I appreciate your intellectual honesty, and I have no quarrel with actual white nationalists like yourself, especially since I share many (most?) of your views. I'm talking about the obvious feminist LARPers that are using the label as part of their astroturfing. The most charitable view of their bullshit is that they have a "misery loves company" mindset, but they perpetrate so much obvious fuckery in spaces like this that I really have no reason to believe that they're living the lifestyles they claim they are. They've already proven themselves to be dishonest hacks.
The point is you cant answer "hey society has been ruined for me, my role has been to suck it up in exchange for greatness and the reward seems to be being eroded" With "Well the solution is to suck it up even more so we can build a society on the back of your suffering where we can have greatness again"
This 100%. I've always said that the solution is to make so marriage isn't such a bad risk and address all the other ways feminism has fucked shit up. It's telling that the feminist LARPers above are completely uninterested in this solution. It's almost like they don't give a fuck about the birthrate problem at all...
I can respect that reasoning even if I disagree with it. The problem is that this isn't a debate about lifestyles. It's an astroturf operation designed to further the feminist wealth transfer scam. Notice how they're completely uninterested in doing anything that would actually improve white birthrates because that would go against the interests of their feminist masters.
They don't want to bridge the gap because they're feminist shills in white nationalist skin suits. Your advice is the best there is if you want to try family life in the West, but it's telling that they're more interested in trying to shame other men into their miserable lifestyle than doing what's necessary to solve the white birth rate problem they pretend to give a shit about.
This is why I can't help but laugh at married men who brag that they're homeowners. No retard, your wife is a homeowner. You're just the chump she's conned into paying the mortgage, and she can have your ass thrown out on the street on a whim at any time. If there's any confusion on that point a divorce court judge will be happy to clarify things while he's packing your shit in.
I appreciate the concern, and you're absolutely right. She very much wants it to be temporary herself. I'm actually thinking of becoming a truck driver if I can't land a job in my field. Doing over the road stuff would allow me to stack cash without having to worry about finding a place to live.
Moving to a rural white community is no guarantee. Literally a small city (10k) worth of "immigrants" comes in every day. Kamala could ruin the demographics of a safe haven every day (or several small ones) too. It would only take a few years to get them all, if we aren't there already.
The illegals themselves are going to want to be in a place that offers the best gibs. It's far from an ironclad guarantee but it is a factor.
My personal plan is moving in with my mother and getting my finances in order. She lives in a light blue area of a deep red state that still seems to be relatively high trust, and hopefully the GOP supermajority prevents any funny business at the local level. Longer term I'd probably buy a plot of land a few hours away from that. Financial independence is the ultimate goal. This is regardless of who wins.
Here's the archive of the WP article:
As always take anything written by Wikipedos with a grain of salt but a brief glance hasn't revealed any glaring inaccuracies. The best part? This bitch was in her late 50s. Remember that next time someone tells you that women age out of chasing the tingles.
Took his own life the way Epstein did?