ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

in a psychotic gang

It's really telling when ISIS/ISIL/Daesh stops putting out their execution videos because they realized MS-13 and other cartels were using them as inspiration.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a damn shame how correct you are. Having gone through a couple buy-outs, reporting direct to C level people, and other such bull shit, I can just say "yeah"

ajfofjakf 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am very much of the South and the times I have seen a black guy roll up in a Confederate battle flag wrapped Dodge Challenger is hilarious. They give zero fucks.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because of rule two, and my own self interest, I don't even know how much I can say. But, there is the FCG-9 and still Liberators out there. Do what you will with this info. Also, you can build a shotgun with a quick trip to the hardware store.

Also, I am not stating how this should be applied, it's just information that is readily available.

ajfofjakf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Those often don't go well. They don't give out livers if it's alcohol related but I can take a guess it was hepatitis, as Unknownsailor said. It's not entirely unexpected. Still, an absolute harrowing way to go.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll never forget the intro. Or Petunia. Or Artie, who moved an entire house 1 inch to inconvenience someone.

ajfofjakf 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fuck coding, they can learn to mine. I have absolutely no sympathy for these leaches.

My other choice would be a rule violation. They openly want people like us dead; they deserve living on the street.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've said this before, Crown Loyalists were forcibly removed from American society and many of them went up to Canada. I really don't care about what they think.

ajfofjakf 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had to double check who posted this. I assumed it was you sharing something from facebook, ha

ajfofjakf 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't know what they are trying to pull or expect.

lol Note the date. Archive

I'm going to quote from that article

“The idea that late-night comedy has been another mouthpiece for the Democratic party is simply not true, because comedy cannot afford to do that,” said Thompson, director of Syracuse University’s Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture.

"You can't hate them..." and all that.

ajfofjakf 19 points ago +19 / -0

From a reddit screen shot on 4chan (I know, I know) the new brilliant strategy is to pretend to be a Trump voter and create doubt by being "regretful about voting for Trump" Since Trump supporters are so simple minded, and won't be able to see through their clever ruse, obviously the chuds will immediately turn on Trump and evil orange man's ratings will plummet.

The TDS levels are going to be even more insane this time and I never really thought was possible.

ajfofjakf 11 points ago +11 / -0

I watched the whole thing. The contrast between the outright commies like Bass and the other two Representatives and the regular people, firefighters, the actual residents, is crazy. Trump even had officials from surrounding counties there and the things they revealed were insane, they all hate LA.

Other things of note: Trump was in North Carolina that morning, then flew across the ENTIRE COUNTRY to LA. When he landed in LA we got to see the actual devastation of the area, not what you would see on the news. He walked down a line of firemen and other first responders and shook everyone's hand. One of the guys there said, "Thank you, sir, it's wonderful to see you back" The station this round table was hosted at made that 47 Battalion Chief helmet for him, which is a very nice gesture. And the the entire thing was hosted in the fucking garage.

This was on his fifth day in office.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a "movement" of sorts started by the account BowTiedBull. That's a good place to start if you want to look in to it.

ajfofjakf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it financially better to hire two people? Even if you are well suited for the position, understand the tasks you will be given, and have an understanding of that company's culture there will be some time spent in "training" And that is lost time as you aren't producing anything. Not to even touch on that these "immigrants" he is talking about have fake degrees and do everything through a script, basically robots.

He, Vivek, and Elon, obviously know how to run a business, and I don't, so what I am missing here?

ajfofjakf 0 points ago +1 / -1

Alright, man

the last words of the last Leftist would be: "we are inevitable." You literally can't convince them that they are wrong, or going down the wrong path once they've asserted in their mind that they are "on the right side of history that bends towards justice".

This is true. If there are only two Leftist on Earth they would still argue about who is more right.

the alt-right want populism to lose. It is their number one goal.

Ok, I get what you mean here.

And certainly you will never go on the attack (unless you've been prompted, funded, cajoled, and resourced by the FBI to make an attack that will inevitably lead to blowback).

Are you really calling for the populists to go to war here? Is this a call for violence? Are you saying a 2nd (lol 3rd) revolution is necessary or inevitable? As you said, it's still too early to call it.

You want a real J6? Like lobbing mortars at the Capital and dropping people from helo?

You do post some good stuff, so I know you aren't an idiot, but, shit, man, sometimes you sound like fed.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sinatra is up there for me mostly because it's what my dad would play around this time of year.

Also A Charlie Brown Christmas, which is also a family favorite.

ajfofjakf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn. The guys walking along that machine and especially the guy just sitting in it as concrete railroad ties are dropped have some balls.

But, yeah. Trim the fat. Tell them to learn to code or go mine. Or, if we are lucky enough, return Detroit to what it used to be and they can go stamp out auto parts. If they aren't willing to work such an "ignoble" or working class job, let them starve.

ajfofjakf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, aspirin messes with your kidneys but if you stay hydrated it's mostly fine.

Paracetamol, or Tylenol, really fucks with your liver.

Liver failure is one of the worst ways to go. It's extremely painful. I've said this before but I know no kidding alcoholics who toast something like "May our kidneys kill us before our livers"

ajfofjakf 15 points ago +15 / -0

It took 12 minutes.

I'm fairly sure that faggot is a paid shill account or directly operated by Share Blue.

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