You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is correct. Everything becomes accessible to "law" enforcement at a certain level. Nothing is a honeypot because everything is a honeypot. You can either keep your speech "legal" or not, where ever you might be in particular only determines the exposure, not the security of the communication under scrutiny.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

He makes scottland sound like a great place to live (sans himself)

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yours is the third top comment in a row saying so. This comment section is so relieving. Thank you (and everyone else) for having brains and sharing your opinions.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

They love to invoke the safety of children to pass their unconstitutional bullshit. Any time you see "child"/"kids" combined with the word "bipartisan" you can bet on exactly what type of move it is.

The two fake halves of our monoparty can only ever unite to give tax dollars to international jews and to denigrate the freedoms and living conditions of everyday citizens.

I say this all as a "racist homophobic yada yada yada" man, too. Having rights is more important to me than pwning the gays (or women, or blacks, or even Them), because all our society needs to repel unwanted aspects of our culture is freedom to dissent against them. Freedom is ugly and combative, it is essentially a collection of conditions that are necessary in order to fight.

A bipartisan group will take away what little is left of our ability to fight by telling you they are pwning a group you hate for the sake of the children. They change the nouns depending on who they are marketing their deception to at the time and that noun-swap composes the absolute entirety of the range of choice that our electoral system provides to us in America.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pokemon Trading Card Game for the GBC and its fan-translated Japan-only sequel Pokemon TCG 2 Great Rocket

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

We do give him what he wants by replying, that's true. I'm suggesting that what he wants might be based and redpilled.

Imagine hypothetically a guy whose worldview is limited to the spirit of the replies "gopower" has elicited and nothing else. What kind of person would that guy be?

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +7 / -2

Yeah, he had said something like "the way you antisemites crawl out of the woodwork I wouldnt be surprised if you lived in tunnels" and basically power-level-checked me. I'd share the link I used but it was msm and will come up with any search.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

I enjoyed reading this article.

Transgender ideology is not only evil, but extremely dangerous. Comedian Katt Williams revealed to Joe Rogan that the transgender propaganda pumped out by Hollywood and these video games studios is done at the behest of the demon Baphomet.

Williams said, “So 20 years ago I knew that transgenders was going to be a thing. It wasn’t because I was a prophet, it’s just I had gotten so much information that I understood that things are [cyclical] so I understood that the earliest I had seen that word transgender was Baphomet the transgender.”

“So I knew that in the ritual of Baphomet, the transgender, to show allegiance to him you had to kiss his a** ring and it said both of those things. So I knew both of those things would become popular in the future. And that somehow calling people the goat would be normalized over the sheep being always the most popular reference,” he said.

Archbishop Sample of the Archdiocese of Portland told Catholic Answers back in June 2022, “Personally, I think so many of the attacks on marriage and family life that we see in the culture today are the result of this sort of frontal attack the enemy has launched on marriage.”

He continued, “So, just the failure rate of marriages, today, the break down in marriage and family life, the efforts to even redefine what marriage is, these are all attacks of the enemy.”

Specifically discussing transgender ideology, Archbishop Sample said, “God did create, as I just said, and Genesis tells us, God created the first man and woman in his image and likeness. He created them male and female. He created them.”

“And we are in the image of likeness of God. So the enemy despises the image of God in us as God made us. And I quite honestly think a lot of this insanity with the gender ideology today is, again, another attack on the image of God in each one of us, individually in each one of us,” he continued. “And the idea that we can redefine ourselves, and even redesign ourselves rather than accept that we have come from the hand of the creative God is indicative of this.”

Archbishop Sample then shared a conversation he had with Pope Francis, “He said, ‘This is a direct assault on God Himself. It’s the ultimate rejection of God. That we don’t need God, we don’t need to accept God, we don’t need to accept our individuality, we don’t need to accept how God has made us. We just cast God aside and I will define myself.’”

He later added, “This ideology that’s in the culture today, now, that there’s no such thing as a binary gender, there’s multiple genders that we can define, nobody’s one or the other, we’re just in this gender fluidity. So that young people growing up are indoctrinated into this ideology. And this is what Pope Francis goes off after. It’s a terrible thing what’s happening.”

In his A Catholic Response to Gender Identity Theory, Archbishop Sample explained how the ideology is so dangerous, “To some, supporting aspects of social transition may seem benign, even humane, such as using someone’s preferred pronouns and actively affirming his or her perceived gender. However, while well-intentioned, this kind of endorsement may help shepherd a young person on a path of unnecessary medicalization.”

His Excellency continues, “Social transition is often the first step towards hormones and surgery. A 2020 survey of transgender and nonbinary youth found that 64% of respondents were either already receiving cross-sex hormones or desired to do so. Danish researchers who first used puberty blockers on gender dysphoric children found that social transition increased the likelihood that dysphoria would persist and result in medicalization.”

“Social transition can also include practices such as breast-binding and genital tucking, both of which have been shown to have averse effects on physical health, like testicular torsion and reduced fertility in males, and abnormal lung function and back pain in females,” he notes. “Moreover, a 2020 study on the effects of social transition found that family and peer relations, but not social transition status, predicted psychological functioning.”

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

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Sorry Charlie

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel lethargic and sore-jointed just looking at that. When you feel that way despite adequate activity, look to the food.

You_Are_Based 23 points ago +23 / -0

Remembering gay sex scenes from post Obama era America is like remembering The Game (which I just lost) for people who refuse to tune out.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ive never seen the movie or read the book, but it's the sort of thing that has seeped through cultural membranes by osmosis (aka by hack writers short on ideas). Both Star Trek and Stargate had Logan's Run episodes. They were bad lol.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make sure that early game class decisions affect where the player's character reaches in the late game (statwise). Greatest downfall of western rpg style imo is class consolidation in late game. Half way thru you max out your most-used stat and branch out-which is quite fun and refreshing sometimes- but before the end of the game this has happened several times and despite your original class your character ends up being the same Superman he would have been had he started as a mage, thief, archer, etc

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

[gets physically stabbed]

wtfff what even is this interaction, I cannot conceive the current situatio- ACK

You_Are_Based 23 points ago +23 / -0

That weird moment where you call out a totally natural and benign phenomena in video games and you discover that the government has allocated tax money to damage control

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting to look at who hates the mods versus who loves the mods.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

It won't happen because governments of the west are totally corrupt and she is too rich. Not to say that it's bad she won't be arrested. Just that society is designed from the top down to service people with extreme wealth. To arrest such a wealthy person under a weak law that has zero public support is to threaten that law, and in doing so, would do damage to the occupation of the state.

$XXXXXXX is more powerful than certain laws. Name the law, there is a limit. $200 is more powerful than a parking ticket, and JK Rowling's potter money is more powerful than Infinite Genders speech legislation.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

shoot a bunch of white people in the face

Are you sure it is not the opposite situation and that the "writers" didn't want to lead the reader to have that thought, without having to publish it plain in text?

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