Sacrifice your children to Mammon for happiness as a cubicle drone.
X as service is part of owning nothing and being happy. It will take government power to stop it, and there is nothing wrong with that. One side, our side, has had their hands tied by the idea that government power is bad simply because their only experience with government is when their enemies wield it(and psyops coming out of the University of Chicago/National Review/etc). The reason that is their only experience is precisely because they refuse to use the power of government.
All LGBT groups are pedophile aid groups.
Isn't it transphobic to block her mother's troon propaganda?
Reducing it to pure materialism is to miss something important, which is where the alt-right goes wrong, but to ignore biology and material conditions completely is also a mistake. Religion is an important component, but even there religious expression takes different forms among the peoples practicing it. Italian Catholicism looks different from German Catholicism, and South American Catholicism could be mistaken for something entirely different. There is a spirit of a people that can't be easily described or quantified, but is quickly recognized.
People are inherently advantaged and disadvantaged by their birth. I'm neither a seven foot giant nor a five foot manlet, so I'll never be an NBA star or a jockey in the Kentucky Derby. It's not skin color that is at issue; it is a complex host of inherited cognitive and behavioral differences. That's not to be taken to mean superiority or inferiority, simply different. Materialistic biology is not the ultimate arbiter either; there is an almost transcendent element to it as well. The biospirit of a people manifests in their society and culture, and people from outside that biospirit will be inherently disadvantaged, as it was not built by them.
That is the narrative, but it's highly questionable that people were lynched just for being black and many whites were lynched too. Normally, you'll find people were lynched for rape, murder, etc. Mob rule is inherently not a good thing; however, the current situation could hardly be called an improvement. American black people now kill twice as many black people every year than the KKK lynched in their entire history.
In the 1950s, every city with a large black population had a thriving black district. Something happened in the 60s, and by the 70s all those areas had been reduced to chaos and rubble.
Billy: Fuck off normal people. The perverts don't need you.
Also Billy: We need normal people to watch our pervert film.
Lizzo is the most disgusting creature progressives could find to desecrate American heritage. That is not just my opinion; it's the strong undertone in all the gleeful regime media.
all the changes that we now accept as having been good, they championed.
That raises some obvious questions about who is responsible for propagating the idea that those things were good.
The German Green politician Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a major architect of the green movement in Europe and former co-president of Greens/EFA in the EU Parliament, abused children in a daycare. Germany also had a state program headed by Dr. Kentler that intentionally placed foster kids with pedos.
Fingers crossed for Bolsonaro donning the cape and bringing out the helicopters.
They don't hate religion generally. They hate Christians, and the hatred of demons is a great endorsement of Christianity.
It's funny how they all went to people who opposed the patriot act or deviated from the narrative.
One could even call it a conspiracy.
The Baltic is too far away from China and Germany doesn't have the capability. The only powers that could hit a pipeline 70m underwater in the Baltic without getting caught is the US, Russia and maybe—emphasis on the maybe—the UK.
The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom is also good, but if I had to recommend only one, which I must lest I begin to list dozens of books on elite theory totaling tens of thousands of pages, it would be The Managerial Revolution.
Devil's advocate: Russia could safely assume that many westerners would blame the US for obvious reasons. Enthusiasm for the war has deflated in NATO countries as a result of the attack because they assume the US did it, such as the German bundestag voting against sending more weapons to the Ukraine. There has been a notable shift in the coverage of the war, as if the west is now resigned to letting Russia win. There was no reason for regime media to show Putin's speech nor write headlines declaring that Russia had annexed parts of the Ukraine, unless the media is pivoting and prepared to let Russia have it. The destruction of NS also shores up the Russian alliance with China as Beijing knows they will be able to rely on Russia for cheap gas.
Are you trying to reclaim the word progressive for its original WASP meaning a la Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson? Otherwise, progressivism is the correct term for the dominant ideology of elites in the west. Liberalism is effectively dead alongside the other 20th century ideologies of fascism and communism.
If finances were to going to stop this, Disney Star Wars would be good by now. In any sufficiently large company, the managers will eventually conspire, often unwittingly, to defraud the shareholders for personal and ideological gain. The managerial class has a level of class conciousness that Marx imagined existed in the bourgeoisie.
Sowell's Knowledge And Decisions, Burnham's Managerial Revolution and Sam Francis' Levithan And Its Enemies all touch on different aspects of how and why this happens.
Progressivism is anti-civilization.
A spear chucking black man raised by apes and swinging across trees should be problematic to progressives.
He's got it reversed. Women in power are arsenic, and conservative women in power are arsenic coated in ice cream.
If the Ukrainians or any western powers did it, that was a supremely retarded move. Dugin's writings are already out there. An attack on him only makes him a martyr and his works more popular. As a direct result of the car bombing, Putin spoke highly of him and was spitting pure Duginism during his latest speech. It wouldn't have been surprising for hardliners inside the Russian establishment to have done it just to elevate Eurasianism.