yes, to actually believe in communism you must ignore or not understand a few very core, intrinsic traits of human nature. they're already detached from reality so of course managing anything or doing anything useful in the real world is beyond their abilities.
also, as you said, they're lazy and greedy. but also lack any humility, honest self-reflection, or real understanding of their own capabilities. they all think they will be the shot-callers and not the slave splitting rocks in an open pit mine. which is where they belong.
yeah. but also part of being human is hubris and ego. solipsism, especially if women are involved. over-estimating our own abilities in fields we do not have any expertise in and under-estimating the value of those in fields that we don't really understand. It takes someone with just the right amount of humility and an understanding of human nature to make successful teams work out, long term.
look at our national economic system and their love affair with MMT (modern monetary theory). which boils down to, "It's different this time, guys! It's different this time because us boomers are uniquely intelligent, beautiful, and wise.".
you'd think that after GG people, around here especially, would be slightly skeptical of the mass media. skeptical of what they read online. looking for original sources and verified facts. but here we are, people just listening and believing.
exactly. and actually anyone grifting on youtube isn't someone worth listening to. not even one-on-one for a conversation. they're feeding off of tablescraps from state dept/fbi gay ops, getting anonymous stream donations from their handlers, and they do all this because they're A) dumb and B) lazy
men and women's brains are different. not kinda the same but a little different. very, very different. physically different. white mass v. grey mass. those drug bags we call glands that squirt immediate, brain-function-overriding drugs right inside your brain (emotions). basic, baked-in instincts.
it's not environment and oh you know girls have to deal with creeps. it's real, physical differences. also women enter puberty about 2-3 years before men. that's it. that's the difference. all direct results of the natural and physical world.
women are children and remain children their entire lives, with respect to male development. this is a real physical fact of how our minds develop. it's evolutionary useful for things to be this way and so they are.
the plantation owners were mostly anglos who remained in debt to the City of London jews and loyal to the crown, even after we became the united states. even after the war of 1812. even after the civil war. they've never been nationalists, ever.
common. women choose other women, even over their owns sons and most definitely over their husbands. women shouldn't vote. women shouldn't be involved in politics. women shouldn't speak in public without a responsible man present. women see the universe from a very self-centered and self-serving, emotional way. it's not necessarily bad, it's just what they are. act accordingly.
I'll be as clear as possible.
They need image data to feed new, enormous training sets for neural networks. they need as much data as possible and they need it right now. there is a data gold rush that's been going down for about 10 years now (2015, major breakthrus in NNets), people realize this now, and so they are walling off data sources they control and/or charging money.
Adobe is integrating NN tools into their products like context fill and such. these tools require MASSIVE amount of data for their training sets.
I wish everyone would stop using VISA. Mastercard too.