TheBubba 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well she is a redhead, so by being gay that bought her a little more time before they made her black.

TheBubba 1 point ago +1 / -0

There isn't even a PPC candidate in my riding. I can choose Lib, PC, or NDP. I'll be sitting this election out.

And no, PPC won't win anything.

TheBubba 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you look at most western countries, it's the "rightwing" parties that are the most draconian when it comes to covid lockdowns. One of the major reasons the west is failing is due to a completely awful rightwing that are right in name only.

TheBubba 10 points ago +10 / -0

I couldn't even vote for them last election because they didn't have a candidate in my riding.

TheBubba 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of people aren't even having kids. They've brought in immigrants for that too. If you think about it, if you don't have any kids, why care about the future. Just got to keep things together long enough to live out your days.

TheBubba 5 points ago +5 / -0

Christianity used to be strong, while still supporting values that could hold a society together (for the most part). But somewhere along the line it turned into a giant punching bag that's destined for the dustbin of history. Weakness does not survive longterm. The only reason the west is still around is we're living off the fruits of previous generations labor, but the rest of the world is catching up fast, and they will not show the mercy that Christians gave everyone else.

TheBubba 7 points ago +7 / -0

If the main stream media was truly dying and push came to shove, the billionaires will just buy them out and operate them at a loss. Like Bezos did with the WP. It's a small cost of doing business for them. What do the big newspapers lose a year? 20 million? That's pocket change.

In Canada, the government just gives "approved" media sources handouts.

Traditional media isn't going anywhere, especially when social media is bending over backwards to kill their competition, which in a lot of cases is themselves.

TheBubba 17 points ago +17 / -0

Our ancestors really screwed up allowing everybody to vote. This isn't just a woman thing, but many people are too oblivious, dumb, and misinformed to have the right to determine the fate of our civilizations. Unfortunately this isn't going to get fixed until the current system crashes and burns. Hopefully when the next civilization is built, people in the future will learn from our mistakes.

TheBubba 12 points ago +13 / -1

Trump ain't running in 2024. He's too old. Yes, Biden is old too but he's a controlled puppet and not really in charge. Other than a promotional stunt and maybe toying with the media, Trump won't really run again. Establishment repubs won't allow it, and unless Trump can get more of his america first allies into the repub party in time for the nomination, the party will make sure he won't win.

Someone else said it in this thread, but Trump would be way more valuable starting a competing media empire. With the right partnerships, it could take off.

TheBubba 8 points ago +8 / -0

When Trump said that they are not after him they are after you I'm just in their way, he was also referring to people like Cuomo. He was referring to everybody. The left are collectivists. When one of their numbers gets called, they're done. Their loyalty does not matter. They must be sacrificed for the cause. The left just prays that there is safety in numbers, and that the RNG gods will spare them.

TheBubba 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'll say it before and I'll say it again. If you are on the right, center-right, or center, DO NOT have rallies, protests, or any form of gatherings. The media will never cover it fairly, and you leave your protest vulnerable to inflation by left wing groups or government actors (ie. agent provocateurs). There are ways to fight, but the right can't use the same tactics as the left/antifa.

Trump was a fool to hold his rally in Washington. If he had to do it, have it at one of his golf courses or something, but it needed to be far away from anywhere antifa in trump hats could cause damage. He's a boomer through and through, and now every group and platform even remotely associated is going to get destroyed.

At this point the Proud Boys need to change their name and lie low for the next year or two.

TheBubba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Twitter is just a bunch of activists, bots, and shills. The real people there are a bunch of leftwing extremists, so hypocrisy runs rampant.

TheBubba 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm from Canada. I try to tell people online as much as I can that Canadians are a bunch of smug assholes. Maybe Canadians were "nice" a few generations ago, but that ship sailed a LONG time ago. It's a reputation we really don't deserve anymore.

TheBubba 7 points ago +7 / -0

They should be thankful that the Washington Redskins are no longer called that. So ungrateful.

TheBubba -3 points ago +1 / -4

The hate for Epic seems odd. I mean I get China being bad, but looking at the US and where it's going, it just seems like a different flavor of bad. As for Steam being better, it is, but it's also bloated. I also expect Steam to go full woke one day, like all corporations are going. Gabe is a white male after all, they will get him one way or another.

TheBubba 11 points ago +12 / -1

I still think he worked out a deal to save his own ass. He might still get convicted on the impeachment stuff so he can't run again, but he's not going to prison at least.

Going against the establishment and failing, and I mean REALLY going against them like Trump did, does not end well for those attempting it. I don't think Trump knew what he was getting into. He probably thought it would be like running one of his businesses.

TheBubba 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been saying Bitcoin is shit for this reason among others. I'm a huge crypto believer, but it has to be a crypto that is truly decentralized. No way I'm trusting anything that's concentrated in China (or concentrated anywhere). Seeing how easy it is for companies to be compromised by SJWs I don't trust any concentration for something like a global monetary system.

It's a shame that bitcoin became the go to crypto simply because it was first.

TheBubba 22 points ago +22 / -0

I know in this case she's 18, but just think of all the parents who scrimped and saved for their children to go to university, just to have their children come back as Marxist retards. I don't have children, but if I do there is no way I'm saving for their "education". If they want it bad enough, they can save up the money themselves or get a loan, then maybe they will get through the system as fast as possible, and only for a job they really want.

TheBubba 23 points ago +23 / -0

Trump really didn't know what he was getting into when he ran for president did he. If you're going to go up against the establishment, you better be prepared to go all in or don't bother.

At this rate I think it's possible that they will get enough repubs to flip and actually get Trump impeached. If that happens Trump will lose a lot of the protections former presidents have. If Trump doesn't play smart now he could even lose his financial empire, and unfortunately for him I think all the smart people he used to surround himself with are long since gone.

TheBubba 6 points ago +6 / -0

You do realize that by being a conservative you are now classified as "white" and will be treated as such. Look at the proud boys leader as an example. Enjoy the white privilege.

TheBubba 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is the way to do it. Better than deleting your account outright, set up fake accounts and poison the well for their advertisers.

TheBubba 7 points ago +8 / -1

The left has no standards. This shouldn't be surprising.

I've stopped calling out their hypocrisy. No one seems to care. The right already knows, the left is fine with it, and the normies are oblivious and just keep voting the way they always have.

The way to deal with the left is to laugh at and mock them, which is why we are losing our platforms. I think the way forward is going to be trying to get them to turn on each other.

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