You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

intrusive staring of a sexual nature

So "looking while poor and ugly"

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

Would seem to overlap plenty. I can't find anything about threats of violence though. Brave and google seem to interpret the word violence to mean trolling black or jewish persons online, so it is hard to research whether it got to threats of violence on the service providers' ends.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it possible that this is a based dude trying to punish the system's use of trannies as cultural wrecking balls? He does to the canadian schools and govt what Sergeant Yiff Woof is doing to the military, everyone but chat bots and the heavily groomed can tell instinctively by sight that these things are disgusting & wrong.

I guess it's mental gymnastics for me to work out a theory where these guys are morally comprehensible to me, but the alternative drives me nuts. I mean how often have you talked face to face with someone who can't level with you on basics when it comes down to it? Like actual 2+2, up-is-up stuff? For me it is not often at all. I want to say never, but if I had a perfect memory, idk.

Obviously people cling to their personal convictions socially speaking, but when it gets real, face to face, there comes an implicit understanding of the separation between discussion, stance, emotion, moral posture, etc VS. physical reality itself. In a real life talk you can reach consensus on core the tranny question every time, BUT it will come with a BUT: muh stance, muh emotion, muh moral posture. At least at that juncture we understand that those are personal human complaints in the face of an unforgivingly objective physical reality, one that we know we agree exists.

The reason I bring that up is because this goes away totally when the person's exploits are famous on the internet and you can't and will never be able to take advantage of the candid and cooperative nature of an actual face to face discussion with them. If people aren't fighting in a discussion they are working toward some conclusion together. It's nature. The internet and celebrity culture massacre this beautifully evolved system. Strangers argue with each other and with bots about famous strangers and there is no game connection between anyone's text output and, well, anything. You can just type la di doe di dah and send without triggering practically any of the innumerable and precise social mechanisms that enabled formation of human societies in the first place.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

civil suits

Goalposts again.

Listen. The claim was that kiwi is being censored in an extralegal and historically atypical way. You haven't brought up anything that demands a reconsideration of that, just expanded or mutated qualifiers in the initial claim.

You don't have to grovel to me in admission that the distinction makes sense. I don't give a shit. And if you want to send more console-wars tier ad hominem bullshit into the black hole of my inbox, I also don't give a shit. My part in the discussion is over.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

in several of the countries it is blocked

|×|¹ --------------> |x|²

¹Previous goal location

²Current goal location

More to the point, in addition to being legally embattled in sweden where it has often been hosted, it is not operated in a US legal way for a US legal purpose like kiwifarms

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

So she got de-tits'd and all but what really jumps out to me is that the 2007 model is far and away the best. I remember the 2000s so fondly in terms of pop culture ='(

You_Are_Based 38 points ago +40 / -2

Totally legal website that has been taken down using extralegal means. Name me another? It's not feds taking the domain, it's not financial woes leading to voluntary shutdown, it's not cloudfare refusing protection, it's physical threats to the women and children of ISP suits

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

If even just a few lawmakers were genuinely on our side they could leverage lots of pressure for a much more simple law. Trump was a worm on many culture points but be that as it may he generated incredible pressure for that just by mentioning it to yearning masses

by folx
You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

That logo looks like it's about to marry the minting mechanism of the reichmark to tax reporting such that the value of one mark can be said to be equivalent to one hour of German labor, and then distribute that mark into the economy via working class wages and grants to families instead of handing all new mint directly to the j- I mean, the banking cartel.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

⁴Jesus worshipper*

and only downplaying the part of your narrative where the all of the world's top criminals are ignored and get off scott free for being male while we concentrate on abstaining from positive contact with the entire female gender

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yknow when we reflect on a baby sea turtle's chances of growing to adulthood, how our amazement is affected by the knowledge that the mother turtle had laid an unfathomable number of eggs to stretch the successful portion of their success/failure ratio?

I don't question for a second most of what you said here about balenciaga. I guess I'm lazy and write them off as Marina Abramović acrolytes or wannabes, yknow "uH aCtUaLly we'Re pErFoRmaNce aRtisTs LOL" and that escapes immediately from "Woman Plot" into the real world situation regarding cabal families, actual movement of real money, actual paper ownership of organizations and such.

Anything you communicate to your familiars about the Evil Woman Plot just kind of snuggles into its place in the closest applicable real world context the way a sea turtle baby slides into the sea, and everyone feels like "buddy this is the 200,000th egg Imp has laid on this beach so simmer down"

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is not content or "gaming journalism" (I was barely willing and able to type that phrase, phew), it's a steam deck advertisement.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +11 / -2

To be fair, I didnt read this thoroughly, but it sounds like you are saying "no you're incorrect" and then explaining mechanisms that show he is correct

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

The only malfunction Ive seen is on the rules page, 15 or 16 items down

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with her! This is a Christian nation and they should not go and forget it just because that might be more comfortable :). Gotta face it before anything can be done about it. For instance if we hide Christian hegenomy we might forget that there are places in the world where Christian hegenomy is not the norm, and that those places can be traveled to, and even hypothetically resided within

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

The nugget of wisdom here is that most of us are are all the same with nouns changed up. People will wax indignant about how much worse "the others" are but we are all "soulless cattle" together, one single group, to someone.

Not that I'm allowed to speak about that here! On this forum specifically made to discuss a cabal of people protecting their in-group interests against the masses. Lol

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I doubt you want another response from me Dom, in which case you're in luck because I'm in a crunch today

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting, but have you ever asked a leftist if they would like to "1488" "minorities"? You guys with this "right loops back to left" stuff are taking some serious globohomo propaganda schlong up your asses. Only the TV, censors, and the most cringe, grifty, and fake e-celebs hold that opinion, as far as opinion sourcing goes. And I don't believe for a second any of you come to these conclusions on your own, personally. Things that people come up with on their own are generally practical, because they came into being by way of those people searching specifically for that which makes sense in real life / is not totally retarded. It is like globe earth haters who think travelling straight upward far enough would land you in australia. It's objectively nonsense and requires constant social validation and authority checks, as Dom accidentally explained in great detail.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have to keep bitching, I don't mean to be outright disrespectful to you in a personally attacky sort of way but separately I very much mean to treat your arguments that way. I think much of what you have mentioned here is illogical, amoral, or a philosophical dead end of one kind or another.

First it seems you are encouraging people to use double speak and avoiding saying what they actually mean, specifically as a show of compliance. I could spend all day giving this the "leftist metawhatever" treatment that you have presented me regarding Imp but I'll just say this is morally reprehensible in my opinion because I associate it with the USSR which I am biased against.

Next, it sounds to me like you are arguing the hypothetical suggestion of the existence or operation of any class of wealthy people in general is leftist metanarrative, and that on this basis, we have a social responsibility not to discuss the possibility. That is morally wrong and also factually incorrect. It is objectively true that wealthy people exist, and that each person has an identity, and that people within identity groups express in-group preference.

Even more nextly... do you reckon any of us can name an actual left wing forum where Imp would be welcome to attack all women on the basis you've presented here? (Being that since "woman" is an identity, and attacks on identity are sectarian, and leftists exploit this, it is therefore fundamentally leftist)?

My last bit of bitching is: does left wing thought exceed the limits of free speech on KIA2? In order to communicate here, should we only say right wing things? But not tooo right wing, since that's actually leftist again? Is there a chart somewhere to help miscreant posters identify the allowable portion of the spectrum of human thought?

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +7 / -1

If he said 99.9% of women were in such a cabal, or 99.8%, or 99.7%... when does that go from violating this """""""""rule""""""""", to being in the clear?

If it's so important and so dependent on his naming ALL women, specifically every single woman, then lets ask him if my mom is not involved. If he says no, would you not either have to unban him, or else, admit to at least some degree the utter gatekeeping foolishness of the rule?

I say this knowing full well he might condemn my mother, but you understand the point I'm trying to make

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