You_Are_Based -1 points ago +1 / -2

Can't tell whether you're ironically agreeing with the last dozen words of my comment or not.

You_Are_Based -7 points ago +2 / -9

People hate on "the npcs" but for one, we are all someone's npc, someone out there thinks of your beliefs specifically as that of some ineffectual majority horde. And the other thing is, the traits we associate with npc are the traits that lead people to support authority in any case, these are just "the people" and everyone has been sneering about them like Cersei fuckin Lannister since the beginning of civilization. Yknow who didn't smirk, was Jesus and all those "npcs" count time from the year he was born to this day, so

My point is we get caught up in d&c too easy, I guess. This lady has been a lesbian for God knows how long, imagine all the shit she would have talked online if it existed all that while, as something develops which nobody wants. One day it just IS and we're so entrenched in the d&c rituals we just react like "STUPID FEMINIST BOOMERS" lol

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bruh I am triggered. I wish Americans were whatever made it less likely to be short on meat and dairy. If that meant we were violent or that we were slaves, that wouldn't be my fault for wanting to eat meat as much as possible just like 99% of people in all societies in all of human history have wanted. An acceptable "deal" includes the meat.

There is NO flipping that on its ass, no jedish mind trick, no crap on the tv, no twitter trend, no fucking hurricane, no tOtAlLy mysterious fire, no hardcore neo-stazi action, no suddenly dieded Epsteins, nothing, there's nothing at all in the world that'll make Americans feel in the wrong for wanting meat.

Same goes for home ownership. The goalpost that was "success" from the Greatest to the Boomer generations has shifted to homeownership. It is even more important in our psyches than ever at a time when institutional forces are clusterraping the rate of homeownership. That puts a lot of pressure on one market, to almost singlehandedly maintain the illusion of social mobility as a possible outcome of work and ingenuity while it is actually not happening? Wanna guess how the math works on that?

And while Im on an over 9000 rant I might as well go for a home run and get it all out. I think privacy in general will become a Hard Issue with upper case letters so you know it's Some Actual Shit or SAS for short, just like food and homeownership.

The 4th is so laughably straightforward and violated, and intentionally misinterpreted and left outdated. One of the least mysterious pieces of legal shit a 21st century high fiction consumer could read. Imagine feeling confused about this;

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It says "papers", and looky-ho, a unified class of entities say... GO PAPERLESS lol BUY A SMORTPHONE LULZ. Suddenly, because we are talking "data" (data which, in the living memory of all baby boomers alive, was printed on PAPER) this means we are not talking "papers" anymore of course, which means POOF goodbye to that part of the Bill of Rights, bye bye. Don't worry, we don't UnMaSk you so go ahead and rela- HA GOTCHA WE UNMASKING ALL YOU TERRRREST MUFUGGAS HA, SUCK IT.

Nor are we talking "effects" anymore, nope, it's data now and yeah, you consciously agreed to let us suck it from you like blood, so we are morally blameless, you see?

Oh but looky here, the definition of "warrant" includes allllll sooorts of electromitronical communidoohickeys. "Data", wha? STFU there's no data, and also we own this data so GTFO. Yes they E-signed the oath in the warrant submission form thru the portal on the mobile thingy in the squad car. Dummy, they perfectly described what to search, see right here it's got your name and address, how much more specific can you get, SHEESH.

And if you didn't want us to have probable cause to do, like, whatever it was we did lulz, maybe you should have like, tried not having any opinions? Bam another right bites the dust. Yknow what we at the agency say boys, "if you can't amend em, apprehend em!" I swear one day this is gonna go full on SAS so fast, all it takes is one psychopath with a loosh leash at Google or a contractor group of some sort and no one will ever blink at the topic of food breaking down into a rant about a man's favorite seemingly non food-related rights.

These are all things specifically targeted. I have never felt so threatened by a threat to a "right" than I do by this talk about access to meat, for which I'm totally dependent on others. It really locks in the WEF scheme into a unified narrative of sorts concerning other changes, especially in the realm of ownership, social mobility, and privacy. All that stuff is hoity toity but unfortunately for them it includes (unnegotiably) the matter of food and that is simple, direct and tactile to us all. It connects the dots from philosophical, political discussion, to the actual practice of our lives, compulsorily, and including everyone who never let the hoity toity stuff affect their lives. Bc it's THE FOOD.


You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

They also need to frame the event in a way that doesnt humiliate institutional "we made a safe space guise!" virtue signals

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

"But I'm a woman this is sexual assault let me go hey-"

"Let's get you back to your bunk, Jaxon."


"Okay bud let's go"

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

field guide

oh for like, a war?

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

More comfortable, not easier. Once people realize they have zero representation it starts to go beyond easy, because acquiescing to a totally unpreventable thing easier than easy.

You_Are_Based 24 points ago +24 / -0

And they have turned bravery into a tewwowism

You_Are_Based 17 points ago +17 / -0

It is an outrage that the USA is not taking covid seriously. Those of us who know better should emigrate to countries with governments that do! Let's go. You first.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cucks on PARADE

Also, White black, black White. blackedy blackedy White White White black White fuck you Tom.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

woman king

Man I'm sure there's a word for that. It's on the tip of my tongue, "bitch" or "queen" or something.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hey just dropping by this thread to say for no reason at all that Shinzo Abe was killed using a homemade gun.

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

This would be more accurate if you're in cahoots with the sewer mole people, had your son stationed on the board of directors of a mole people energy company, and plan to launder money and weapons behind the scenes using the manholes above moletown.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every time I look into this I just get these total memes about some gay dude acting like a gay dude and Boris having a birthday party.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0


I talk about Florida and other places. Muscular Jew. Technology Enthusiast. Proven, qualified, and respected professional. Vaccines work.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iceland: 94% Icelandic, 6% all other

Japan: 98% Yamato, 2% all other

Illinois (chosen for no particular reason of course): 60% White, 18% Hispanic, 14.5% black, 7.5% all other

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

You've been posting this exact thing for around two years now.


You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dead like Star Wars? D: bc that's awfully dead for a baby like sheesh

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

singularly personal

Because getting pregnant and choosing abortion doesn't affect or involve anyone else in any way especially not a baby, bigot

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah the ones that he got totally legally and broadcasted on nat'l television even more legally

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think when millenials are the old people, lies will be fed differently. It is hard to imagine a relevant person (i.e. young and with a future, or old rich from exploiting said young people's futures) intentionally navigating to a WaPo article, reading past the headline, and moving on without any critical thought about who is telling them what.

That method of info consumption is more dated than grampa is. And in 1.5 generations it will exit through the revolving door where it will lay in slumber till strong men make good times again.

You_Are_Based 29 points ago +29 / -0

Remember the taxes thing? Cried and cried about it until it was leaked showing everyone he paid more per unit than all his competitors. Suddenly financial transparency is not important or doesn't count if involuntary

They threw the whole kingdom against Trump, they may have frauded him out (and he may have frauded US) but in the meanwhile they pretty much broke every tool on the wall of Trump and now untold millions of people have that perception of those tools. Massive damage. That includes riots. Guess who initially was abhorred by our recent Summer of Love? Me. Guess who is excited for the next Summer of Love? Me. The tool breaking went really far and has irreversibly changed how events are digested into the cultural consciousness.

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