We need to unite!
"Around what?"
Around my new world order!
"I prefer our current lifestyle"
By definition, if you accept something. It's acceptable OR you're a failure.
Tolerance can be meaningful. But its not a Virtue, at best is a descriptor and most generally it's a vice.
Which is nothing. Tolerance means you tolerate things that can be safely tolerable. Anything more is excessive anything less is retarded.
It's not a word that communicates any meaning. Other than "things are annoying but not bad enough for me to act on"
Which sure might be a fine meaning but it isn't a VIRTUE since every single person on planet earth has, and does, do that by default.
It's like trying to claim that "gas milage" is a Virtue of a car. "Oh it has gas milage!" Yeah no shit retard.
I downbote him a lot but it's more of a disparate impact thing.
Tolerance is bad. There is no argument.
Either something is unacceptable (i.e. intolerable) and so should not be tolerated.
Something is acceptable, and does not need to be tolerated.
Tolerance is a weasel word that stands in for "things I think are permissible should be permissible, and things that violate my line of acceptable behavior should not" which is the exact same thing every person ever born believes.
Not in fiction though, blondes are heavily overrepresented vs gingers.
Thats what i mean more blondes, there's fewer redheads to replace so it makes your ratio way easier to spike.
That makes some sense, but to me that theory would line up better if they targeted blondes specifically.
It could just be that there's more blondes than gingers, so it's harder to 100% exclude them.
Something about the hit rate on gingers makes me think it's more than just anti-white. And I don't mean it's not anti-white, I mean it implies a specific flavor or subset of anti-white rather than the just general
I've thought about this a lot, and my current t theory is that redheads parse as "exotic" and they feel entitled to that description.
Whites being exotic undercuts tons of their unearned selfworth
Never trust somebody with white guilt.
You cannot fake emotional energy, and anybody with that much self directed guilty energy has some Skeleton they are terrified will be discovered.
Curation lists sounds like a dream that.
I've said before that journalists needs to die in favor of tastemakers and mods seems to be the same way
It doesn't make her right though, any more than Muslims are proper allies just for being anti homo.
It's hard to say, cause pre Zoe post it was all a lot more nebulous.
Like the feminist frequency videos getting posted to Chezburger to zero up votes and comment sections filled with A. "Why is this here?" And B. "Stop giving her attention and she'll go away!"
Nobody knew where things would end up.
Unprecedented old is new developments in our country man.
I hope all these people burn alive
They get REALLY angry when you tell them that's what they're doing.
When I went to more college theater I used to make a point of calling one of them "the very best pretender" if I ended up at the same restaurant as them or something.
Good times.
At the risk of being accused of hindsight bias. I always thought pence was a creep personally.
I've not actually seen anybody ask why men won't vote for them. That's you projecting how you'd feel as you imagine yourself in their position.
They KNOW why men don't vote for them, and they think that makes them subhuman. In their worldview men SHOULD commit suicide en masse as penance for their evil. Men's refusal to do that is just extra evidence of their subhuman evil.
The way to understand their worldview is that whenever they or you say "men" substitute "child molestor" in your mind.
Leftists don't wonder why they don't get the male vote any more than you don't get why Republicans don't get the child molester vote.
The only difference is that there are a lot more men than child molesters.
If child molesters became a large demographic that influenced elections would that make you want to cater to them? Would you be swayed by "your rhetoric alienates the child molesters demographic! You have to listen to their issues!"
When a Leftist says they don't believe that men's issues exist they don't mean the same thing you do. They believe they exist, they just think they're justified because men deserve to suffer. Saying so isn't popular so they'll mitigate publicly. But that's the real dynamic.
22 point change in males coupled with a 15 point change in females over 6 years.
I realize and agree with the focus, but it's fairly expected I think. The 15 point change shocks me. That's not THAT much of a difference in magnitude
In fact in some ways it might even be MORE of a change if you think of it in terms of extremes.
I have to imagine there's thresholds of what you might call ideological inertia. And crossing then is hard, crossing BACK can be even harder.
Law of averages essentially combines with evaporative cooling of group beliefs
Broadly speaking. Most of them are related to concealment. Mine are fine.
Even if my state laws werent.... county behavior is already non-compliant to begin with.
I don't. It sits in my car.
I carry a ka bar because I'm 1. Not actually concerned. 2. It was a gift and looks cool. 3. I use it to cut cigars when I forget the proper tools.
I'd agree. 2016 was all hypes no brakes.
I don't even know how seriously half the people pumping up the Pede train were taking it.
It was all memes, guts, and glory.
Which is I think why so much changed, because that election showed A. The lid wasn't quite as tight as it seemed, and B. What I regarded the whole thing as kind of a joke, there was a huge swath of people who wanted me dead for feeling that way.
So now I know TPTB aren't infallible, AND they hate me for laughing.....
So yeah this time is different
Emojis are rendered drawings, emoticons are using normal characters to make the appearance of facial expressions.
Well again. Emojis and emoticons aren't the same thing either ha ha
Oh no.
Knowledge is being.
That's one of those profusidties that's kinda "eh" when you first hear it. "Sometimes sure, that's an interesting way to look at things"
And then one day it slaps you so hard you have to drool for a few minutes before your brain chemistry catches up.
God meant it when he said "My name is I AM"