WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vaccine thing at least makes sense if you assume benevolence where benevolence does not exist. There was a neutral threat there: COVID. It wasn't "us vs them", it was everyone vs nature with some disagreement within the "everyone" faction.

Here, it's literally just humans fucking over other humans because they don't like a third group of humans. Pure, obvious malice. No existential threat, no risk of harm being mitigated in any way. Benevolence can't be assumed because the actions don't follow. Non sequitur is not a benevolent thing. At best it's neutral.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 19 points ago +19 / -0

It doesn't even make sense. Imagine if your teacher said "I'm going to come to your house and break one of your video games every week until your dad votes for who I want". Is that going to make you resent your dad for voting how he wants, or your teacher for being a psychopath? For almost everyone, it's the latter.

I don't know how these people think that making themselves the bad guy is supposed to get anyone on their side.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Rammstein pointed out the GAE 20 years ago. American cultural imperialism is far from new, it's just that until relatively recently it was mostly benign. Everyone loved our movies, our fashion, our music. And whether they liked it or not the learned to love our form of government.

We didn't know how bad that last one was until about 12 years ago when we learned how easy it is to subvert a democratic culture.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly, I don't think anyone does actually believe it. I think they just pretend to because it gives them an excuse to destroy a white man's life. They'd claim to believe anything if it allowed them to be evil.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 19 points ago +19 / -0

Look at all those flags. Seems like the patrons are certainly living by the sword to me.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +6 / -1

100% agree. Linux is simply not good, and I say this as someone who tries to make the switch every five years for the past 20. There are always several things that just don't work right no matter what. If I have to switch because the alternative is going to prison when Microsoft tells the FBI about my wrongthink, I will, but I won't be happy about it.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

In reality, their mom speaks maybe five words to them a week, opting instead to "solve" their child's antisocial behavior by loading them up with a cocktail of pharmaceuticals and hoping the problem fixes itself without them having to put any actual effort into it. Little Brayden - sorry, "she" goes by Lilith now - will surely act like a normal person again if we just find the right SSRI!

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Who is this, why should I care, and how did you find a tweet with 79 likes and zero replies?

I'm getting really tired of this "OMG LOOK AT THIS RANDOM PERSON DISAGREEING WITH US" doomerism. It's one thing when it's a megacorp or politician, but this is a literal nobody. Care about things that matter.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

To everyone else, I'd invite you to review our Community Rules and please remember that Nintendo Life is a welcoming, friendly community for ANYONE who loves video games and wants to share that passion.

"Unless you disagree with the establishment narrative, in which case you are unwelcome."

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

So blue jacket guy is at best a complete moron and at worst a traitor. Either way he's responsible for at least one death. I'd say I hope he rots in either hell or prison forever, but he'll probably get a medal for his service in the name of combating islamophobia.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

All you have to do is venture into any space that doesn't explicitly disallow feminist dogma for proof of this. They will go out of their way to derail any and every conversation to make it about how oppressed and victimized they are. It's quite literally all they talk about.

And even more pathological, they'll make up scenarios in which they might theoretically be victimized if they run out of Very Real stories. They'll get together and start imagining what it would be like to be kidnapped and raped in a dungeon every day for 20 years. And they do it pretty much every day, everywhere they go.

Feminism is a rape fetish cult disguised as an empowerment movement.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd rather not give any more attention to this literal nobody who painfully obviously spends thousands of dollars a month buying likes for his blistering hot NPC takes.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 44 points ago +44 / -0

Lol she protected her tweets. Sunlight really burns these fucking ghouls.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

If someone is willing to take a video of themselves crying, odds are extremely high they're a psychopath and the tears are fake. If someone is that deep into a state of sorrow, they're not thinking "I bet I could get a lot of attention for this!".

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 21 points ago +21 / -0

>give man Potion of Giant Strength
>he no longer feels afraid to speak his mind

In retrospect this seems rather obvious.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 14 points ago +14 / -0

The pendulum can always swing too far. Look what happened to the loyal leftist useful idiots once things got to clown world levels. None of them were safe despite years, often decades of unquestioning service to the regime. The eye of sauron could turn on them in an instant and they'd have no say in it.

This could very easily happen on the right. Someone digs up a comment you made 20 years ago about Not All Migrants and suddenly you're in prison. Just because the right wing is the correct wing doesn't make it immune to corruption.

The ideal place for the pendulum is about 80% of the way to the right, but that's the thing about pendulums. They don't stop.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +5 / -2

I think this is just a newspeak way of saying "the romance plots are different for each character", exactly as you would expect them to be.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The genesis produced some of the worst and best video game music ever made. Often, within the same game.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr. Frodo.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 16 points ago +16 / -0

I used to be an "extinction is evil" type, but as I grow older I increasingly believe that the power to wipe out an entire species is humanity's greatest strength.

The issue is largely that we're very bad at choosing which species to eradicate.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 17 points ago +17 / -0

She's only 37. The average 37 year old does not look like that. This is the result of fucking with your endocrine system to the point where you start aging at 5x speed.

Alternatively, years of caking makeup onto her face has permanently destroyed her skin.

Actually, it's probably both.

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