lawl XD.. master roshi would be funny too
Guess if your french wife gives birth to a baby 2 or 3 shades darker than you or the wife.. you are fucked. Rip.
Lawl big bad beetleborgs and VR Troopers.
funny they go after dating apps but not something like pornhub or onlyfans
is there an equivalent for america? some kinda otaku dating app lol
This fag doesnt realize places like africa doesnt have much group violence in history because its forgotten.. Its because record keeping almost doesnt exist south of the sahara desert.. humans came from africa in central/south africa, yet there is little to no recorded history?? Sitting on trillions of dollars in resources, a billion in man power and the largest continent.. yet piss poor, dirty and shithole.
Christians are their own enemy.. compassion is being used against christians.
Jewish man with a girly hand, hairless legs and what looks to be some kinda LV bag in the background. Lol.
They tried the video game angle with the healthcare ceo shooter. Said he played among us where people play as "assassins" rofl. Im thinking.. didnt aoc play that game on stream to try to look cool and hip?
Witcher was popular because geralt was a badass and a banged lots of hot women and whores...
Now they change it to... ciri. Unless she bangs hot women, which i doubt, its a pass.
girls mostly play healers. girls often gravitate towards certain games, often times being chased by a killer.
girls also seem to play games as a social thing or make it about them.. while boys seem to play games for fun or have goals.
They cant keep geralt and keep the sexual stuff. Straight sexual stuff is prohibited. But sexual stuff with ugly people and with lgbt stuff is highly praised. Shit.. she might even have sex with a horse or some shit.
Then you have the other group that buys it to mod it.. ive been a modder since half life 1 and its dissapointing.
Doubt people wont be retarded. People wont learn their lesson from cyberpunk or starfield when it comes to 1st day buy or even preordering.
Probably why islam requires there to be like 3 witnesses lawl.
What does he do around women?
Well.. they know have precedence. If gay people (2 consenting adults) can get married, why cant 2 cousins.. or 2 siblings or even father daughter? Coupled with them trying to make it where 18 is not adult and lowering the age or definition.
Imo.. there should be a maturation test instead of a blanket age. Guess a simple IQ test or something.
Some girls will do anything for money. Youd have instagram girls going to dubai to have sex with camels and salmon or get shit on.
Probably this fat fuck is vanilla stuff.
Them japanese must owe them reparations as well. Revenge for Yasuke, lawl.
Hope he doesnt go "marvin" on these pricks.
Hope its not bait and switch.. in a year or a few months from now, start having overt tranny faggoty stuff. At this point, 25% of the overwatch cast is some kinda lgbthshsjtuw.
Their rights.. is to molest you and little boys. And if you say no, you are a bigot.
Yeah. They bring their bad habits and practices over. And when you try to tell them its no good, they cry racism.
I thought the purpose of bluesky was to not be censored? A lot of nsfw artist went there many months ago.
Is that related to abridged? O.o