told peter he was gonna kill himself because his wife cheated in him.. "wouldn't it make more sense to kill her?"

Where im heading with this is.. Guy shouldve done the world a favor.

alucard13mmfmj 6 points ago +6 / -0

Im at 78k. Never got one.. but then again i got demonetized back then. Mostly because youtube didnt like bikini outfits in video games. The sole reason.

Buncha faggots at yt.

alucard13mmfmj 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wild west youtube was best. It spurred creativity and innovation. Youtube is now corporate slop and a content slop factory. I hope elon or someone buy youtube.

alucard13mmfmj 6 points ago +6 / -0

When RE5 remake comes out.. wonder what IGN will say.

alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bro.. that black woman has a mustache rofl. I guess ai thinks the women and men are same. Rofl.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Chinese literally dont allow games that humilate the chinese or have the chinese as antagonistic.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Asians are an easy mark for blacks. Less likely to own guns. Smaller. Less likely to fight back.

alucard13mmfmj 2 points ago +2 / -0

White people made the rapefugee do it. Its white people. If only they gave him a free goat and playstation.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

So.. millionaire but still mess around with underage.. theres a sea of 18 to 20 year olds.

alucard13mmfmj 4 points ago +4 / -0

Im not religious. I dont belong to any religion actually, aside from offering and praying to ancestors (chinese traditional). But lack of religion is how we are in this mess. Nature doesnt like a vaccum. Something else will take its place. Woke is practically a religion now. Belonging to woke.. belonging to lgbt. The sense of belonging is what drives modern human. Its how gangs and isis grow too.. by offering belonging.

alucard13mmfmj 12 points ago +12 / -0

If black people were in europe the entire time.. even being kings and queens in europe. Doesnt that mean blacks are responsible for all the things lefties accuse white people of being the root cause?? All the wars, colonization and slavery they blame white people for.. are actually the doing of black people that existed in europe and early americas.. Maybe king george was black?? Queen victoria was black?? Hitler was black??

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good or bad.. asians being racist against blacks might save them from the same fate as sweden, uk, france and etc. Unfortunate for japan, seems like turks, syrians and kurds are causing problems even though they only literally make up .0001% of the japanese population.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its like how african countries have noble names for their cannibal, genocidal, mass raping factions lol.

by Lethn
alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

asian games are asian games. Asian games has always been grindy or busy work.

by Lethn
alucard13mmfmj 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be some hard times. I rather have a few bad times spaced over a few years than to have 1 catastrophic bad tim ethat is every 100 year.

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