You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

If "my side" were good at propaganda maybe we would own even one mainstream news organization, Imp. Maybe one politician. Power reflected in the material world to compliment our considerable populism. All we are good at there are the memes. And we're not even good at making memes, it's just that memes are good at communicating ideas and we use them to highlight ideas that make sense.

Your answer regarding a shift in female attitudes is empty. This discussion is stalled by it, but for the joy that drives me to write the rest of this comment.

You accuse me of projecting by rightly mocking how every single person to the right of you is a shill. This makes no sense on the face, but then, you're referring to "the right", to "my side" and not me. But you might as well be complaining "the niggers", because the line separating you from your average bigot is NOTHING, a mundane shift of nouns that serve the role of pretty clothes to play dress-up with an entrenched way of thought.

Tons of people I happen to never bitch at are very, very guilty of this. It is often their defining trait. But what I like about them, and what keeps them unbitched by me, is their self awareness and pride: the fact that it is obvious on the face that they are bigots on purpose because they think it is right & good to be so. That is not you, you are being a hypocrite and a doofus when you behave this way. Which is constantly.

Your neurotic identity-based hatred of women lends itself to the reality that people with neurotic identity-based hatred are not shills. Behind any great bigotry is great love, if "great" can mean "maintained with reason". Lots of people hate outside of reason. For instance idk what it is in you that makes you so in LOVE with your boogeyman of choice, defending her with your life, 24/7 white knighting her pride as #1. You are hostile to anyone who holds anyone else's deeds above hers. You actually worship feminists.

I feel this way about ConPro users who cannot stop talking about blacks 24/7, too. They worship black people in a way that would make their heads pop to accept. Black people, just like radfems, are simply not at the root of the power structure we all want to be enemies of together.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

So propaganda does not exist? Brainwashing is a myth?

Bearing that every single (every single) man in your lineage back to the beginning of time had it in them to find and attract a woman- every generation until you were born- is my viewpoint really more ridiculous than yours? Either you come from a long line of retards, or there at least WERE acceptable women.

Now, what could cause a transition from a society of acceptable mates to one with a shortage? Think, maybe, you could expose people to information that affects their behavior?

Your stance is devoid of logic but even that would be fine if you could put your money where your mouth is and present yourself as a genuine mind. Always calling people shills and knocking them for sycophancy, but idk if I have even once seen you step back from the narrative line you tow no matter how much face it could save.

Ironically, you react in a way you think saves face for your beloved narrative structure (by turning to superficial and childlike insults), but you are really just maintaining a deficit of reputability. A deficit you could recover from by entertaining "hostile" information just enough to have a genuine argument.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

When cucks organized into mgtow squads and began to find themselves at odds with complete men.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

I have noticed that all the people who use the suffix cuck in stormCUCK, happen to be men who exist in sexual isolation while chad has sex with the last woman they cared about.

You_Are_Based 28 points ago +28 / -0

The idea of replacing Clark Kent with another straight white savior felt like a missed opportunity

2 hours later:

if only more straight white men had bought comics the series could have been saved :'(

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

You don't need it.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +5 / -2

It is usually in good faith, Imp. An opposing argument is not automatically made in bad faith just because you feel personally that its advocate is intractable. It could simply be a losing argument :P. I actually kind of like you as far as people on the internet go. Being wrong about your boogeyman of choice does not make you an evil or dastardly person. It just makes me want to rib on you.

I ask you to consider that perspective toward JQ pilled people and ConPro here on scored. Personally I think you are being paranoid or neurotic about ConPro on account of their understanding of the world's problems comfortably encompassing your own. :P just to rib you.

ConPro has been split on le based black tweets. Some seething in a low density stew about any White Nationalists paying positive attention to a negro, and others celebrating an incredibly famous person standing up to jews where countless normies will see it. I don't see what a ConPro user would get out of botting Kanyeposts in their own neighborhood where literally everyone already know about it or would soon learn anyway. Especially given a meta of "those kinds" of users getting alts out of the handshake phase (you have this hapoening on T_D a lot too), and the bots being boldfacedly fresh.

Also specifically regarding KIA2, many view posters here as anime/catboy vidya consoomers and as such and I lose White Supreme Pizza clout for even posting here lol. I just don't see White Nationalists being like "hit THESE boys with KANYE muahahahaha". On /pol/ it is not even being celebrated, often the only thread is complaining about him being black.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why do you think they do that instead of using the last accounts they had? Certainly seems like the same person or group as the last few times it was noted.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

(Capitalizes native American, uses lower case for White)

by folx
You_Are_Based 2 points ago +3 / -1

Okay maybe I take back my above comment, maybe I want movies where the kids are safe and the dog always comes back and such...

by folx
You_Are_Based 2 points ago +3 / -1

o_o not that I would want hollyjood slimeballs to exploit the girl's suffering, but this is the kind of stuff top shelf horror films are made of. Psychopaths like this lady and the damage they do is so fuckin real and down to Earth. Way scarier than a cgi monster that could only exist in my life as some easily btfo'd video game enemy.

by folx
You_Are_Based 1 point ago +4 / -3

He didn't say she is not responsible for her crime. Just called you out on what I agree is a bad frame of a 36 year old man fucking his girlfriend's underage daughter.

Is he not responsible for that? I don't care if he seduced him. Are we not responsible for things even if a woman is being sexy? The moment a 14 year old winks at you, all social contract goes void?

There is no mutual exclusivity in terms of responsibility. There is no shortage of things everyone is responsible for, or any rule saying that overlapping responsibilities cancel out one another. She has proven to be a dangerous psycho as an adult and we are talking about the same person at age 14. I am sure her life is a trail of failed responsibilities and evil choices given the audacity it takes to play victim in a scenario where you've murdered your own children.

Still, nothing about that changes the responsibility of a 36 year old to avoid sexual contact with her as a 14 year old. In fact this story is like a real-life hyperbole, like a scary tall tale parents would tell their sons on a camping trip to scare them from growing up to be promiscuous.

"And that very week she MURDERED THEM ALL!!"


"now go to sleep, Timmy."

You_Are_Based 23 points ago +23 / -0

But they are suing him over not purchasing the company for 44bn?

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

election fraud doesnt affect you therefore you cannot sue over election fraud

One of the most retarded ideas ever to grace the folds of my think-ball. Why would any union or elections in general ever even happen if this is the case? Why would one state agree to be bound to such an "election" in another state? Whole USA destroyed at a conceptual level with this one line of tyrant bullshit. A good sign that the USA is occupied.

You_Are_Based 20 points ago +20 / -0

Women deserve untrooned girl spaces to have their vapid, trite gossip-conversations just like men deserve untrooned spaces to discuss problems associated with all the weight of the world. Just like children deserve spaces to socialize without adults asking them to like penises.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0


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