You_Are_Based 22 points ago +22 / -0
  1. We wuz kangz
  2. Kangz had princesses
  3. Princesses had tiaras
  4. I shall name her Tiara

Totally reasonable line of thinking. Unrelatedly, I'd like everyone to meet my son, Nephilimskull.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

My fellow whites! Lol.. I just don't know anymore these days, whether anything is real or if I am being memed on by anyone from shitposters to transvestites to G-Men, it is all a blur of raw oversocialization at this point.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

for goodness' sake White ladies, try to control yourselves around the sexy hypenated Africans

t. >8^]

by folx
You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

If he's not a nazi then I ain't boosting him. But I kid, bc the stereotype about wholesome and trad accts is true. It's because objective morality exists i.e. God has preferences.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +17 / -14

I find your attitude to be more tragic than this poo lady's.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hate fact: women with a fixation on recieving rape threats, the kind who fake it, are trying to live out a self involved fantasy where everyone desires them so badly they'd sacrifice their futures to have them by force.

Not that you or kia2 needs to hear it. Bc it's 50 shades of grey and it's the handmaid's tale and it's metaverse rape, and many other little microcosm examples that people here have been 100% on top of since GG. Probably the most aware subculture online regarding real life attitudes leaking out from sexual fantasy in whatever space, market, position etc a women occupies.

It has been that way with women since time primordial, I believe. This is why women are traditionally regarded as amoral, they take these monkey flesh instincts and infect reality in a special way that is unique to their social circumstance. Men have plenty of the same base instincts, and a greater potential for raw violence, but even very stupid or very evil men are historically grounded in objective reality to whatever degree is required to cooperate with other men for survival.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

[Me] The Rangz of Power "the series' true villain: compulsory negroes."

You_Are_Based 18 points ago +18 / -0

Reddit exists to gaslight you on politics by consensus cracking subjects in a highly controlled environment. The interests that the individual subs focus on are just a lure, excuse, or incentive on your end to get you into that controlled environment. Reddit makes jack squat from labeled ads in the age of third party apps and adblockers, they make their real revenue as a cesspit of favor-finance and have been forever, even before the original owner and his business model & company mission statements were all suicided.

Just my personal understanding of course.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice. Sounds like they need energy more than they crave virtue.

You_Are_Based 21 points ago +21 / -0

Closed a bunch of subreddits for wrongthink and .win was born. I find it demoralizing that people prioritize their scroooling interests and habits in continuing to use these sites that actively work to undermine and suffocate everything we believe in.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yknow, us chuds posted and enjoyed this meme under this same exact context a few days before you.

The website is yerclothingstore.com and yer stands for Yermelin.

Names Like Yermelin Yecheskel 47% Yechezkel 47% Yechiel 53% Yedidya 40% Yefim 46% Yefri 62% Yehoshua 25% Yehuda 29% Yehudah 27% Yehya 31% Yeicob 43%

The website is registered with domainsbyproxy.com to obscure ownership.

Also this reminds me that I wanted to remark in general on the difference between the votes on your comments vs your memes. It is not like you post memes that are antithetical to what you write in comments. I think people hate reading or something. Like a meme that displays a phenomenon is well received by default while a comment describing it in text activates something combative in us. It goes to show why memes are ultimate. Something I like about you is that, while you always shoot me down, never once do I recall you complaining about having to read too many heckin wordsies before doing so.

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

A while ago there was mutinous talk on the subject of the state taking away kids, brainwashing and castrating them. Now we're just like "horrible, yeah this is bad, things are bad"

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +9 / -1

Random black people are not responsible for what the US government, or viacom, or comcast, or jp morgan chase, or even blm do... "race war" talk is just divisionism and a deflection from the specific identities of people who are in fact responsible for the behavior of entities that shape everybody's lives

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hey friends. If a group were 2%of the population you wouldn't expect them to singularly control Comcast's board of directors, would you?

And if only one or two of those people owned well over half the company shares, their beliefs wouldn't be reflected by the company's behavior, right?

American corporate law didn't dictate in Dodge vs Ford that a company's first and foremost responsibility is to those shareholders, did it? Shareholders have no say in what the company does, right?

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pornhub et al. I'd just shut it down. Make a video about how we harvested and destroyed all the storage drives and then sold off most of the server equipment. Keep the domains up with pictures of Jesus and links to rehabilitation materials.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah I see. I don't watch the office, I chose that meme without thinking very muchn

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're absolutely right Imp. I accidentally interpreted the word subversive backwards here, like he was saying censorship triggers the female urge to please authority and that the internet allows them to safely act as virtua-gestapo to please the censors.

Basically in my head, this effect caused this particular woman to jump the shark to serve her authorityology, seething from a feigned position of righteous authority about even wordless emojis being a medium for wrongthink. So like, subversive against humanity.

But I see now it's totally obvious he was saying the absolute opposite and that I am a turbo autist :P

Edit: that last part is not meant to sound sarcastic

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