ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

There aren't (in any sizeable numbers). Looking at demographic data

Ukrainians make up almost 77.8% of the total population, while Russians take the second spot with almost 17% of the population. Other minorities include Bella Russians 0.6%, Bulgarians 0.4%, Hungarians 0.3%, Crimean Tatars 0.5%, while Romanians and Poles both are 0.3% and Jewish residents make up 0.2% of the total population. Other minorities present are 1.8%.

Based on that, and the country's population of 41 million, you've got a couple thousand, maybe 10,000, blacks across the whole country.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not just Hunter. Biden, Kerry, Pelosi and Romney (at a minimum) all had friends and family members who had weird business connections to Ukrainian companies.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't they? OK, maybe there's some legal rationale that they can't do it directly, but there's nothing stopping GoG from saying :

Hmmm, ok, this past week we got $XXXX.XX in revenue from Russian sales. We are now choosing to make a donation to Ukranian Red Cross for $XXXX.XX

by Cascade
ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

and champions for a fair and open Internet.

Bribing companies to release their games exclusively on your store is being a champion of a fair and open internet? Not allowing user reviews is being a champion of a free and open internet? Not setting up forum/discussion sections on your store but telling companies to just use Reddit for it is being a champion of a free and open internet?

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

"I want to tell people go live in another country and realize we have it pretty good here."

Says the guy whose network's whole shtick is being the "America is an evil racist bigoted patriarchal society which must be torn down!"" channel

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

and workers are asking supporters to donate to a strike fund in order to ensure the striking employees can pay bills during this turbulent time.

Seriously? "Randos need to give us free money so we can strike against the company that we feel isn't giving us enough money to produce our literal propaganda pieces?" If you need money to pay bills, maybe don't go on strike?

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I suppose they would have preferred he tell them to fuck off and do nothing?

Nah, this is a witch hunt so either way is a lose. If he'd said he wouldn't do anything then they would have gone down the "richest man in the world but can't be bothered to help these poor war orphans" or something similar.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

So, maybe this is a stupid question, but just from the name can you realistically tell a Ukranian and Russian restaurant apart?

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

I had to grab a few things at Target

Well, that's half your problem right there. Target was one of the if not the first major store to give in to the gender neutral bathroom demands, so it's not surprising they're going all in on black owned businesses (and the other fads).

But, I agree with you that it is condescending. And, frankly, I've started doing what Galean said in his comment. If I see something advertised as a "<X> owned business!" I just avoid it on principle. Don't care if I'm missing out on something good, that's a chance I'm willing to take to not support the idpol nonsense.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

I agree that we will always need cops to enforce basic laws. But, they're increasingly not doing that. Where are they anytime BLM or Antifa start running around? Why aren't they doing anything about the growing number of catch and release criminals and shoplifting groups, and so on?

On the other hand, when some tranny or jogger starts shrieking that some microagression happened, it seems like they're right there. When someone dares try to keep a business open when the government says "nope, you have to keep it closed due to the coof" they're right there. Some people from Jan 6th were held in solitary confinement for months without charges. In the UK, cops are seemingly paying more attention to people saying naughty stuff online than to grooming gangs.

Sure, that's not all cops. But, cops are the enforcement arm of the state, and if the cops stop actually working for the protection of the people and instead just play along with whatever lunacy is coming out of the activists in government I say screw em. Useless/corrupt cops are worse than no cops. If they'd go away entirely at least I'd be able to try to defend myself if something happened. As it stands, though, if something does happen, the cops will probably do nothing and I'll get jailed for defending myself. Assuming we don't go full EU resulting in all of us getting locked up for wrongthink before that happens.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's not the technology itself. It's the specific implementation of technology. Take this story out of Texas from last summer, where the power company decided to remotely adjust thermostats to help balance the load. Or this other story from November about an issue with an app locking people out of their Teslas, because your phone acts as the key.

The issue isn't inherent to thermostats, cars, or anything else. It's the fact that people keep buying up (eagerly buying up, in many cases) the new cool thing that has a bunch of unnecessary bells and whistles and smartphone integration. Do you really need to be able to control your thermostat from anywhere? No. Do you really need to be able to remote start your car with your phone? No.
Yet people look at this and say "Oh, that's so cool, I always have my phone with me and so I can remotely control and monitor everything!", utterly ignoring (or being ignorant of) the fact that every time you add another online hook into something you create another back door which lets other people get in.

No, Google, I do not need a freakin jacket with bluetooth built into it. Literally no one ever needs a jacket with bluetooth built into it. If you need to adjust the volume on your music that badly, just stop your bike, adjust the volume, and then start biking again! But, apparently that's too complex or too annoying for people, so now we have bluetooth jackets.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is a very scary part of our reality that is becoming increasingly more common. Not so much because of this one story, but because of what it represents. Cars? See the article. Credit/debit cards? Can get cancelled at a moment's notice. Phones and computers? Can be remotely shut down and/or bricked (at least if you don't change default settings).

A lot of the stuff you think you own, you probably don't. And as society as a whole keeps coming down on the side of more convenience, more and more stuff being made will belong not to you but to the companies or governments.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Feels like this is a good time to bring up Janice Rogers Brown.

Back in 2003, Bush tried to nominate her to the DC Appeals Circuit and Biden (then a senator) joined in filibustering her. 2005, when she was renominated, she got through but Biden voted against her. When Sandra Day O’Connor retired, Biden went on national TV and said that if Brown was nominated to fill O'Connor's seat

I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered

Biden repeatedly got in the way of someone who easily could have been the first black Justice, 2 decades ago.

ailurus 29 points ago +29 / -0


So, some actress (who, according to her wikipedia page. has no children of her own and "was in treatment for PTSD and memories of child sexual abuse, back to the age of 11") thinks that a poem telling the world's most powerful man "I'm sorry your mommy didn't love you" is the correct action here? I can't even begin to think where she's starting from.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

The RCMP issued a guide called “Reporting Suspicious Incidents to Police” on Monday that encouraged Internet users to watch out for people with ... “grievance-driven ideologies.”

So, mass flagging campaign of BLM, CRT and every flavor of wokeness? Cause they're all grievance driven

ailurus 18 points ago +18 / -0

China doesn't think Canada's gone too far. Remember this is the place that was literally nailing Coof patients into their homes.

China is just smart enough to recognize that what Trudeau is doing is blatantly against all the perceived values of Canada, and calling him out on it to try to make him look bad.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Eh, maybe. Whole graph is mostly suspect since no scale is included - the swings could be 10 points, or 2 points, they could both be around 40-50% or around 10%.

Label your graphs and data points, people!

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least you get to vote in primaries. Here in New Yorkistan, you're only allowed to vote in primaries if you're a registered member of one of the parties and since the party choices are "never do anything useful" and "burn the world in the name of DIE" registering with one of them is not something I'm likely to do anytime soon.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

'George Floyd Remembrance Day'

Does everyone get free Fentanyl on that day then?

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gha, slap a NSFW (or, ideally, NSFL) tag on this thing!

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hundreds of thousands of deaths, from either tobacco or the pandemic, could be prevented with a single behavioral change.

Yep, that's correct. A simple behavioral change - stop being a fat, lazy, diabetic landwhale with high blood pressure and heart disease, and your chance of death from the coof is virtually nil if you're below 70-80 yo.

Oh, wait, we're still not supposed to talk about that? Sorry!

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