SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would be surprised if the system went through the server at all. There's a separate online component for verifying accounts and downloading skins/capes, so that's what you'd need to circumvent. That was possible way back in the day, but I have no idea if you can still do that.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of the problem for them was that they never quite got the narrative under control for Muslim criminal behavior. For blacks, they managed to push it under the rug, so stuff like black men being shot more often by cops could be spun as victimization, and the evidence otherwise was racism. I think, in part, it was because most violent black crime is towards other poor blacks, out of sight of progs, where Muslim crimes couldn't be hidden away. It's rather hard to bury a bunch of truck attacks, or grenades through windows, or missing white children. It made it too difficult to get the innocent minority victim story to stick.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 8 points ago +8 / -0

They can never stop themselves from referencing that orange cat. One of the mods is named "Citrus-Tabby."

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whether or not there are any true believers on there, none of them could possibly be functional people. The handful of people who actually use the rdrama breakaway site are completely psychotic. They may one day be taken over by true believers, or they may not, but it's scraping the bottom of the barrel either way. Functional people saw the sub get neutered, took one look at the autistic trainwreck that is the breakaway site, and moved on with their lives.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

90% chance that cunt beats those animals.

by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 18 points ago +18 / -0

In my childhood neighborhood, it was the opposite. Faggot cosmopolitans like him would move there from the city, and then immediately chop down whatever trees were on the property, replacing their yards with whatever trendy bullshit was popular at the time. They were too fucking lazy and stupid to deal with the cost of trees - trimming dead limbs, sweeping their entryway of dead leaves and pine needles, not parking their cars directly under sappy trees with no cover.

Not just the trees, either. So many bushes and ferns were ripped out and replaced with gravel and sawdust. Backyards were paved over. These days, the new thing is to fence everything off, because open borders proglodytes are afraid of homeless men coming onto their property.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's probably thoroughly pozzed by now, but r/SeattleWA's current popularity comes from some shit that went down ages ago in r/Seattle. I don't remember the specifics, but the insufferably prog head mod of r/Seattle turned out to be a sex pest, something like tricking women into casting couch situations and never paying out. At the time, it gave the sub a bit more resilience to prog bullshit, though I have no idea what it looks like on a normal day today.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

What exactly do you want whites to 'unite' for?

How deeply embedded is your shitlib programming that you're still pretending to be this obtuse? You've been around long enough to come up with at least a few minor quibbles whites might have.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pronoun people

I cannot believe I've never thought of "Pronoun-American" until this moment.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 18 points ago +18 / -0

Oh boy time for another writeup about a subject I'm very familiar with.

ZDoom's been a disaster for a while. The dev team changed a while back, and with it, the focus. Ironically, the originally lead dev who finally retired was a tranny, but kept it very personal. The current leads are one hyper-autistic German with a god complex, and one insufferable tranny. There are a couple other devs, and they basically have no connection to the overall player base.

For those not in the know, ZDoom is the most moddable of the Doom source ports, by far. All those wild mods, like the DKC port in Doom, are in ZDoom. Aside from ACS (primarily for level scripting), it is (or was) powered by a scripting language called DECORATE. Basically, all the previously hardcoded weapons, monsters, lights, etc. were translated into DECORATE, and with these two tools, you could make just about anything, even if the code was spaghetti in the end.

The current devs have an obsession with doing things what they think is the "proper way." It's metastized in two big problems:

First, ZDoom is now horribly slow. If there was some hack that was providing a performance boost, even a significant one, or supporting older hardware, it was removed. That means you need a modern gaming PC to play most modern mods, even if they don't even come near modern visuals. For reasons that are way too complicated to get into here, Doom doesn't scale very well, particularly with map complexity. Complex maps will give your CPU a workout no matter what, and ZDoom being slower than ever before has made running some modern maps an actual hurdle.

Second, DECORATE, while still supported, has largely been supplanted by ZScript. While ZScript is more powerful, it was made by myopic programmers, for myopic programmers. The new features that ZScript theoretically makes available to modders, doesn't, in most cases. Sure, it basically turns Doom into a VM that runs Doom, and you could theoretically use it to make literally anything you want, but it's so overdesigned that you might as well just learn C++ and start a new source port.

All this is happening in a thoroughly poisoned community. Nearly all of the mods and devs have gone full proglodyte subhuman, and they're not very subtle about it. Combine the worst of social media behavior with the egos and power trips of old forums, and that's what you have now. For instance, on Doomworld, you have rules where you can't talk about certain banned users, who were banned when they didn't sufficiency prostrate themselves in prog humiliation rituals, and the mods who will ban you for mentioning them pretend not to know anything about it, egging users on in hopes that they'll break the rules so they can purge another heretic. They have, effectively, purged nearly all vocal opposition to them.

I think they've fucked themselves in the long run. The Doom player base is massive for an ancient game, but there's very few pillars supporting the community itself, and most of the ones left are progs doing it solely for their political interests. There's 30 years of history and nobody to pass it on to should the inevitable prog infighting/clout chasing occur.

As a side note, here's a weird fucking story: The original maintainer of the /idgames wad archive, and one of the devs for Boom (the first major source port to expand Doom), was in a relationship with his grandmother.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can echo that. Four people in my immediate social circles, out of maybe thirty, had some kind of heart problem within a couple months of getting vaxxed; three with arrhythmia and one with sudden drops in blood pressure. My mother also started having occasional, debilitating dizzy spells after getting boosted, but nobody is sure what the precise cause is.

It's definitely not all myocarditis though. If it were, at that rate, you wouldn't be able to clean the bodies off the stairs fast enough. My best guess is nerve damage, which is something that used to come up early on but hasn't gotten any real attention recently. It's kind of a cop-out answer, since it's too broad an explanation, but it's not like we're gonna get any real answers for decades, if ever.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 11 points ago +11 / -0

If you're like me and wondering what the fuck this is, the fedboy shooter had this picture on his phone.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

At this point, it would be more subtle if they just tried beating us with the actual bodies.

by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's fucking hilarious. Hopefully he's just a weird kid and didn't inherit crippling neuroticism from his mother.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even modded with the sole purpose of fixing the games, FO3/NV are still broken as all fuck. Every fix just makes something else more unstable. You want a ticrate fix and a memory allocation fix? Congrats, now your save corrupts randomly, and you're still gonna crash all the time.

And that's not even going into stuff that you can't fix, period. Like basic movement. Running diagonally on keyboard or jumping are both FUBAR.

I've long been waiting on the day that these games are recognized as being napalm-fueled dumpster fires. FNV in particular, which may be one of the most overrated games of all time.

by xleb2
SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

That sub is rdrama-fag bait. The sub is one day old. Two of the three mod accounts are one day old. The only one that isn't is a mod of a bunch of other bait subs, and is named orangepatternedcat.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

Way back in the early days of the pandemic, I remember doctors still openly talking about their observations of Covid patients. They said there were two stages. The first, where it was basically just a bad cold, maybe a moderate flu, in terms of symptoms. Then, in the second stage, the immune system would suddenly go into overdrive, and it was that immune overreaction that was putting people in the ICU.

If any of that was actually true, then I could see how the "vaccine" could actually make it worse. For people who were already going to have an immune response that severe, all it was really doing was prepping the body to go as hard as possible, as fast as possible.

At least, it makes sense to me, as far as one can make any sense out of the available info.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

I really don't feel anger "Narcissa," just pity. I'm not being passive-aggressive either. I really, truly believe most of "Cosmo" (who he was pre-transition) died in a severe psychotic episode back in like 2014-2015, one so severe that (with help) it completely scrambled his brain.

Just read the transcription of his poem in the description. This was early Narcissa at his most coherent and stable. It's still not much better today, obviously.

Even today, with how often trannies get away with abusing the vulnerable, I'm not sure I've ever seen a case as bad as Cosmo. It was like a horror movie, watching somebody fall into an emotional crisis, only for his "friends" to use the opportunity to shred his ego and replace it with a barely-functional facsimile of a person. Narcissa is something that was born suffering, will always be suffering, and the whole thing was celebrated like it was some act of charity.

I honestly don't know how the people who did it live with themselves. I consider them to be criminals, whether or not there's a law to describe it. What they did (and continue to do) to him would have left him in a mental hospital, if there was anyone left who cared about him enough to realize it's where he needed to be.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

Seems like a Catch-22. The US isn't gonna defend Taiwan if they go nuclear (though probably not at all), and China probably gets real testy if Taiwan has anything more radioactive than a banana.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember the rumor mill phenomenon. The webmasters usually knew they were bullshit, since they almost inevitably spawned on somebody else's forum, but their opinion was "lol who cares" because you had to pad the feed between releases somehow. I guess it wasn't a big deal though. Nobody was going to Link's Hideaway to actually get Zelda news at all, so it's not like it hurt anyone. It was mostly just socially-awkward kids entertaining themselves while retarded young adults try to get something out of it. Still, it's a look into how more "professional" sites operate.

I do know a few people who are still doing it these days, in their late 20s and early 30s. Most of them quit a long time ago, and only returned because it was something they remembered being proud of. A few defunct sites were totally remade in the last couple years as some of the old guard rolled back in, just trying to grasp something of value. I've seen a lot of old acquaintances try, and fail, to get their old circles back. They're exactly the same, but half of their old friends are now lunatics, and the only sane people don't want anything to do with it anymore.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well most of the internet has been. I think it's basically the same dynamic, though it ended up there in a different way.

I left a bit out in that useful idiots sometimes become true believers (more or less*), which is something you see more often with old-style forums. That's at least something I've seen on Doom forums. That said, it's been ages since I've been a regular at ZD and ZU, and while they've definitely become prog hazard zones, I have no idea if it was the result of new blood coming in, or old blood being radicalized. My suspicion is that ZU is run by true believers, and ZD by wannabe-celebrities, but that's just from a glance and decade-old impressions. Whatever the case, none of those sites had any immunity to progification. The conditions for it were always there, whether it be weak-willed leaders or narcissists looking to wield the prog beast as a weapon.

  • I say useful idiots become true believers, but it's more the case that progressivism is just more extreme than it was, while the progs themselves stayed wherever they were relative to either socially-acceptable extreme. So, what's actually happening is that 2000 "moderate progs" became 2020 "moderate progs," but that the definition of "moderate prog" has changed from somebody who is mildly concerned about black neighborhoods to somebody who may not want to round up belligerent white conservatives and put them in camps themselves, but would cheer it on if somebody else did.
SturmMilfEnthusiast 17 points ago +17 / -0

I've been lurking for ages and finally, there's something I have personal experience with. Time for a wall of text.

During my mid-to-late teens, I was actually deeply involved in Zelda fansites, and it's only been recently that the social circles that came out of that era have begun to dissolve. Most of this probably isn't new, and I don't have any big inside scoops from the time, but I can at least say I was there.

First, you need to understand that half the "staff" we had were actual children and teenagers. No joke, one of the writers for Nintendo Castle was 11. These days, I don't really buy the "useful idiot" explanation, as prog circles are encroaching on RTLM territory, but it definitely applied to them. Their Facebook feeds, at the time full of prog propaganda, might as well have been scripture. Absolutely no critical thinking, and a desperate need to be a part of something. In other words, socially weak and easily manipulated.

One time, for like a month, socialization and work both came to a screeching halt because one of the new guys was incredibly annoying, but nobody could dredge up the will to boot him because they were afraid they'd be seen as a bad person.

The real problem people were the webmasters and their clique. Now, at least at the time, these people weren't pedos (these days they probably would be), but you can only imagine the sort of trainwreck of an adult actually wants to run a site when the main job is trying to wrangle children into doing their completely-optional homework. For some, such as the original webmaster of the site I was primarily involved in, it was just that he was a manchild. He may have been in college, but he really did have more in common with us high school Freshmen than his peers. He was genuine in his love for the games, but the site itself was just a crutch until he emotionally caught up with where he was in life. These are the weak guys who get latched onto by parasitical progs and used to push their own politics in their tiny internet fiefdom.

For the rest, they were broken narcissists who wanted to be internet famous. These are the guys who would take over sites when the previous webmasters would inevitably step down, only to combine the sites later on (Zelda Dungeon and Zelda Universe were infamous for this sort of thing). They have a more symbiotic relationship with the true believer progs, since they're resistant and (sometimes) competent enough to guide their sites in a generally useful direction, rather than just being sucked dry.

In both cases, the cliques were made up of one or two of the weak men or narcissists, and the true believer fanatics.

(I mentioned Nintendo Castle earlier. That's one unusual example that doesn't fit the usual two categories. The webmaster of that site was also an actual child, maybe 12-13. During its heyday, I don't think a single person working there was older than 14.)

As far as what they did for work, it wasn't much. Most of it was probably spent writing and rewriting staff pages, usually for their own benefit. Rather than try to organize the staff, they'd just write them off and get new ones - there were always more kids who thought writing for a website would be cool. They'd make alterations to articles, without consulting the original writer, usually for SEO, sometimes fucking up the articles themselves. Basically, fansites were the Screenrant prototype, but even more exploitative.

But what they really did is try to become a brand, and some of them are still doing it to this day. I know one guy in particular who is still, over a decade later, constantly trying to catch the attention of minor internet celebrities and organizations in hopes that they'll give him his breakthrough moment. He dropped the fansites he spent ages managing, not because he was tired of the job, but because fansites were dying and they no longer served his purpose. Now he hashtags and @'s on Twitter all day, every day. And it's all fake. I'm not sure he even has a soul anymore.

These days though, fansites are basically dead. So, while none of this is new, you're talking about the bottom of the barrel. You're not just getting the same old narcissist wrangling sociopaths for his own benefit, you're getting the lowest quality versions of these people. Progs and opportunists are usually pretty clever - it's why propaganda and manipulation is so sophisticated now - but these people are dumb as fuck. They can't hack it as /r/games mods, or even as /r/zelda mods. They have to boot stomp because they haven't curated a community that will attack you on site, because they don't know how to manipulate their forums and subreddits to change the perceived majority opinion and can't word the rules in such a way to serve themselves while hiding behind (im)plausible deniability.

I don't know how to end this essay. I would post Neco-Arc with a 200 lbs ass but it'd break rule 5.

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