ailurus 63 points ago +63 / -0

No, a surprise would be this judge getting kicked off the bench (or more appropriately jailed for life). That order should never have been issued, and anyone who supported it or advocated for it is a menace.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

On a straight cash basis, you are correct. If you're looking to feed a family of 4 on frozen dinners, your paying (looking at my grocery store's website) about $10 for the meal ($2-$3 per meal). If instead you take $20 (so 2 dinners worth), you could instead get a 5 lb whole chicken, a 4 lb bag of potatoes, and 2 lbs of dried beans, and you'd still have $5 left over for other stuff. And that should have no issues feeding your family 2 dinners.

I think a big part of the "cost", though, is not just the financial costs but rather the time costs to prep it. Yeah, cooking up beans, chicken and potatoes is not especially difficult but it does take time. And I think more than just snobbishness (though, there's some of that - a lot of people will scoff at chicken and beans when they have an option for steak), its that many people just don't want to put in the time to soak the beans, cook the chicken, mash the potatoes, etc. when instead they can just stick the TV dinner trays in the microwave.

And it's not just a cooking knowledge thing (though I know a ton of people who are terrified to do anything in the kitchen), but a laziness thing - just look at things like Grubhub, Uber Eats, etc. Their whole business model pretty much comes down to "oh, you don't want to go down the street to get takeout, so pay me to do it for you", and last year Grubhub was apparently averaging 623,000 orders per day.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even the Warmonger Post is confirming that it's over.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Poop Senders is my favorite gag product site. Never used them (and not sure if it is strictly legal due to the potential health concerns), but it's surprisingly comforting to know that if I ever need to send someone "3 pounds of steamy elephant poop" to people, I know who to contact.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

for political ends, like this, because your "leader" is a fragile, demented narcissist who, anyone can see, patently fucked up.

Winnie the Pooh would enter the chat, but China banned him

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, gee. It's good we don't have many full hospitals then! In face, the CDC's own data says that the 7 day rolling average of hospitalizations in the US as a whole is still about 30% less than it was at its peak, and every single HHS region - bar 1 - is individually below the peak.

The one region which is not below the peak is HHS region 10, which contains 4 states - Idaho, Alaska, Oregon and Washington. Since Washington has almost as many cases as the other 3 states combined, let's just get jail everyone there to solve the problem. Oh, and we can throw in Portland as well since it is most of Oregon's cases. That should solve the problem, right?

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hear that one causes a lot of prostate problems, in addition to the normal symptoms. Darn Ligma variant, going after people's balls.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, the Canadians bomb worse than the Europeans when you compare economies and military. But, yeah, Europe's military rankings and economic rankings are massively out of whack. (True, reducing everything to a single number is a gross oversimplification but it gives an easy standard of comparison).

Ironically enough (given the memes) France has the highest military ranking in Europe, and it's military and economic rankings are the same (7th in the world). UK goes from 6th economically to 8th militarily, which isn't that bad. Italy is 8th economically to 12th militarily. Canada and Germany are pretty much complete failures - Germany goes from 4th economically to 15th militarily, and Canada goes from 10th economically to 21st militarily.

South Korea ranks higher than every single European nation. Turkey's military ranks higher than any European nation besides France and the UK. Egypt and Iran both outrank Germany, and Indonesia comes out of freakin nowhere to be just behind Germany. And Japan ends up as the 5th strongest military in the world somehow - hopefully it's because of a secret battlemech or giant killer robot program they've got going.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Plus, according to the archive, the subreddit has 9712 subscribers while the post got 15371 votes. Odd how a text post (which means the "other discussions" tab won't show up and thus this won't get attention from people in other subs unless directly linked) already has a 160% voter participation rate. If only there was a word for that. Brigooding I think?

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

So, an episode that is all about "stereotyping people is bad" is considered problematic now?

ailurus 25 points ago +25 / -0

This. There's a bit of schadenfreude in knowing that the looters are getting screwed over by this "feature", but this is just one other story in a massive line illustrating that you don't actually own any of this "smart" crap, and that all the online requirements just mean you can get disconnected at any time. I'd ask when the average person is going to wake up and stop wasting their money on this junk but I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen even if robots come around literally plugging them into something like the Matrix.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Found the build a PC video :)

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

It hasn't happened with grocery stores yet (that I know), but restaurants in several cities are supposed to be checking. So, while access to food isn't verboten if you don't have the jab it is reduced from what it would be otherwise.

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm reminded of a certain video of a Chinese guy laying it to some african guy straight about how much of a tech/infrastructure head start they had on China in the wake of colonization, how they squandered and destroyed it all, and are now owned by the Chinese.

Empire of Dust is the documentary you're thinking of, and this is probably the clip in question.

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but in my opinion SSRIs still suck. Was on 3 of them at various points over the last couple years. First one, massive suicidal thoughts. Doctor switched me to a second one, which came with insomnia. So we switched to a third one, no impact on mood but came with weight gain. Lifestyle changes and counseling had much better benefits for me than the SSRIs. I know they help some people, but I will always recommend trying other stuff before the SSRIs.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point, trying to find someone to give you a controlled low-intensity infection of the virus seems safer and more effective than continuing with all the booster shots.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

The viable bit is the tricky part, but I'm hoping the Mises Caucus manages to get a foothold on the national stage. They've got a decent chance to get some people in the NH congressional and US senate seats I think, but getting to a presidential candidate is probably still a ways off at best. Still, it's a start.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

That always happens, and not just for Fortnite. Virtually every time I look at Twitter, there's always something on the trending section with 3-5k (sometimes less) tweets.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think they've given the franchise to someone so inept and unskilled at filmmaking since the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Hey, now. There is no way you can legitimately say the people behind the Holiday Special were unskilled. To come up with something that magnificently trippy, disturbing and just plain insane as the SWHS requires a lot of skill - skills I'm glad I don't have, but skills nonetheless.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

From what I read, too, the Afghan special forces were fairly solid. The problem is the special forces were (as any special forces unit) a tiny number.

The general soldiery, though: no motivation, no loyalty outside their local tribe, constantly high, and more. Plus, well, there's their PT time. See jumping jacks and push ups

ailurus 20 points ago +20 / -0

Also you could make any sickness sound scary. Imagine if the flu was reported this way.

That's the whole point. Can't get people to follow increasingly crazy authoritarian policies if you don't get the scared.

As for explaining away the survival rate, they don't. They don't care about rates. They'll happily keep shouting that 600,000 people in the US have died from it, but they studiously ignore the fact that the US population is 330,000,000. So, that means, over the last year and a half less than 0.2% of the US population died (and with Covid, not from Covid). And then there's the fact that over 90% of them had comorbidities. And it was heavily shifted to old people. Anyone who honestly looks at the data and thinks about it can't be a Branch Covidian.

I feel I’m much better off staying in shape while taking my vitamins. Boosting my immune system is the best protection.

Assuming you're less than 50 years old, you probably have nothing to worry about. And keep taking the vitamins, especially vitamin D (or get out in the sun for it). At least 3 studies - from Italy, Germany and the UAE - have found that there is a massive correlation between vitamin D deficiency and WuFlu hospitalization and death (I think in the Germany study it was 85% of deaths were vitamin D deficient? Can't recall). But, of course, bringing that up (or bringing up Ivermectin, or HCQ, or Zinc, or other stuff) also gets ignored by the Covidians.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

How the heck are a water buffalo, a couple talk show hosts, a couple ex-Bernie staffers and a writer going to get troops and transports into Kabul?

Now, I think things are moving way too fast for anyone to do anything, but if she really wants to try asking civilians, try talking to Erik Prince, Jason DeYonker and similar people. I know she finds them horribly evil and may well think even mentioning their names will harm her aura or something but short of getting a General on the phone they're your best bet.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

They better not do another group sing along. No one wants that.

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