The clickbait title perfectly encapsulates the philosophical problem at the heart of progressivism. Their entire worldview of past=bad/future=good is logically unsound. The past is recorded. It's history. We can see and judge past failures and successes. Somehow we've reached where we are today by building on the foundations of our ancestors, so the sum of whatever they did worked to some extent. We absolutely do know what happens if we don't try something that was never needed before - nothing. The Earth spins, life goes on. Progressives would say not fixing "mistakes of the past" is bad, but why is it something to care about if I'm here today and doing fine? Can you prove empirically they were mistakes?
In this case you can trigger faux empathy by coming up with all kinds of one-off examples of mentally ill weirdos and people "left behind" by society, but we didn't hear about it because it was a non-issue. It doesn't even matter whether you're a normie raising a family or some intellectual deeply concerned about the future of civilization: nobody is worried about "fixing" a novel social condition that was never something deemed worthy of fixing in the past. What we should worry about is progressive ideologues trying to fix society to cater to every individual's personal issues, because at best nobody really knows what the results will be, and at worst we can follow the trend of recent history and tell you very well how bad it will end up if we keep moving in that direction.
TL;DR these people are evil degenerates who say down is up and bad is good.
Are you trying to reclaim the word progressive for its original WASP meaning a la Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson? Otherwise, progressivism is the correct term for the dominant ideology of elites in the west. Liberalism is effectively dead alongside the other 20th century ideologies of fascism and communism.
The clickbait title perfectly encapsulates the philosophical problem at the heart of progressivism. Their entire worldview of past=bad/future=good is logically unsound. The past is recorded. It's history. We can see and judge past failures and successes. Somehow we've reached where we are today by building on the foundations of our ancestors, so the sum of whatever they did worked to some extent. We absolutely do know what happens if we don't try something that was never needed before - nothing. The Earth spins, life goes on. Progressives would say not fixing "mistakes of the past" is bad, but why is it something to care about if I'm here today and doing fine? Can you prove empirically they were mistakes?
In this case you can trigger faux empathy by coming up with all kinds of one-off examples of mentally ill weirdos and people "left behind" by society, but we didn't hear about it because it was a non-issue. It doesn't even matter whether you're a normie raising a family or some intellectual deeply concerned about the future of civilization: nobody is worried about "fixing" a novel social condition that was never something deemed worthy of fixing in the past. What we should worry about is progressive ideologues trying to fix society to cater to every individual's personal issues, because at best nobody really knows what the results will be, and at worst we can follow the trend of recent history and tell you very well how bad it will end up if we keep moving in that direction.
TL;DR these people are evil degenerates who say down is up and bad is good.
Progressivism is anti-civilization.
Are you trying to reclaim the word progressive for its original WASP meaning a la Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson? Otherwise, progressivism is the correct term for the dominant ideology of elites in the west. Liberalism is effectively dead alongside the other 20th century ideologies of fascism and communism.