You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

I hate how they throw the word girlfriend out there and then just cancel the word girlfriend in the same sentence. The word has a meaning, if you are using another word that means the literal opposite meaning RIGHT after it then maybe you chose the first word a little fucking poorly lol

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

If fame means living for free off of everyone's backs in return for nothing while loudly denouncing my rights and voting for the state to steal from me, then I love celebrities about as much as I love black people.

The fun part is that they get to choose what fame means, and this is what they choose. Maybe there's even a bit of meta-freudian begging-the-question going on for their part; "when will plebs rise up and murder me in accordance to my own beliefs?" (And the other side of the coin: "if dont, then they deserve to be slaves and therefore my lifestyle is justified").

I take issue to celebrity hatred being cast as left wing in this thread. Any right winger who slobs on the nob is a cuck in right wing terms. I don't even know the left wing term. Bootlicker, maybe? What terminology do you hear most often, when a person is being rebuked for loving a celebrity out loud? See cuck, retard, redditor i.e... as it happens, the insults directed at celebrity lovers are the same as the insults directed to leftists in any case.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

That'd be quite ironic since the post was about someone who know's it's true mistreating and attempting to censor people who are willing to say out loud that it's true.

Funny how it comes to censoring and punishing the very question of censorship and punishment. There was a group in Russia who made that effect quite famous in the 20th century. Little men with no real power in the 21st century emulate them and engage in that behavior within whatever impotent little scope they can, to bask in the dream of the real thing (not unlike a man watching porn because he's alone, dreaming of having actual having sex as his sucessfully married grandparents would've been doing at his age).

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its funny how he claims to hate counter semites for our wild and wacky theories about jewish power while basically praying to "the jews" and israel every night on his twitter knock-off.

2% of the population, less than 25% of which is projected to vote for him... but see, he insists anti-semitism is a rising problem, and if even 5% of the country-at-large is counter semitic, then that is massively more votes than he could ever receive from jews.

So by begging "the jews" for support and stressing the vital importance of it, he reveals that he professionally agrees with anti-semites about disproportionate jewish power. Which means he disparages good people for saying something he personally knows to be true.

This, to me, is a million times worse than an actual jew supporting israel, scamming the goyim, and disparaging anti-semites for the sake of defending their own. Said jew is doing what is right or at least what is advantageous by his own people and family.

Trump, by contrast, threw in with them against his own and has carefully strung along racist whites as best as he can while genuinely hating them and throwing them under the bus. It goes as far as marrying his children off to jews, man turned the entire legacy of his life and body into a dowry for jews because he believes jews dispense power like an ATM, and he's right, and yet he will support legislation to ban you and 300 million other souls from even talking about it.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I were a real high IQ fella I would reduce this truly excellent post into a sort of catchphrase that communicates what you've said in only a few words. But just saying "they lied, people died" doesnt seem to communicate it well enough. They deliberately lied for the intended purpose of causing terror and then the cover of terror was used to transfer unfathomable wealth away from the working class of the country and defraud US elections.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

That sounds like something a fuckin anti-pandite koala might say.

You_Are_Based 18 points ago +18 / -0

I live in a socialist country that hates me for my gender, skin color and political views.

Sorry sir but you're going to have to be more specific


You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0


In 2020 she was wheeling out "Im black now not indian", which has always been a delicate thing due to her time as a prosecutor building an entire career off of arresting brown people almost exclusively for petty offensives.

But it worked great. Trump and diehards can hardly talk shit about it because in his dogma, it's based and redpilled when a zogbot prosecutes a lawbreaker.

The result is a vacuum where the people who WOULD and SHOULD be bitching about the hypocrisy of her past are quiet about it because they are (a) supposed to support the things she was doing despite being against her, or are (b) totally in the bag for her because Trump symbolizes the Great White Hope for them and they hate themselves/whites for existing more than they could ever hate a stronk powerful female racial minority for being a shapeshifting hu-demon.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

The way she made every colored line a different color reminds me of MS Excel girls at the office, coloring individual boxes in big spreadsheets for pReSeNTaTiOn vAlUe, making as much money as I did actually working each hour to increase revenues and decrease losses while subject to actual performance tracking.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +10 / -1

made me smile in the middle of my doomscroll

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I realize this implication is baked in, but it stands to reason that appealing to jews is not about good honest competition, since jews account for about 2% of the American population and well fewer than 25% of them voted for Trump in either 2016 or 2020, which is about 1.75m votes. If even 1% of the general population is anti-semitic that is approximately 3.5m votes (but it could be 35m+ votes at 10%+ and such).

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I hope that canadians don't get trojan horsed over one good foreign policy stance lol. To that end I hope that the opposing candidates lack "lets go to war for israel" stances.

Every time Trump says "if I'm not elected israel will be destroyed! Kamala is not up to the task of protecting israel"(sic) I experience a little moment of internal panic. Like, bro, you are in a good position... maybe discuss ANYTHING ELSE for like 60 days. 60 days of radio silence would be better than that. Every time Trump opens his mouth to blow some more israeli cock, every American's likelihood of future prosperity dips.

Whatever it is in the collective left wing mind that wants amerisraeli dollars diverted away from bombing browns, it has been a thorn in my side forever. I can't help but feel if leftists supported genocide the republicans would be rabidly anti-genocidal maniacs, jealously guarding their ownership of the anti-genocide position by doing things like, oh, not feeding bombs directly into the "let's destroy an entire people" pipeline, and I would have 90% of all my desired economic and social stances covered by 1 party.

I know in reality these stances are not owned, that doing what's right in the middle east is not inherently right wing or left wing, and I am just frustrated by my fellows for occasionally being so weak minded, slow, and ignorant; all the traits of a non-jewish supporter of israel.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Time to go jog, for my health, to a mcdonalds, to ROB IT"

Roller coaster sentence

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

This would have been a Muh Russian Bots/Shills story 5 years ago. I never hear Muh Russia anymore despite the entire establishment seething over one of their corruption-outlet tentacle nations being at war with them. It gives me an impression of the degree by which the general public BTFO'd certain incredibly expensive propaganda campaigns in the 2016 period (although I think this warrants noting that the same groups of people failed to reject other less expensive campaigns from the same period, such as a prominent hate campaign where users of many large social media websites and groups weren't allowed to be racist/sexist/homophobic, putting a stopper on all expressions of hatred that weren't directed at the target group- muslims and islam at the time. It turns the target group into a pressure release valve for other social frustrations. It is a tactic/prediction that Orwell covers with brevity in the first chapter or two of 1984).

Hiccups and vulnerabilities aside, the amount of cushioning on public awareness that TPTB have burned away in these last ten years is wild. Everyone seems to be aware of shit on a higher level now. It wasn't like that even just 15 years ago. Things that propagandists and politicians used to flat out deny are pieces of common knowledge that serve as devices in a debate today. The debate boils down to "who is targeted/who should be targeted" and it is a foreboding echo of history; somebody really is the target, somebody really does lose, and the result is violence on a scale that will mindbreak generations and lay seeds that ensure the cycle goes on forever. Everybody is trying to wrestle control of at least some aspect of the apparatus of our destruction in order to point it at someone else and it will go on forever. The last people standing will point the apparatus at themselves in a hereditary state of madness and fire it.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was reading through my old replies and I realized I never came to a resolution on wtf Flying Bats meant. I have no theories other than that bats rhymes with cats.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was only expressing confusion. "Vegetarian cats" sounds like it refers to parents grooming kids to be socially-religious homosexual leftists. "Flying bats" by contrast sounds to my ears like it refers to 99% of bats, which are common animals that fly. I don't get the relation between the two phrases, other than having to do with animal behavior, and in that context it makes no sense because nearly zero wild cats are vegetarian and nearly all wild bats can fly or glide. It seems to make no sense on two separate levels.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0


You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would rather watch A Night in Sickbay, Threshold, and Move Along Home on repeat for 12 hours

I fuckin lol'd

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Personally I noticed that procedural cop dramas were propaganda way before I realized what kind of propaganda it was, who's behind it, and why.

It's so in-your-face. The state authority is good and perfect, unstumpable, unstoppable, inescapable, and always correct. The citizen, by contrast, is either a liar and a killer, or a victim and an ally. The proper nouns get rotated out to reflect different specific messaging along the way, the same way a burger joint puts toppings onto burgers.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Topic Status: avoided by obsfucation

Jew Status: defended by omision

Pil Status: pul'd

Oh yeah, it's Antonio time

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