TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would say you are. The sort of people who go to those sort of events are the absolute minority of the most hardcore fans. And it doesnt take a huge audience to fill out something like that, so you can make it look bigger than it actually is. Meanwhile, most people are going for other things.

After all, at the same time Comics are struggling to break even (never mind make a profit), you saw Eric July make almost $4M in a month on a completely new IP and nothing but word of mouth.

I am far more confident that the Normie tide is on our side....assuming we dont go off and become a bunch of puritanical prudes in response ourselves. Because I have already seen some starting to get queasy at the creeping re-emergence of Christian fundamentalism taking place on the right-ward wing at the moment.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

I will say that I question your circle of normies then. Because most of the normies I talk with hate what they are doing with LOTR (and much like the Star Wars sequels, refuse to acknowledge anything past the Jackson movies), think modern Marvel is boring, and are generally not thrilled with modern media and are retreating back to older stuff or Anime. Even my fiancé, who is the very definite of Kurt Schlicters "Militant Normal" sees a lot of the same trends we see and hates the SJW's (she just thinks that our side gets a stick up their ass too easy).

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

No, the hair pull happened while they were at work. The bit with a fan was when he climbed on another VA's shoulders. And of course, lets not forget the most evil thing he did: checks notes eat a jellybean with Monicas name on it and say "I can now say Monica is inside me."

I suppose in the end, this is a pyrrhic victory for them. Since everything has gone down, Vic has gotten his reputation back, he has jobs again, and cons are inviting him again. So congrats Monica and crew, you won. It only cost you everything, and only set Vic back a few years in his career.

TheModernDaVinci 17 points ago +17 / -0

My running joke is that we are increasingly discovering that it turns out Flordia-Man is merely crazy like a fox.

by folx
TheModernDaVinci 18 points ago +18 / -0

Masks don't prevent you from getting Covid, they are only useful in stopping you from spreading it, under the assumption that you are an asymptomatic carrier.

And that is even assuming a perfect usage of the mask. My dad was opposed to masking from the get-go because as a [retired] first responder, it made no sense to him. The average person would be touching their mask, moving it around, breaking the seals, and in general contaminating things (and this is before we get to the shit on your hands). He also believed mask gave people a false sense of security and caused people to get close and spread it because they thought the mask protected them.

Needless to say, when he went into a business that tried to enforce mask, malicious compliance was the order of the day.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you are in the market for some newer anime that is pretty good (not available on Tubi unfortunately), I would recommend Eighty-Six: 86 if you get the chance to see it. It handles the concepts of racism and discriminations in a way that most Western SJW's wish they could while still telling a compelling story.

Essentially, AI Warbots (known as Legion) go rogue and start killing off all humanity, and the last survivors are organized into 85 districts in a fortified republic to withstand the tide, with their robotic Juggernaught units to fight off Legion. Except that they arent robots, and their manned by those known as "The 86", which are all those who were left outside of the city and officially dont exist. They are offered a chance to gain citizenship....if they survive a tour of duty that is.

The actual story follows Spearhead Squadron, a veteran unit of 86 known for being one of the best performers....and so abusive to their handlers they have made many commit suicide or go literally insane. Then they get assigned a new handler who starts learned more about them and Legion, and figures out there is more going on than the government is letting any of them know.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think Crunchyroll still offers some anime free w/ads.

It depends. Most are free w/ads. But newer anime and a lot of the dubs are locked behind the paywall.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cant really answer for Manga as I dont read that side, but I can answer for Anime (which at least follows similar trend lines).

I remember hearing something about translators having issues.

There have absolutely been a few major instances of that happening, but I will say that I personally think its overblown in terms of how often it happens. The Japanese have also been not particularly happy when it has happened so a lot of times it gets slapped before it gets too out of hand.

I know its one of those things that ends to start flame wars, but I actually do think dubbing is generally well done, and a lot of the stigma is left over from the 90's/2000's when it was a lot lower quality. But I would keep your ear to the ground, and if its an issue you can watch subs.

Does Manga understand that certain types of stories appeal to men/women differently and plays to that, or is there just generally a lot of crossover with Manga?

While it mostly depends on the genre, the answer is generally that manga/anime knows what its audience wants and sticks with it. You dont see actiony stuff trying to appeal to women, but you dont see "slice of life" sort of stuff trying to appeal to men. Any crossover is considered an added bonus.

Although you can have stuff that straddles the line and draws in both sides. For instance, SpyXFamily has a ton of crossover appeal because it is equal parts action and slice of life, and even manages to make it work. But that is definitely a more rare instance.

Are there any free anime streaming services like tubi or crackle?

Never really looked into crackle so I dont know about that one. But Tubi does have a pretty decent selection of anime on it, including a lot of the old classics (including my personal favorite, Redline). So it would be a good free option for anime.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

I physically cringed just from being reminded of that. Thanks.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

New Colossus was the one where you were in Nazi-Occupied America. So it at least makes some sense, because you know damn well how the Nazis would have treated blacks (at least American blacks).

I would not recommend though. This chick is honestly one of the least cringe parts of the game from what I have seen.

TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +15 / -0

'back the blue' ended after some cops assumed they could infringe on natural rights because 'muh virus'

Even then, most of the 'Back the Blue' types in my area still held to the attitude of "Fuck the Feds. The Feds arent blue, their Feds!" Although the US Marshals were/are still liked, probably because they are actually out going after real criminals instead of being used as political pawns.

Now, the only cops most people trust are the local sheriff. And that is because he told the governor to kiss his ass and send the Troopers if she wanted to enforce her lockdown (the Troopers also said no...).

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every weekend now, I am taking a 30-mile bike ride on the trail that goes around my town. But I have also cut down my games list to significantly less (only about 3-5 I am super excited over).

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well if the FBIs plan was to just intimidate Trump and MAGA, it failed. Miserably. Because the initial reactions are showing the previously fracturing MAGA movement re-solidifying, DeSantis and Trump having a truce with each other, and a lot of MAGA and their adjacents promising war.


TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

For DeSantis part though, it looks like he is taking the correct response toward dealing with what happened. Because his initial statement he put out amounts to "You barge into my state, violating my laws and jurisdiction, and have the fucking audacity to harass one of my Citizens?! For your own sake, you better have a good reason!"

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also worth remembering that since 2020, there have been elections that have swung in the Republican favor by much more than +8 (Virginia being the prime example).

The Dems are still acting like its a forgone conclusion. Its entirely possible for them to lose this and have egg on their face. And they have no one to blame but themselves, since they are the ones who decided he was "so beatable".

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +9 / -4

Recently? Pretty much nothing.

I was good with him sending weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia (unlike a lot of people on here, I take Ukraines side in that fight), but then he started sending raw cash and that was something I hated.

I had liked that he was backing Taiwan in their struggle, but then recently he backed down on that and seems to trying to take Chinas side

If I had to pick one, I think he has the right idea pushing for Right to Repair legislation, even if I think he is doing it for an ulterior motive. And unintentionally, his apocalyptically bad polices are having unintended good effects. Like the absurd fuel cost encouraging companies to reshore their industry to the US, and encouraging more oil drilling whether he wants it or not (a lot of states telling the Feds to suck fat 'nards and opening up their own oil drilling sites).

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

You liberals...

I dont really have a dog in the hunt on whether or not abortion had an impact on crime rates. But if you think that Gizortnik is some Leftist type, you havent really been paying attention.

TheModernDaVinci 19 points ago +19 / -0

I don’t like Biden but I don’t feel a deep seething hatred for him. They really did a number on the TDS folks.

Here is another difference:

I can give Biden and the Dems credit when they do something good. Its rare, but it can happen. These people would see Trump do something good, and then twist themselves into pretzels to find a way to say its actually bad.

That is how far gone they truly are.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even modern metal/rock is pretty good. I never run out of options when it comes to that, and my bands are still making music I like. Of course, a lot of them also sound classic (like Eclipse), but that is part of the appeal.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Much like what went down with the crime wave in the 70's, I think this will result in hardcore law and order types getting elected eventually, with some vigilantism until that actually happens.

Normies may not be able to know the words we speak or things we know, but they can at least know when things are wrong and why they are wrong. And unlike a lot of people, I think normies do change when the situation becomes out of control. Its just that unlike most of us, your average normie is reactive to the political winds, rather than leading it. Which is why they can also be weaponized by the Left until they cant be.

Also, obviously treat every weapon like its real in the event of an armed robbery. But it turns out Mr. Thug-Life there was not actually using an AR-15. He was using an airsoft gun that looked like an AR-15. Also had the optics mounted on backward.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

It should have just said: "Abortion is not a constitutional right in Kansas" that's it.

I think that still would have faced an uphill battle. Like I said, a lot of people locally are indeed not pleased with the current limit of 22 weeks for abortion, but equally no one really favors a full ban. If there had been a ballet question saying that the limit was reduced from 22 weeks to, say, 16 weeks? Now THAT probably could have gotten some traction.

I don't think it will cost R votes meaningfully in deep red states, I am only talking about "swing" or battleground states with abortion bans.

I still dont think it will. If you actually look at what people in said battleground states care about, their number one concerns are economic, not abortion related. The only people who care about abortion are already partisan, and already voting. All of the data in the aftermath of Roe being overturned showed that already, and nothing has changed so far.

If a swing state was holding an election, the votes for such a ban will probably cancel each other out, and the Swing voters will be saying "I literally do not give a shit. Who is going to fix the economy?"

TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is really the correct answer. Me, my family, and a lot of other people I know voted it down because we thought it was vague, open-ended, and too ripe for abuse of power. So we voted it down, even though a lot of those same people (including me) were glad that Roe got nuked. If there had been anything putting limits on the legislature to act unilaterally, or not making it likely that a full ban would be proposed immediately afterword (as the Yes Campaign got leaked admitting they wanted to do), it would have done better.

However, I am going to disagree with OP and say that I dont think this cost Republicans votes. Because at the same time, primaries were being done. In fact, some people thought it was intentional to try and get a more anti-abortion than usual vote (which obviously failed). But almost all of the local elections and primaries were won by MAGA type candidates, and the numbers in just the Republican primary were almost double those voting in the Dem primary.

And considering the Dems are misreading this result so bad and thinking that this means that for whatever reason people want unlimited abortion on demand (which is a far less popular position than even total abortion bans), they will run too far in the opposite direction and ruin their chances again.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said, I am not. And I don’t think it corresponds to any sort of midterm odds. The MAGA types did very well locally, and if you look at the data the Republican primary had significantly more momentum than the Dem primary.

It failed entirely due to the fact that a lot of people like me and my family thought the amendment was vague and too open to abuse. Plus the fact that the average local opinion is that a total ban is undesirable, and the current laws were fine.

It was a single issue. Nothing more.

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