Next time they get expelled or worse.. dont feel bad about it.
Yep.. pretty much how its gonna go is "if you want your manga to be on our platform, you gotta have 1 ugly fag or 1 ugly black." Hehe.
Asuka was my first waifu.
Hentai is bland too.. either its too vanilla or art style is trash.
shes the only "hot" white girl in hollywood lol. definitely the best set of boobs currently.. everyone else are goblinas.
she seems okay, personality wise. not too douche or preachy or political persay. in 10-20 years.. she might become a feminists.
Yeah.. not using linux as a desktop OS. No time to spend dozens of hours troubleshooting and looking through distos and repos to find something obscure to fix something lol.
Abe getting assassinated was the green light.. a former PM getting blown away by some mkultra dude. Basically fall in line or sell out.
Well.. we are boned.
If an outsider buying it was inevitable... why cant it be by a saudi prince? Hell.. even Kim Jung Un wouldve been better.
Yeah.. buy out entertainment and make stuff ugly, gay and black. Buy out social platforms and media to shut down cirticism of your country being taken over.
The meme where when a dude takes a picture of an object. Its a picture of an object. But when a girl takes a a picture of an object, she gotta make sure she is in the foreground, while object is secondary lol.
Huh. Thought the dude was gay or something.
Cultural imperialism.. making all countries be gay and light brown color.
Yeah. When shit hits the fan. Just know that all those assholes deserve the worse things that happen to them. No pity or tears. No sympathy or empathy. The trillions they stole and millions of lives lost. All those assholes that subverted our culture and nation.
Blackwater.. blackstone... blackrock... hmmmm
Pretty sure they gonna push to ban various titles
I think all these personalities and companies are going hard on this dr disrespect because they try to overcompensate to hide their own skeletons.
The feminist males that supports metoo are often rapists themselves.
Im sure that idyllic french country side will be as idyllic and qaint if indians or somalians took over.
These same retards have the same retarded idea about how cool and safe japan is.. but seem to think japan will remain cool and safe once they get more culturally enriched. And when it doesnt, they blame racism. Further more.. whats wrong with in group bias? Seems every group can do it except white straight males or asian straight males.
You notice how news media dont say "first asian to" like they do for other groups? Asian males are white male adjacent lol.
I think i read an article that even Target reduced the amount of shelves pridr month would take up. Lawl.
There are some things that are always normal. That a guy is born with a dick and a girl is born with a vagina. Ever since mammals walked the earth. Dont think any mammals can "change" their gender/sex.
Its probably seen as spam.
Isnt CA.. the studio that made HYENAS and it cost like 100million usd and SEGA canceled it because it looks bad?
they think in 10 years, the new generation will gobble this shit up like its normal. new generation dont know what is within normality. unfortunately, they are probably right.
at the same time :p they penalize 3d/2d porn (mastercard, visa, etc payment processors). i guess since there isnt a real woman to be a whore.
New?? If so.. it sure is accelerating fast.