You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

I disagree. Many had jobs that were actually useless no matter the efficiency they are performed with. Only solution would have been a horizontal career move based on actual tech related skills.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe those women should have "targeted" job security. "Target" a training course. Instead they wanted to be paid to do nothing and chat on slack.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

It would bother me more if I thought he were some interloping and deliberately subversive figure, but he is a "real guy" and believes what he says. I feel the abuse I've given him is more of a sin than his passionately attempting to advance his personal opinions with others. It can be a lot but the onus is on the mods to makes rules that are honest and functional instead of serving as pin-the-donkey mcguffins for frustrated jannitors

You_Are_Based 21 points ago +21 / -0

I have been so rude to him I feel it's meaningless to say I agree. But the answer among friends is to let time and debate serve as a crucible for truth. If that starts getting people banned then it suggests that the truth is a violation (say, hypothetically, of rule 16).

Whether Imp is right or wrong that women are mustache twirling villains, or further, at the center of a unifying conspiracy, is not relevant. At the root of it, he got banned for suggesting that ANYONE of ANY identity could HYPOTHETICALLY be up to ANYTHING bad. Newsflash: that rule applies to 99% of discussion in all the big wide world because every single person (A) has a personal identity and (B) is affected by the actions of others.

The rule is totally ubiquitous and therefore meaningless. It can only be imposed unfairly and at whim, because a fair and evenhanded enforcement would shut down the forum, or, at scale, the entire internet. It's everything you ever hated about the response to gamergate- INSIDE the GAMERGATE forum lol

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

That is the way it is, though. In my opinion. Women don't have the agency a man has. At its core this is because men are stronger.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

When Trump came into power there was a brief supermajority in congress and senate iirc. Certain republicans straight up resigned when threatened with imminent success. Trey Gowdy for example quit and immediately became a fox news contributor so he could maintain his hot-air to accomplishment ratio.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

elon's mom

You mean Eloncubator 0020-F-SA

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im sorry for being such a dick to you Imp.

I get frustrated about my own totally unrelated problems and take it out on people on the internet, some of whom I'm closer to liking than disliking. I have gotten particularly bad on twitter. It's like I can be BEYOND spiteful and hateful and in violation of terms of service or any tier of rules, but if I do so boringly enough, a few sad people clap and turn my rage and foolishness into happy chemicals and that's that. It has all been terrible for my psyche and probably others' too.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad he won his case and all but he seems like some 45 year old pr celeb handler is running a grift scheme off him like a ho

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I realize this may be outside of your experience but social validation does not automatically and exclusively mean comment votes on obscure reddit clones

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

I could also cherry pick good, non-subversive movies

Fair point

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a lot of mean answers you have nearly walked into there, but without the snark they each boil down to forms of social validation.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

I notice 2% of the population because they are fucking people I love.

You notice 50% of the population because they are fucking people you hate.

We are not the same.

You_Are_Based 14 points ago +15 / -1

Just to be clear, this is basically the process whenever I "check" something for subversive intent, it always turns out the same way. That is why they say "every single time".

6% of the global population and 2% of the American population should not be separated by 1 degree or less from literally every single piece of western culture propaganda.

And those 6% and 2% figures are grossly inflated because obviously only a certain % of the total jewish population anywhere are actually directly involved in cultural export.

Queue Imp "I couldn't help but notice his WIFE was a FEMALE" :P

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +13 / -1

Directed by Fred F Sears.

Sears's budget-stretching skills attracted the attention of Columbia staff producer Sam Katzman. Katzman was a notoriously cheap producer, making topical films so quickly that they could be playing in theaters while the topic was still hot. (wikipedia)

Producer Sam Katzman:

Sam was born to a Jewish family https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/katzman-sam

Written by Jack Natteford and his wife.

"oy vey what if we made a film about annuduh" lol https://books.google.com/books?id=5_l4Ej1fdmQC&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq=Jack+Natteford+jewish+jew+lynching+lynch&source=bl&ots=vCV_svgg0F&sig=ACfU3U3iUqJx_kdxo6HwIHvapz50rnDNog&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA8Z3v6uD7AhWkmokEHWp8CDwQ6AF6BAgcEAI#v=onepage&q=Jack%20Natteford&f=false

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

How will they feel in 50 years when there is one collective phrase (like today's phrase The Dark Ages) to dismiss media made from 2010 to 2030+. There is no way for example, that nuWars will make it's way into the Star Wars triology. NuWars only validated the first set of pre Dark Age remakes, and stands a good chance of being considered "the start" of the film Dark Age due to outshining other signs of cultural decay in the leadup to it.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

I was a casual viewer of anime and only did normie non-hipster stuff. My list is like, AoT, Death Note, FMA & Brotherhood, Trigun, Berserk ('97 ofc), Samurai Champloo, Dragon Ball, DBZ & recently Super. Anyway, I know it must be different for a truer fan or an outright better person than me, but personally I've never paid to watch anime. Free services are always a brief search away and if I could not find it for free I would do something else with my time.

Society is so decadent, I am so spoiled, I waste my life and that is my investment. Everything is begging me to spend my time on it. Not even my money, but me myself. We are the product, that is reality and the current stage in the societal arms race. So I'm gonna go ahead and slide into my leverage as a data object, and it's the interest of any active collector of me to adapt against that in turn. Which is to say Crunchyroll gets to "fuck off and deal with it" just like I get to "fuck off and deal with it" when I don't like something that is none of my business and also impossible to stop anyhow.

So anyway lol. I don't think charging for the service and also censoring it makes much sense.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

@elonmusk help me Im being incited to le violence ahhhh I'm succumbing to incitement ahh help!!

You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0

Hitler is demonic like abortion is a right and Christianity is hateful. Nothing could raise my interest in the virtuous aspects of the life of Adolf Hitler any more dramatically than these specific people invoking religious language on the matter in 2022

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

That's true, for women (one of the two only genders iirc).

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Boobs and Supreme have good content. Maybe some titles are funky but I feel self-conscious about any trouble I have interpreting the text, rather than feeling very critical of them as title authors. They do it for free.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

The US Israel PAC? Oh yeah nevermind you're totally right, we can totally trust everybody involved in that to self-report any wayward financials

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love your worldly and knowledgable take on the sins of the US Israel PAC

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