Like parasites, India is dead set on spreading its people across the world for financial gain, and Trump seems to be more than happy to open the Pajeet floodgates.
Canada’s Pajeet problem is so bad that even the leftists hate them, and Pajeet replacement in America has been ramped up significantly in the tech sector these past few years, and will spread to other sectors soon enough. I’m tired of all of this bullshit and the seemingly never-ending push for more cheap, incompetent Pajeet labor.
I can only speak to my personal experience on this.
My company has many job openings in the tech consulting space. I don't want to be more specific about the type of work but suffice to say we'd happily hire more white men if they applied and had the required skills.
H-1B holders are a mixed bag. Some are awful, some are amazing. Most are mid enough to keep their job for a year or two before they jump to a different company for a slightly higher salary.
H-1B holders generally are not cheaper than hiring an American citizen. Each role has minimum wage levels that vary by area. San Francisco wage levels are higher than (Insert Small City) wage levels. We also have to pay roughly $8,000 in filing and legal fees for each H-1B hire to transfer their visa to our company.
Our most promising employees are younger white guys who we have trained.
The meme that once an Indian has hiring power they hire all Indians is true.
I'm against expansion of the H-1B allotment. Companies can train American citizens and at worst it sets them back slightly for a few years, but we are desperate to hire experienced people so it's easy for me to say that when I'm not signing the checks.
I had a friend that worked at Microsoft 20+ years ago. He was one of the Volt contractors that they had to hire because a court ruled they met the definition of employees, not contractors.
He was complaining about this back then. Once the cheapo H1B pajeets got into management, they only hired more pajeets.
I had occasion to visit the mall in Bellevue, near MS HQ, a year or two ago and it was all pajeets and Chinamen (where are they working?). It was maybe 1/10 whites walking around that place.
Probably why all the tech related stuff sucks.. from cpu chips to video games.