TheStupidPrizeWinner 28 points ago +28 / -0

And if they had not tried to trans the waifus or the games, it would have been something else. The redhead genocide. The pointless race swaps. The blatant political messaging.

For the left, nothing is ever enough. There is no path but progress. Join ranks or be crushed as the revolution marches ever onward. And best try to keep up. Friendly fire is not only enabled, but encouraged.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 8 points ago +8 / -0

Similar to body cams, DNA evidence is a trick by the patriarchy and the white man! Sold to women and people of color as something to protect them from the excises of the police, it is yet another tool of oppression and control used to control and oppress PoCs and women!

And how dare we question the lived experience of this strong, proud, powerful woman of color? If she says she received a symbol of racist oppression placed upon her desk in her office for the purpose of being oppressive and racist which did and now does not require a police investigation, then who are we to say what is and is not worthy of a police investigation?

#stopracism #slavery #blackpower #feminism #blackhistorymonth #maga #icantbreathe #diversity #racismisreal #blackexcellence #freedom #education #justiceforgeorgefloyd #conservative #bigotry #history #democrats #police #lgbtq #antisemitism #sexism #republican #race #vote #amerikkka #donaldtrump #prejudice #breonnataylor #memes #thisisamerikkka


TheStupidPrizeWinner 11 points ago +11 / -0

There was a recent ShoeOnHead video related to this. The veracity of her source material is limited, though I would argue her content is more for entertainment than education.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 14 points ago +14 / -0

To a naive fool who believes she will be treated the way her "spicy" books and fantasies tell her, it is.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Took control or were given control by the majority of a population desperately hoping for the smallest chance to unfuck their lives and maybe their nation?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gul Newsom, acting governor of the occupied state of California.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 9 points ago +9 / -0

Too busy smashing mugs in performative outrage.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol That is Mike Myers? I was very confused as to why Chris Gore was doing on SNL.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 7 points ago +7 / -0

Morin, a Liberal advisor to Canada's women's minister...

The minister is not trans xerself!? Do better Canada!

TheStupidPrizeWinner 21 points ago +21 / -0


What the hell is even that? An evolved Furby? Did somebody fuck Gizmo and this is the offspring?

TheStupidPrizeWinner 4 points ago +4 / -0

What if one (or both) of the shooters was being blackmailed/groomed by the imam and sick of trading access to his body so the imam did not let slip that he was gay?

It makes me wonder if it is similar to this situation.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 8 points ago +9 / -1

Probably some variant of "Hey hey! Ho ho! Orange man bad and needs to go!"

TheStupidPrizeWinner 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not exactly the same, but they are 9th on this crime index compared to Baltimore which is 3rd.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 2 points ago +2 / -0

So have we switched from "culturally enriched" to "invade" now? This euphemism treadmill is a doozy.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 48 points ago +48 / -0

As always, the left is very generous with the resources of others, like their money, their land, their children, their collective future.

If only he would start with himself first.

TheStupidPrizeWinner 17 points ago +17 / -0

No wonder the Left get so whacked out when they consume news...

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