Cultural shock, in a good way. This is what a society without niggers look like. I am fucking envious. Why couldnt the fucking settlers pick their own cotton?
Extra points for girls actually dressing like girls, no stupid danger hair other than the kpop / jpop styles and 0 bullnose rings.
Asian countries must hold the fucking fort against the niggerification of the world.
EDIT. Forgot to mention, i did run into tongue clicking scammers. Fucking typical.
The girls dressing like girls point is what got me the most. To a degree I knew to expect it, but actually seeing it for myself and truly understanding that it's just the norm was wild. The contrast to America, and I live in a decently red state, is stark. Doesnt matter if you live in a relatively conservative area; the young women will heavily lean radfem leftist and will be infected with all the social mindviruses that accompany that to varying degrees.
there are no conservative women in the USA besides maybe the Amish
our culture is feminist-dominated and so all women in it are feminist. all women.