The only people US politicians aren't "pro" are Americans.
It should have been way above the margin of cheating
Based on what? Cheating elections is a time honored American traditions, and it has exploded in scale since 2020. Those with the greater will to power, and thus cheat better, win.
This assumes that election results are based solely on how people mark their ballots. America has a long history of rigging elections going back to Washington bribing people with booze and Hamilton writing to electors. Dems rig by stuffing ballot boxes and Reps rig by suppressing votes. If the Rs want to win in D controlled areas, they'll have to think bigger such as dropping ballot envelopes with incendiary devices in the drop boxes.
What's the motivation to vote for Oz? If this was 2016, he'd be the most far left candidate on the ballot in the entire country.
You give the average person too much agency.
Yes, many variables for each case. The point is that this guy isn't part of the elite that unleashed the greatest psychological torture operation in history. He is most probably an entirely passive sheep and, assuming his repentance is genuine, should be welcomed to serve our side.
Small buisnesses are the least dependent of the regime, which makes them the demographic best suited to defect to an alternative power. The urinalists, experts and higher are the ones who committed unforgivable sins. Without knowing anything about the person running this particular establishment, it's safe to assume they are just another unfortunate sheep in search of a shepard that won't rape them anymore.
Contrition is good and should be rewarded. If people come around in this way, don't do any "I told you so"s.
The heavily suppressed, and now rather expensive, 1989 book After The Ball is an analysis of how fags gained power and a road map, for the time, to continue growing. It deep dives how a small group took over the field of psychology in order to declare themselves not pathological.
Freudianism is a great example of this too. Any attempt at refutation inherently becomes some form of sexual pathology.
The beauty of climate change is that the existence of weather is the proof. It's a form of earth worship, a la BAP's longhouse.
I have a more concise refutation:
While I'm skeptical myself of Elon, it's best to hold off on criticism until after he actually implements something worthy of criticism, as he is mostly just doing spin currently. Now is the time to enjoy the lamentations of our enemies as he burns them out of their fortress.
There are certainly potential downsides to this strategy, such as the possibility of digital IDs, but making twitter profitable through subscriptions alone would nuetralize the power of advertisers over Twitter content. Converting people from the product to the customer is probably a good thing for the internet as a whole.
A troon that grooms kids online and sends them bathtub drugs. He has a horde of equally insane followers that he sends on jihads against anyone who criticizes him including Sargon's Lotus Eaters and, most infamously, Kiwi Farms.
Churchill is the worst leader the UK has ever had. The drunkard's insane pursuit of war at any cost destroyed both Europe and the Empire for no benefit.
butter/fat scare is a historical remnant of the 90s
The American Heart Association got an infusion of cash from Proctor & Gamble in the 40s and has been spreading lies about butter ever since in order to push seed oils.
This reads like a press release straight from Con Inc. That is a gross underestimate of Trump's cult and overestimate of spreadsheet Americans. Trump isn't some great bastion of based, but his arc still has a third act.
Media by Jews for Jews contains more antisemitic canards than Mel Gibson interviewing Kanye West over a bottle of scotch.
Textbooks aside, the people that can live as full time writers are either good enough that people want physical copies or they are already propped up by a publisher who keeps them around for diversity and no one is buying their stuff anyway.
tl;dr If celebrites have handlers to keep them in line, Kanye's is Harley Pasternak, who has a background working for military organizations that were involved in MKUltra.
Men primarily like the pill and child sacrifice.
TERFs reject the pill and lesbianism and child sacrifice and accept responsibility for the consequences of sex?
The slippery slope of the sexual revolution that is inextricable from women's liberation inevitably leads to raping both young boys and girls. There are no brakes on the revolution train.
Satanic choir sings about the greatest sacrament in progressive religion, child sacrifice, during televangelist sermon.