TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Its even dumber for another reason:

Not only are there already female warriors in the Imperium, being a Space Marine is about the only thing they cant be!

They can be soldiers, commanders, and Generals in the Imperial Guard.

They can be sailors, commanders, and Captains in the Imperial Navy.

They are the only ones who can be Sisters of Battle, who through the power of raw faith and willpower are on par with Space Marines on the power scale.

They are the only ones who can be Sisters of Silence, which are an elite unit of soldiers specially adapted to being absolutely OP against psychic users and Daemons due to a genetic mutation that lets them easily cancel out their abilities.

They can be Commissars, Assassins', and other specialist people for the Imperium.

They can be Inquisitors for the Ecclesiarchy, and some of the most famous/important in lore Inquisitors are women.

Literally the only thing that women can not be is a Space Marine or a Custodies (which are just ultra-jacked Marines anyway).

If you ask me, it is because many of the people making these demands are newbs who know nothing of the lore, so some of them probably dont even know SoB are a thing, and want Marines since they are the poster boys.

As for Templin: Sad. Just Sad. I am probably not going to unsub from them, and I still like a lot of their work. But this will absolutely leave a bad taste in my mouth going forward.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

On the other hand, one of the most recent major additions to the lore is Ursala Creed, who is Ursarkar Creed's daughter. Much like her father, she has become the Lord-Castellan of Cadia (even if that is an honorary title now), she is an extremely skilled commander of the Guard, and is still a skilled fighter even if that is not where her skills are best used.

"That sounds like they just gender-flipped Creed" I can already hear the retorts. Except no. She feels like she didnt really deserve the role and thinks that other commanders would do the job better (said commanders dont agree, which is why they dont take her place), she has made mistakes that Creed would have seen through and she knows it, she is constantly self-conscious of the fact that she will be compared to her father and how big of a weight that carries, and she is constantly grappling with the fact that she knows he is still alive and no one believes her (because Trazyn decided to do Trazyn things and left her proof of him still being alive).

At a very basic level, it may just be gender-flipped Creed. But it manages to do it in a way that actually feels compelling instead of forced or "woke", and infinitely better than any Mary Sue depiction.

So to that end, at least for the moment, I will continue to contend that GW's greatest sin continues to be merely greed. Sad about Templin taking this route though, because I love their stuff. I probably wont stop watching their channel, but it is definitely going to leave a bad taste in my mouth going forward.

TheModernDaVinci 19 points ago +19 / -0

Because their faith in the Emperor is so strong it allows them to perform literal miracles, and even caused one of their members to become so powerful she is now for all intents and purposes a Daemon fueled by devotion to the Emperor rather than devotion to Chaos.

So it is less a case of "We used extreme biological science to create ascended men who are so ascended it is arguable they arent even human anymore" and more "I believe that I can stop these bullets, and my faith is so strong I literally manifest a force field that stops the bullet".

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

How very dare they! Doing something so depraved as “caring about their childrens education.” Only we teachers really know what is important for them!

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, due to budget cuts from woke cancelation attempts, we can only offer you a button that plays this clip when pressed.

TheModernDaVinci 18 points ago +18 / -0

I think that is fair on the penalties. But there the contract sounds like would have have done a lot to tie Crowders hands. Though perhaps not as much as originally fear.

Honestly, I have no strong feelings on the matter. I just know it was something that people were speculating on where he got the contract from, and Daily Wire fessed up. So I guess kudos for them owning it, I can at least respect that.

TheModernDaVinci 38 points ago +38 / -0

Whoever had "Daily Wire" as their culprit, please come collect your winnings.

Linked is a video of Jeremy Boreing, CEO of Daily Wire, going through the contract line by line and explaining it, with his ultimate response boiling down to "He seems to have misunderstood the contract and how good it is for him." At least in the comments, it seems like not a lot of people are buying it.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well now, that could be an interesting idea for the disconnect I have seen in my life between no one having vax side effects but also seeing enough evidence online to know something is off.

No one I know IRL except for extremely elderly grandparents has had more than the initial 2 rounds of the vax and never got boosted.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +14 / -1

I kept trying to tell people, but everyone wanted to be doomer about everything. They went all in, and it turns out that they actually didnt have anywhere near the power or control they thought they did. FAR more people than they ever planned on stood up and said "No" to Covid, and are now so past the point of giving even the mildest of a damn that the only reason I even know its still a thing is why I see people talk about it on here.

They overdrived the engine on the entire world, and it barely moved the needle. All they can do now is slink off and hope no one notices or tries to find them.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not a huge surprise. Iger considered getting Marvel/Disney big in China to be one of his crowning achievements. Chapek never really thought it was a good long term idea and it is part of the reason he didnt really seem to care when China started to not allow Disney movies in.

Now Iger is back, and so you know damn well he wants his greatest crown back. Even though Chapek already had the right idea, because China just has their own Disney now, so they dont need it any more.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russia couldn't credibly threaten anyone besides maybe Kazakhstan.

Maybe not even them. The Kazak president has been getting squirrelly recently and started thumbing his nose by taking up stance that would anger Russia (including implying he sides with Ukraine), and Russia's response has been fuck and all.

by folx
TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my world, it is the followers of Ilmater, who is the god of perseverance, suffering, and martyrdom. So I thought it thematically appropriate that his followers would forgo having limbs restored after a severe injury, instead getting creative to survive with their new weakness.

Which is to say you are right, anyone wheelchair bound will be in as simple of a vehicle as it takes to get the job done.

by folx
TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair, you can still get “life-saving” magic done (healing spells, restoration against deadly aliments). It is just limb restoration that is forbidden.

by folx
TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember an old story of a guy who played as a Goblin wizard that had absurd INT but abysmal CON. So he was carried everywhere by a gang of goblins, who bore his throne out of either fear or reverence, and while a stiff breeze could kill him, he would turn people to meat slush with a flick of the wrist.

But wheelchairs…

by folx
TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

At least in my worlds, the people who willing reject healing and restoration magic is because it goes against their religion. Instead of “It makes me special and unique!”

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is kind of harsh. More like Yankee carpetbaggers coming down from on high to enlighten those weird hicks, since it is so easy after all. Wait, why do I hear Alan Jackson in the distance?

What I want to know is what the hell happened to female country singers? Because we have gone a long way off course from the likes of Shania Twain and Jo Dee Messina.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont find as much American metal as I would hope for. A lot of the stuff I find just dredging the depths is almost always Scandinavian.

Although in an ironic, I did have a funny moment regarding two bands I like.

Smash Into Pieces, the first time I ever heard them, I thought was American, with a guess of Seattle or Portland. When I saw one of their music videos where the opening prominently showed off the Golden Gate Bridge, I assumed I was right. Then I finally got around to actually looking them up...and it turns out they were Swedish. And their lead singer even has a fairly thick accent when he is not singing, so that was kind of funny. Of course, this fact I thought made the music video and lyrics for their song Heathens that much funnier. ("Show'em how we do it Down South." You arent from the South?)

Meanwhile, the other band is Starset. When I first heard them, I thought they were British, because while their singer didnt really have an obvious accent, he sounded similar to a lot of other British power metal bands I had heard like Gloryhammer. And I get around to looking up where they were from, it turns out they were from Columbus, Ohio.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never heard of either. I looked up some of their stuff just to get an idea, and I definitely wouldnt say no to either (although Visigoth seemed more my style out of the two).

To give you an idea of my taste, below are my top 5. Of course, ignoring the obligatory Sabaton and Powerwolf that damn near every Power Metal fan has on their favorites list (with Sabaton being my actual favorite because I am a history nerd):

  1. Smash Into Pieces

  2. Eclipse

  3. Brothers of Metal

  4. Evergrey

  5. Beast in Black

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

From what I saw, his wife put out a response to her on Instagram lashing back, and Jason just responded with "That's my Barbie!" (since Morris called his wife "a Barbie doll" as an insult). And then I imagine her agent told her to shut the fuck up because as far as I can find nothing has happened since then.

EDIT: Although looking into it more, apparently his original PR firm dropped him because "How dare you!" Which I am sure hurts him greatly as one of the biggest and most well known names in modern Country music.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, she was recently taking snipes at Jason Aldean for the crime of "Being openly conservative", so she is absolutely working her way down the Dixie Chicks road.

EDIT: Also trying to convince Jason Aldeans wife to leave him, and then implying Jason's wife was a money grubbing whore when she told her to fuck off.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

Literally who?

looks up discography

I know literally one song on there and I didnt think it was all that great to begin with ('80's Mercedes). My enjoyment of modern country pretty stopping outside of a few edge cases in the 2010's continues unchanged. People like Chris Stapleton, Brantley Gilbert, Dead Man's Poison, Corb Lund, Jackson Dean, and others? All fine and I still love their stuff.

These radio Barbie's Nashville keeps trying to turn out, as well as the "Bro Country" types? There is a reason I keep my radio tuned to the classics station.

At least with my main genre of Metal, there is a seemingly endless supply of good bands still making great music. At least in the Power Metal and Heavy Metal sphere (since that is my style).

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the actual creators behind the anime called Rebecca a loli so she's officially a loli

Fair point. Just making a point about the fact that she is also an adult. But Studio Trigger gonna Studio Trigger, so we can run with it.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody really knows who fired the first shot.

Hell, even if we go back to what could be considered the first shot in Kansas, it's even stupider than that.

You want to know what the first shot of Bleeding Kansas was? Two guys getting in a drunken bar fight. It wasnt started over their ideals. It wasnt started over religion. They had had previous beef with each other over a territorial dispute, they bumped into each other in a bar, and a fight broke out that saw one shoot the other.

It just so happens that the shooter was a leader in a local Pro-Slave-State militia, while the victim was a member of a Pro-Free-State militia. And it just so happened the local sheriff was Slave-State, so he just arrested the leader of the local Free-State militia and trumped up charges to execute him for the "murder". At which point the local militia broke him out of jail and it turned into a stand-off that was only broken up after the Territorial Governor sent in the cavalry to break it up.

Even then, while the Slave-Staters fired the first shot, it was the Free-Staters who escalated, specifically John Brown. Since his response to the 1st Sacking of Lawrence (which left much of the town destroyed but managed to only have one person die), and the attempts to deescalate after it, was to go and brutally massacre several Slave-Staters in their homes, execution style while ranting out biblical verses.

Which caused the Slave-Staters to escalate with their own retribution attacks, which caused the Free-Staters to launch retribution, and oh look, now we have Bleeding Kansas, and both the North and South believe the slavery issue is now a matter of literal life and death.

EDIT: Of course, on the other hand, its also worth remembering even before the first shot, the Slave-Staters had used vast intimidation and corruption to run a rigged election to try and force being a Slave-State. But that one was at least met with condemnation by all but the most openly partisan because it was a bit too obvious what they were doing.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I wouldnt say that Rebecca is even a loli either, just a very petite woman. I dislike her as a character and think that Luci was infinitely better, but she is still an adult.

Honestly, I think that like many other issues, it is them projecting their own biases and strange delusions onto other things because they cant separate reality and fiction, and they are usually as bigoted as they claim we are (see also: "Orcs are black people").

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