Looking back there have been plenty of white pills this year. Just to name a few:

  • Feminist Frequency is dead.
  • Chelsea "Five Guys" Van Valkenburg's harassment hotline grift is a bust.
  • Women Who Code shut down.
  • Sweet Baby Inc was exposed and dropped a GG sized load of red pills.
  • Last but certainly not least, the left's orange nightmare just got reelected after they pulled out all the stops to take him out, including trying to literally murder him.

It's been a good year.


I'm curious what people here think. I'm sure everyone here has seen the salt about Joe Rogan and how Kamala should have gone on his podcast (her team kept her off so she wouldn't show off how retarded she is to even more people) or how the left needs its "own Joe Rogan" (not possible because they would cancel it the minute it deviated from leftist orthodoxy). A lot of that is the left blaming everyone but themselves like they do every time they lose an election, but I kind of wonder if there's something to the theory. I don't listen to Rogan, but my understanding of his podcast is that politics isn't really the main focus and his listening base contains a lot of largely apolitical young men who are drawn it him because he talks about things they're interested in and doesn't shit on them like the legacy media does. If I'm a Joe Rogan listener who's not plugged into political stuff and I see Trump do a 3 hour interview for the podcast and see Kamala make excuses not to do the same, that's gonna leave me with a favorable impression towards Trump and make me more likely to vote for him. Since Rogan has 50 million listeners even a tiny percentage of them being moved from Kamala to Trump or not voting to Trump could move the needle.


I know the answer is almost certainly yes, but I'm curious to see how it goes down. One of the best parts about Trump's victory is watching the Democrats lose their shit, and I'm sure some that will be deciding that elections aren't so sacred when a Republican wins.


The consensus here (which I largely agree with) is that polls are about manipulating public opinion instead of reflecting it. In 2016 they used polls to try to convince us of the inevitability of Killary's victory, which backfired big time. In 2020 they cranked that strategy up to 11, and combined with industrial scale voter fraud they managed to install the dementia ridden pedophile that's sitting in the White House right now. In both cases the game was to show the Dem consistently ahead of Trump so the intended steal had plausible deniability. This time around is different. Trump's polls are consistently better than they were in 2016 or 2020. Yes they're conveniently behind Kumswala's, but if they were employing the same strategy they did the last 2 times they would be showing him at least as far behind as they did in 2020. Clearly they're playing a different game this time around. I think they're scared shitless of a red wave overwhelming their fraud machine, so they're trying to create complacency in Trump voters and scare their own base into turning out so their dirty tricks can put them over the top again. But that's just my guess. I'm curious what everyone here thinks.

It's a fetish (archive.is)
posted ago by TheOutlaw ago by TheOutlaw

I put "conversations" in scare quotes because I'm obviously not referring to actual conversations. I don't know what word I should use to describe what I'm talking about, but I'm using this one since I've often seen it used in this context. What I actually mean is some dumb controversy that by rights no one should give a fuck about becomes a hot topic in the media/on social media, and then some retard journalist announces that there's a "conversation" happening around the topic or that the topic has "entered the national conversation". Sometimes it's obviously astroturfed (anything having to do with masculinity is a prime example of this) but it often legitimately goes viral thanks to the general population's room temperature IQ. Just to give an idea of what I'm talking about, here are some particularly vapid examples:

  • The leggings "conversation" that popped up several times over the last decade in various forms.

  • A few years back some social media addicted losers questioned if a gift some celebrity bought her granddaughter was age appropriate, and retards in the media decided to report on the "controversy" since "it's between her and the parents so we should leave it alone" was too sane of a stance.

  • There was apparently a retarded crew vs ankle socks debate that I didn't know or care to know about until my local radio station's idiot host announced that Gen Z "resolved it" and that he was disappointed that his side "lost". For a dude in his 30's or 40s he takes this crap awfully seriously.

I know I should just file this under "stupid normie shit", but don't people have anything more interesting to focus on? Why does anyone give a fuck about any of this? I at least understand the obsession with political stuff since it actually affects people's lives (or it will if the commies get their way). But leggings? Socks? I was going to ask why our culture is so fucking vapid, but I know it's because we let women and their stupid drama poison it. The whole thing needs to be burned to the ground.


I've been listening to this station for about 5 years, and while the music quality is mediocre (too recent, female, and pop) it hasn't really changed, and it's still better than most of the other stations. What has changed is the quality of the ads. I know they believe the audience is conservative, because they used to run ads for gun stuff all the time. Note that I say used to. It's been months if not longer since I've heard a gun ad. I'm not aware of any offical policy change, but the absence of gun ads is conspicuous. They advertise vaxtard shit, and while all the stations do that this station seems to do it more, though I may be biased since I listen to this one the most.

What really got me thinking about this is their ads pushing shit like mental health, self care, and of course therapy. There's nothing wrong with mental health and self care of course, but self care in particular is used by leftists to justify lazy and shitty behavior, and of course therapy in current year is nothing more than feminist brainwashing. It's interesting that all this "wellness" stuff never includes eating better, exercising, or making life improvements that solve the root cause of any mental health problems. Nope, just stay miserable and allow commie grifters to profit from it.


The game has been an anti-consumer dumpster fire from the beginning. I didn't buy it due to it lacking an open world, and EA has gone out of their way to repeatedly validate that decision. It wasn't enough to add faggots and trannies. Now they're adding polytard shit. They're also fucking up a romance system that worked perfectly fine in 3:

One of the new features in The Sims 4: Lovestruck is that Sims may not necessarily be attracted to your character in return and will very clearly inform you if they prefer to remain friends.

Just fucking perfect. There goes the story telling aspect. Now the game is hard coding whether two Sims can be attracted, and combined with the sexual orientation nonsense it will be easier to create a faggot with 10 different butt buddies than make a straight male and find him a wife to start a family. They'll probably make the straight male Sim an incel and push him towards dating a troon or getting spitroasted by other dudes. Fuck this game and fuck EA. They almost got me to reconsider this dumpster fire with their farming EP, but I just couldn't justify it with all the fag and tranny shit the game is infested with. My instincts were sadly correct.

Also here's a bonus article where a retard games urinalist confirms what we've all known for a decade: TS3 blows TS4 out of the water. The grifting hacks have added so much DLC to 4 that they've wiped out the performance advantage it had over 3.


Can someone explain to me what this guy is/was about and if he's changed? I haven't followed him very closely, but I don't remember him being a complete and utter retard until recently. Starting out he seemed pretty reasonable if milquetoast: Opposing compelled speech wrt tranny pronouns, wrecking Cathy Newman in that interview, etc. But he's also some cock carousel rider's betabux and raised a whore daughter who fucked Andrew Tate. He succumbed to a benzo addiction at some point, and now he posts stupid tradcuck shit all the time. Am I missing something?

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