they call it gunshots, incident, assailant, shots fired.. the truest headline i saw was "alleged assassination attempt" lol.
Oh. Where they had super heavy water and they used drones. Yeah, i guess its easy to write a story or episode that is nazi based. Its a shame its super obvious with the eugenics and white skin, blonde skin and blue eyes. Yeah. That episode stank.
Stargate sg1 was one of my fav shows. There were some progressive episodes, but imo.. it seemed benigned and was just coincidental. Carter had probably had 5 or 6 episodes where her being a woman was brought up. First episode or two where she is introduced. When carter had to do 1 on 1 knife combat with a mongol (same dude as shredder from mutant turtle??) And competing with a jaffa warrior to show off the p90. And when the team had to work with Baal on a super weapon but Baal chastised her and insulted her for being a human female. That... that might be more woke. But then again Baal chastised everyone lower than him.
In terms of tealc being black, nothing much about it i think. But the one that enslaved him was aphophis who was also black or arab. I think there was a police episode when he gets arrested for beating up humans on earth that was harassing a woman. But it was mostly coincidental i think.
I thought christopher judge (who voices kratos from gow) did a good job as tealc.
All the money going into consultancy to add blacks and gays and uglies into a game... but no money to go into hiring a couple of actual japanese to make sure the game and its marketing isnt dumb as hell or to make sure its authentic.
Even though commies killed 20x more people than nazis ever did..
Its super retardrd. We cant keep drugs or illegals totally out. We cant even keep drugs out of max security prison. But libs think they can ban guns and not have guns be smuggled in the same route drugs and illegals are?? Lawl.
No matter how fat or disgusting.. if you are rich, you can get many girls outside of your reach.
In fact, theyll draw plans for revenge if an outsider wins. Seems trump slowed them down. And once they cheated trump they double downed and accelerate. Probably a "how dare you vote for trump".
Surprised he didnt troon out.
Dont want to be a black pill or doomer but.. "we'll get them next time". Sounda familiar.
They banned guns and a former PM gets assassinated anyways by a gun...
These dei parasites will never go away. They will fail sideways or even upwards. They will just go from company to company. I guess if you dont hire them, they cry about it and tell journalists to write hit pieces on you.
There is a reason why british english is sophisticating sounding and authoritative and soviets are played by the british in movies.
Proper english. Not some zoomer talk or ooga booga ebonics.
Before cp77 came out, there were red flags.. like cdprojekt red saying how diverse their company was since witcher 3 came out. Of course there werensome ugly trannies.
Sounds like a creepy molestation event.
no mercy against the commies when we win again.
its like mexico where that lady that won the presidency survive when +dozens of her opponents were killed off by the cartel lol.
Im of chinese descent.. and adolf was doing the right thing. Hell. Even the japanese in ww2, since china became a corrupt commie hell hole that murdered tens of millions of its own anyways via starvation and shot in back of head. I guess you are allowed to mass kill people as long as its your own and its for communism. Has any commie leader ever brought to justice??
This kinda subversion to fuck over countries, many that saved their asses in ww2 from getting gassed in camps. This is how these countries are paid back.. flooded with cultural enrichment and making children gay.
Kinda depressing with dragon quest and dead rising being remade for "modern audiences" who apparently are all fags.
Only time they race swap to a white dude... not the other way around. Lawl.
they are projecting.. they are projecting what they want to do to white males and/or straight. its always projection. they think things are racist because they are racist. they think men are all rapist because they are rapist. etc etc.
This this this.
Some "moderate muslims" say its wrong to force islam on people but if it happens "naturally" its fine lololol. Nothing natural about cultural enrichment, faggotry and islam occuring or growing.
Its not about equality, its equity. Basically you can culturally appropriate cultures as long as you are minority to them. Meaning.. blacks can culturally appropriate all. But other way cannot. Its like how you can say "kill all whites" and rarely get in trouble unless it draws too much attention. But say "kill all blacks" and you will be banned asap.
Because whites and asians are seen as higher, anyone can steal or appropriate from them. But opposite is not allowed.
Twitter is absolute toxic and ill be surprised if any of these assholes get fired.