A recent article in the New Yorker chronicled an experiment in Germany, funded by the German Senate, in the 1960's-2000's (maybe later). The thesis, laid out by a Marxist Sexologist in Germany named Helmut Kentler, was that by getting rid of strong men, and thus strong fathers, it would not only prevent harm from these strong fathers (as Kentler was more or less ignored and physically abused by his own father), but it would also prevent a rise of strong ideologies like Nazism as it would make them more open to "total inclusivity." So he did this by placing young boys from foster care into the care of gay, pedophile men who would "teach" them, arguing that (and this is a DIRECT quote) "Sexual Liberation will prevent another Auschwitz". He submitted the results of his experiment to the German Senate in 1988, declaring it a "total success." Did I mention Kentler himself was also a Pedo who partook in his own experiment.
The AFD took up the cause of one of the now adults who were the victims of this experiment and are trying to get the German government to give justice and reparations to these people they abused. The majority of the rest of the German government is more or less saying "AFD=Nazis. Fuck off Nazis!"
To quote Carls co-host, "Most peoples reactions, you sick fuck, is that they will build one [concentration camp] for you."
I saw it on China Uncensored, where there was some satellite company (may have even been US Intel) that pointed out in a report that satellite images had showed the dam was bending slightly (as well as MASSIVE silt build up at the base of the outflow ramps). And then China Daily (the English propaganda network) put out an article saying something to the effect of "We have spoken with Chinese engineers and they assure us that the dam was designed to bend and not suffer any damage. But they are still going to be doing minor repairs in the near future."
The Chinese also may or may not be suffering from a nuclear incident, on top of them having major flooding for the second year in a row. know, just in case you were wondering why some of the bolder Chinese citizens are whispering about the Mandate of Heaven.
Did you see the part where they actually admitted that the Three Gorges Dam buckled and bent from the flooding last year? They only admitted to it because it was noticeable from satellite view.
I am also interested to see what effect all this flooding will have on their agriculture in the near future. Since they sacrificed a lot of their farm land to save their cities from flooding, and Chinese rivers are more or less toxic sludge.
Because the Japanese Business community speaks money, money, and only money (there is a reason most Cyberpunk Mega-Corps are Japanese). They don’t give a damn about PR or other things like that, because they believe the profit is all that matters.
The same thing happened with Rising of the Shield Hero, where it performed so well the company that makes it said “We made enough money and got enough fans we are going to make not 1, but 2 new seasons.” Then when the usual suspects came to complain, their response was essentially “Literally who are you? Don’t care, we are making money.”
I will admit that I am not an F1 fan and dont know much about how this works (I am into Rally, US Stock Cars, and Australian Supercars), but at least from what I am seeing of that race it does look like it is probably more Hamiltons fault. That Verstappen guy looked like he left a TON of space on the inside that could have been used but wasnt for some reason.
If I had Bernie's ear I would start with that - the fact that I was a big supporter at the start.
A TON of Trump supporters were. Because they were both taking a stance against rampant outsourcing and standing up for the working man. Honestly, I have to wonder if part of the reason the Establishment hated Trump so much was because he was good at peeling away some groups they thought they had locked down.
Its my one tiny hope as well. When you look at the history of the US military, Generals/Admirals have almost always been political positions, ranging from "Still Competent" to "Utter Retard", punctuated by a handful of guys who were EXTREMELY good at their job. To go with one example I know off the top of my head, Ernest King called Pearl Harbor several years before it actually happened. During a wargame, he was the only one to actually utilize his carriers as the main strike for his fleet instead of using them in support of his battleships like all of the other admirals had. Everyone else said he was crazy, said his tactics couldnt work, or that he got lucky. Then the attacked on Pearl happened, and King is over in the corner chomping on a cigar saying "Told you." Which lead to him getting promoted to Fleet Admiral to get through WW2. He is memed as "God-Emperor of the US Navy" for a reason.
But while our Command-level staff is usually utterly useless, our E-6s (Staff Sergeant/Petty Officer) and O-6s (Colonel/Captain) have an unusually high amount of power over the war effort, and are usually the guys actually kicking ass, taking names, and coming up with tactics on the fly, while the Command Staff are saying "Advance in this general direction." There are few, if any, militaries that give that kind of free range to their lower level officers, and I HIGHLY doubt any sort of Chinese force we would potentially fight would have that sort of control, and be heavily controlled from the top down (like with the Soviets before them).
Its the one reason why I am actually not blackpilled on any sort of potential war with China. But I do think we would take far more losses in the early war than we would have if we kept morons like Milley away from the control.
Send it with the Cubans down in Miami. From what I have seen, a lot of them are already strapped up and saying "Bay of Pigs 2.0 when?!"
It would be funnier if they were at least good. A troll copying someone else needs to actually be like them and say things that sound believable to be any good. At least from the ones I saw, the Troll made you sound like an Incel instead of autistically anti-woman.
Thats what Lincoln did though, wasnt it? The deal was that Confederate soldiers who had died in battle would be considered American losses (which is part of the reason the war has such heavy losses on paper. EVERYONE dying was counted) and those who surrendered would be allowed back in. This is why you saw former Confederate generals become commanders again in the US Army, and why they were memorialized. Grant even was one of the first to show this because when Lee surrendered he ordered his men to stop celebrating on the grounds of "These are your countrymen now, so dont celebrate their suffering." Hell, he even allowed Lee and his officers to keep their swords, which is rare and usually a sign that you consider that enemy to be your equal still.
And its why I still defended and respect Lee, even as a Pro-Union, Screw the Confederacy, "Sherman did nothing wrong!", "Fear the wrath of the Jayhawks! Kansas will get her revenge!" type of person.
But like the original comment said, these Leftist want revenge, and I am at the point where if they dug up the remains of Lee and other Confederates and desecrated them, I would honestly not be shocked. They have done similar in the past before (looks to Republican Spain).
Shit you got from Looney Toons.
I have never heard of that either. The only gun I have ever heard of with the Nazis that involved a bent barrel was an SMG prototype for tank crews where the idea was that they could spray it out at anyone on their tank while still being protected inside. But it was abandoned because the forces put on the bullets caused them to effectively "explode" inside the barrel.
Other than that, I dont understand why this is still a problem, other than people having an agenda to do Holocaust Denial. We found the camps in American territory as well, and those werent even the true death camps like Auschwitz. American soldiers had to be stopped by their officers on more than one occasion from dishing out retribution because even at the time they wanted it all documented so it could be put to record in a court of law, and killing the camp guards right then and there kind of made that difficult to do, no matter how much they deserved it.
We made sure to to meticulously document all of this shit, and I have straight up seen people say "The abundance of evidence proves its false." And that its now making a comeback among a lot of people my age is infuriating to me as a student of history. That you can have all of the evidence in the world, and still dare to claim "That never happened" because its convenient for a totally separate and unrelated political narrative of yours.
So it sounds like the State-Level Republicans putting their foot down and breaking the Lefts toys by doing things like banning CRT, as well as just generally not giving a damn what the Feds say, is the right way to go? And then the fact that Trump more or less owns the Republican Party now and people with his "Populist, Nationalist, Fight Like Hell" attitude being the new blood taking over will also help out. I guess as someone already in a state of defiance in Kansas, all I can really do is keep helping at the local level, hunker down, and listen to the Tornado blow on by.
Then I guess the question becomes: What do? Because I am pretty sure most people would rather not have the US fall, but we are running into the same problem that Reagan defined where the Elite claiming to speak for America are telling the Soviets "Better Red than Dead" even though the average American is screaming "Better Dead than Red", except this time we have no Reagan to say "Stop the bullshit, or else America will grind you to a fine paste."
Bro, its Kansas. "There is no wind today" actually means "There is just a light breeze today."
Additionally, we dont rely totally on the Wind, and could overpower the grid with our current powerplant loadout. If we have to take some of the wind turbines down? Ok then, crank up the power at Jeffrey (Coal-fired) or Wolf Creek (Nuclear), NBD. We had some of our turbines (about 20% if I remember) freeze up just like in Texas when that winter storm hit, but we didnt lose our power because there was enough backup from the traditional plants.
Which, you know, is also something California struggles with since they keep wanting to get rid of everything else.
I can't tell the difference you're all rectangles.
How dare you! I have never seen such a disgusting display of regionism in my life, you regionist!
Meanwhile, my home state of Kansas gets nearly 50% of its grid power from wind, and we never have had any problems with connections (excluding extreme weather, 'natch) and energy prices are low. This despite most of us in these parts having hostility toward the Global Warming "The earth is dying in 5 minutes!!!" rhetoric.
Almost like actions are more useful than words.
On the other hand, it takes skill to fail so hard that you injure 3 people with a single negligent discharge.
Also, of course it was the LARP brigade with their jammed up guns, Wish-tier body armor, and people given guns way outside their actual ability to use them (like the photo of that woman carrying the hunting shotgun nearly as big as she was).
"those of you who talk about the blood of the patriots and all that..."
I love how he leaves off the "...And Tyrants" off of the end of that quote. Probably because he and his handlers sweat nervously about that part.
It also assumes they would be the only ones with that equipment, and that there wouldnt be at least a few defectors (or even a ton of defectors, since a lot of the Combat Arms have been aggressively rejecting the Woke push, and its not like POGs and REMF are fighters). Hell, you can probably even throw in State National Guard units, unless you really expect me to believe the Texas or Florida National Guard would fight their states they swear allegiance to.
But even ignoring that, the quote still holds true: "Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics."- Gen. Omar Bradley (maybe)
On this note, I was utterly gobsmacked (...well, not really) when Biden said that the 2nd Amendment never meant you could own cannons. Nevermind the well documented case where a merchantman captain sent a letter to John Adams (?) asking if he could mount cannons on his ship to defend against pirates and Adams responded "What part of 'Shall Not Be Infringed' was not clear to you?" Historically, both the American Revolution AND The Texas Revolution started because the powers that be tried to take citizens cannons and the citizens responded "Hippity Hoppity, get off my property!"
Funny you should mention that. A few months ago, about 100 French generals (most retired, but a few active duty) wrote a letter to Macron that effectively boiled down to “We are on the verge of civil war. Fix it, or we will fix it.”
I do think a lot of people are starting to realize that and dig their heels in though, and that is a good thing in the long run.
They screeched about Scott Cawthon and FNAF. And while Scott decided to retire, he still maintains creative control, the IP itself, and royalties, so it wont really change much (maybe?) and the average reaction of the FNAF community can be summarized like this, with an increasing amount growing increasingly agitated over the people who did this.
Hollywood and other Entertainment companies in America, most of which are losing money hand over fist as they embraced ideology over actual products, have started trying to get into Anime and Manga since they are making absolute boatloads of cash, but still trying to use it for their ideology. This has lead to a very unusual pushback where the Japanese are essentially telling these companies "We know you are dying, we will not save you. And if you keep messing with our IP by changing stuff in the name of 'localizaiton', then we will start doing the subtitles and dubbing ourselves." And at least from what I can tell, many of the American companies dont know how to respond to that, because they seem to think that they MUST be diverse or else they are leaving money on the table, even though the Japanese are proving them wrong to their own eyes, and they refuse to believe it.
And we also have the sudden backpedaling on CRT, because it seems like they were blindsided by the sudden push back from parents, especially minority parents who are just upset over "Why are you making making my child feel like they are inferior?!" as white parents are over "Why are you treating my child like a bad person?!"
I know you have talked about it before. But the more time passes and the more pushback we see, the more it seems like the current establishment is on borrowed time and they are doubling and tripling down because its the only thing they CAN do, but it just isnt enough anymore as an increasing amount of people decide to say "We will not comply."
How fragile are journos that they need to be constantly given praise and adoration or else they descend into a screeching, emotionally unstable wreck for YEARS on end.
The consequences of slavery were stunting to the individual Southerners (and to the southern economy generally), who just like today, were priced out from being competitive labor markets by people who thought themselves noble for 'civilizing savages'.
I think a lot of people forget about this about the Slavery debate during its own time. I know I brought up with you before my states history of Bleeding Kansas where we started shooting people trying to force us to become a Slave State against our will when we wanted to be a Free State. Well, what doesnt get talked about a lot is that the people who were actually abolitionist were a fairly tiny amount of the population here, and were generally regarded as the fringe crazies who were unstable and itching for a fight (and to be fair, the Abolitionist movement spawned the nations first domestic terrorist in the form of John Brown).
But the overwhelming majority of the state was Free-Soilers, not out of any sort of desire to see blacks liberated from Slavery. Most didnt care. It was 100% a case of "You expect me and my farmstead to compete with some mega-plantation running on free labor?! Fat chance!"
Additionally, for all the talk the Black Supremist types have about how "Our ancestors built this country in chains!", America during the time of Southern slavery was a global backwater, and the South itself was woefully behind the times (Insert Sherman's Pre-Civil War speech in Louisiana here). It wasnt until after the end of the Civil War and Slavery, as well as a few decades to shake off the rust, that the US became the powerhouse it would eventually become. So quite the opposite, their ancestors were merely here, and had little to do with the nations rise, other than they were part of the rise because they could work like most others.
Its something that has been pointed out by ClownfishTV (who have been on top of a lot of these sort of issues as people who used to work in the industry). They have been saying for years now: A lot of the writing 'Talent' in the US at the moment is using the media they make as as their own personal therapy session broadcasted to the world, and then its designed to appeal to their friends in media and in a handful of extremely progressive cities on the West Coast.
To prove this, Kneon showed one time, when talking about US made Comics, the sales numbers he had. They were abysmal, sub-200,000 for even the best performing ones. Then you look at where its selling...and its all Portland or San Francisco. Sales outside those two places were even more apocalyptic. So they THINK its what people want because it sells in their own back yard....and then they are surprised when they see all the hate. After all, all of their friends like it.
And then the writers are all of the same way, and a lot of them have unresolved issues that they deliberately write into their works. Why do you think so many female characters have "daddy issues"? Why do you think they are treated like the best people ever when they would be considered freaks by the average person? Why do so many of their stories focus on effectively reliving high school and doing it better (usually with a prom episode)?
And then they managed, with their friends in Marketing and PR (who were some of the first to be SJWs, along with HR), to convince CEO's that this is what people want. And that while you will have lots of anger and maybe lose money as people leave, eventually you will get a bigger audience to replace them.
But now, that money is starting to run out. The excuses are starting to run out. There is nothing left in the tank, which means they need to cut quality, which is just creating a negative feedback loop. And the Venture Capital money is running out (same problem a lot of the Journos are having), and now the CEOs are finally starting to wise up and go "You said there would be money by now. Where? Is? My?! MONEY?!" And most of them dont have an answer. So now a lot of companies are starting to see about creating their own Anime to ride the tide, but a lot of the Anime companies are already sending them letters saying "Fuck Off" after they got burned with a few deals and shows, so they may have problems.
Its been a long road, but it seems we are reaching the end of the "Go Broke" arc for a lot of these Entertainment companies.