You_Are_Based -1 points ago +3 / -4

If the contracts between the same companies and talking heads get dolled up, will you wave the ol MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner? Reform would be a fraudulent and meaningless gesture. Any concessions made to signers would not hold for long, no matter how purely aesthetic they were to begin with.

The answer is to sever these businesses from "voice" because they have revealed their intent and it is hostile to us. Let genuine people who buy into their pipeline be transitioned into grifters and enjoy that life. The danger is in embracing and working not even with, but under our own glowing fifth column de-escalation handler nannies. All for the dangling carrot of muh exposure. The reason it is dangerous is because these people suck in and ruin potential leaders. Drag them through the dirt with diehard lifelong grifters, bonk em on the head on posture them as little employees for the public to see... I am manually stopping myself from typing more: NOW


We should be shaming every participant as hard as possible for not being indie. Signing a contract with these agenda driven "news orgs" after building up a personal career is basically being a scab. Like scab working during a strike, except it's not a strike to improve working conditions in a warehouse, it's a extracorporate strike over the condition of private and govt entities' authority over an individual's speech. People signing on board with them should be made to live out their career cycle in an environment of public shame.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh Imp if I let myself write a big thing about what I mean it will be a waste of perhaps our time. I can't even start the first sentence without going on and on. Hell, I'm starting to do it now.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm alive and virile, so

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +8 / -3

Grifters deserve it. They deserve for the contract to mandate they wear a buttplug. And more. But average human beings living their lives don't deserve the results of those other people's choices

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and hey- wait a minute

How come it is racist and not blackophobic? Because too many people would respond "yes, I suffer from blackophobia, it's true"?

I'm definitely nervous around blacks in my city. I am not at all afraid of fags. It is slander, I am not homophobic, it is just sexism. I am blackophobic. My blood pressure literally rises if a black person is behind me where I can't see em. No one feels this way about fags.

If you are a man and if you lay with men and behave as a woman I look at that with disgust. Calling me homophobic for that is factually incorrect. It is like calling me weakophobic. "LiterallyNotThreatenedAtAllphobic".

Fear is a form of respect. Fags command the least respect, fear, out of any and every group. People worry about trannies more than fags, even though trannies are living punching bags for the soul and constitute less than 1% of the population, because they have a reputation for being unhinged which motivates a basic sense of wariness in normal people. Fags don't have that. Just butt sex.

Just very interesting, maybe even telling, that we are called homophobic and not blackophobic.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure when you typed that it sounded snazzy and not at all logically circular

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Soon Whites will be a minority group within all of our countries but the UN will not call for intervention

You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0


Hawaiians le fat

by folx
You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are adequately intelligent plenty of the time. It is a social strategy. From your moral framework they appear wormlike and/or extremely unintelligent but that reflects more on you. In a positive light, I should add.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

When a jew says it it's classic comedy but when a white dude says it he is perpetuating conspiracy theories rooted in a belief in replacement migration which is assumed by law to precipitate literal terrorism and qualifies as a trigger for policy functions of multiple separate military and spy organizations created solely to focus on foreign threats in a political environment where law is actually determined by public opinion instead of mandating it

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have something unfortunate to report to you about Einstein lol

by folx
You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would call it broposting

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +15 / -0

It is just humiliation ritual at this point. They can take any little thing that gives you any little means of independence, down to the most petty shit you can imagine, and force us to defend that thing against goons and npcs in the public square like cats chasing a laser pointer.

The name of the thing is written into the Death Note and the gayest Yagami of all universes is already penning the next mundane thing into Note while we are still having "we should not let the government straight up ban the thing" discussions like there was ever any question about what will end up happening, or why.

The only REAL question is "now?" and if we are looking to someone else to say "Yes, now" the answer you will get is "no", always, no matter what. We keep asking others til we expect nothing at all, ever. We expect it to be solved by others, and we expect nothing from others, and so "no" blurs as well as possible from "not now" into "no, never", in an exploitation of our sloth and cowardice. There are solutions to this, overrides... which is why potential leaders are neurotically extracted from our library of cultural resources like bugs from under the skin of a spun out methhead.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

With one general exception, I don't blame anyone for looking at the world today and lamenting about muh ancestors.

West Euros did a whole ton of murdering of one another just like we describe NA natives doing, it is a phase of civilization. Eventually the situation develops, with or without external ahem, help. Who knows what could have been.

It's the right of like 92% of the world's population to complain about lost possibilities, get mad, and bug out. We will soon be smushed entirely into NATO, EU, BRICS, more separated than ever from our individual ethnic "what-could-have-been's" while our lives are run by an even smaller, more condensed group of elite than ever

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

You underestimate the blurring of the lines. Marketing comes in many different forms. The smartest ones have been adapting quite well to a landscape full of people like you and I totally shutting out all honest, upfront advertising.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Listen here "Temujin and tonic", you anonymous, cowardly little demon monkey, agent of chaos, your room is filthy, your proverbial genitals are unwashed, and instead of slaying the dragon you have become the dragon who must be slain. Nothing postmodern, kid.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

That wouldn't own da cishet shitlords and show the patriarchy that trannies are heckin valid and there aint no room for le nazis. In the realm of financial reality however, it comes down to the subsidization of wokeness in an environment that is otherwise extremely hostile.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

So, usually I know what I am clicking before I click it. That is the way it should be. It is literally a chore to guess what you could have meant this post title to communicate. There is no other insight available such as a thumbnail or the original url. There is nothing wrong with using proper nouns

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +7 / -1

by feminists

Nope lol. Feminists have never made me justify my own existence. "Muh scoience will render males obsolete!!" Okay but have you ever heard the phrase "earn a living"? Have you ever heard that phrase after 20+ years of just barely earning said living, and wondered, who am I earning my life from, really?

The feminists, surely! The feminists own me. The feminists own my country. The feminists own the means of production! The feminists operate the monopoly money currency that runs my life. The feminists own all the intellectual property, and of course, EVERYONE knows that FEMINISTS own hollywood and no one else, no sir!

Unfortunately, due to the presence of antonio and imp basically, that last paragraph may require a /s tag

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