by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wild magic has been around since 2e.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's inevitable that every bad thing is somehow Trump. Libs thought Inaros from The Expanse was like Trump, and the dude was basically the platonic ideal of some Central/South American commie revolutionary.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

It opens with a panelist show from the 60s talking about how if the Earth warms a few degrees fungus would have a reason to invade human bodies like insects.

This is about as stupid as "if the Earth was 10 feet closer to the sun, we'd all burn to death." Why didn't turning on the heater cause the fungus apocalypse? A warm breeze? I dunno, fucking summer?

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

We had two horticulture classes in my high school - one was a very well-funded class ran by a professional (in part because the greenhouse they used was actually part of his business), the other had no funding whatsoever. I was in the latter. We barely grew anything ourselves, most of our year was spent setting things up for future us, like building the irrigation system for our own cheap greenhouse and tearing out stumps and bushes where we were gonna build planters. And it was all done without having somebody hovering over our shoulders.

It was the only time in my school life I remember not feeling like my soul was leaving my body. It even got me into reasonably good shape, when previously I was scrawny as fuck and couldn't be assed to work out for its own sake. Every school should have something like that. It's no wonder so many people are neurotic when they spent most of their formative years sitting on their ass doing busywork with no tangible reward.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

De one we dem de read well well

Fucking what?

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, the former is just the in-universe term for the age-old concept of witches turning into animals specifically (though both men and women can do it), and the latter is for shapeshifters generally.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 11 points ago +11 / -0

and even parents in intact families tend to view any man who shows an interest in teaching or mentoring kids with deep suspicion. That's every bit as true on the right as it is on the left, and it's a problem.

And maybe for understandable reasons. It's not hard to imagine that now, half a century into this anti-male insanity, the number of men willing to put their own livelihoods at risk for children that are not their own must have shrunk, but meanwhile, the number of degenerates has only gone up. To quote RLM, you may not have noticed, but your brain did. The lack of positive male role models is a vicious circle that leads to fewer trustworthy male role models. Not that you can trust women any more than men (less, probably), but the damage has already been done.

This, along with the loss of knowledge being passed down between generations, is one of the long-term consequences of feminism we're already neck-deep in. Even if we somehow waved a magic wand and stomped this shit out now, it would still be a multi-generational project to repair the damage. Maybe even longer than it took to cause in the first place.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

The part that keeps getting left out are the trannies. Most trannies don't even want to be real women, they want to be anime girls. Hell, they don't even want to be anime girls, they want to be traps (which is part of why they were so controlling over the term).

Trannies are the most dedicated footsoldiers of prog shit, so not only are they willing to commit their entire lives to even minor moderation roles to serve their values, but their dedication to the cause makes them loyal any powers that will throw them a bone. It's why they seemingly have so much influence.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's absolutely a huge part of it. The other part is actual androphobia. Both are rooted in how most women are failed women, which is its own topic. Failed women have a particular neurosis where they're both upset when a man (even a hypothetical man) doesn't find her attractive all the time, and also so deathly afraid of male sexuality that they don't want to see sexually provocative imagery displayed anywhere,

You've already mentioned the catcalling thing. That may have been a joke in a TV show, but it's a legitimate thing with women. Another good example are the western fujoshi - they desire male sexuality strongly enough that they're practically defined by their obsession with it, but also so afraid and disgusted by it being directed towards a woman that they can only play with it in the "safe" environment of gay porn.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

It was popular at the time to complain about Morrowind's combat system, but I don't think they were going back to that either way.

Some element of it is just Todd being a shithead. At one point, they did have a spear weapon class. They decided not to implement it. Even if it was unfinished, that's true for half of Skyrim. They were happy enough to implement the dragon riding feature and I'm still not convinced the controls do anything in that.

by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some dinosaur-obsessed grown man who may have been paid to draw once upon a time. He's developed a small following of equally insufferable faggots recently. The usual kind that comes and goes.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 19 points ago +19 / -0

It's not impossible if he actually got hit in the chest. It's very rare, but it does happen. It's called Commotio Cordis. I don't even know if we've hit 1000 confirmed cases in the US since we started counting sometime in the 90s, so make your own judgement, but it's not made up. It has all the same risk factors: Mostly men, worse for younger and more athletic men, and more likely when they're physically active. You don't actually have to be hit hard, it's just when your heart is working hard enough and you get hit in the right spot at a specific moment in the heartbeat.

It happened to a classmate in middle school. It only took a tennis ball flung from a lacrosse stick by a scrawny teen boy to do it. Luckily for him, one of the PE teachers knew CPR, and our school was practically next door to both a fire department and an urgent care with an ambulance service, so he was one of the few to survive it. Scared the shit out of the parents though and the whole district put down its lacrosse fad that year.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +5 / -1

This is a good example of how that isn't true anymore. Go check the replies. It used to be that these true believer autists made up the vanguard, and were just being puppeted by elites. Now that they're vastly outnumbered by midwit sociopaths, the autists' attempts to purity check their fellow travelers get shut down hard. The sociopaths are clever enough to understand that the word of the ideology is just the justification for their license to be monsters, and will not let adherence to the scripture get in the way of that.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

Launching almost solely from the moon is half the reason to build a moon base. That would be one of the most important parts of your lunar infrastructure. Aside from the much lower escape velocity, the near-total lack of an atmosphere means you don't have to fight air drag, and that means you can build up to escape velocity gradually.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno, have you seen what ambushes people from streets named after MLK Jr.? I might prefer the actual jungle to the concrete one.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

Honestly it's not a horrible idea. We've seen prog mythology written in real time, and it's enforced strongly enough that it becomes mainstream even when it's blatantly false. In the future, people may not have any way to know that BLM even had a body count, not unless it gets compiled and stored somewhere for future generations, put there by people who knew the truth would be buried, explicitly to preserve it.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly. I don't know about Guatemalans specifically, but in my experience, foreigner households are either way worse than the typical American household, or way better, with not a lot of in-between.

This article doesn't go too much into the subject. I don't know what sort of hours these kids were working, the risks they were in, where their wages were going, what their home life was like, or how they got into the country. However, at this point in our cultural decline, I'm not willing to act on impulse either way. A 14-year old working in a factory would have been a bad sign for a white family in 1982, in what was still nominally a white American nation, but this is a Guatemalan family in the American Economic Zone in 2022. It's still probably not a good sign for anyone involved, but these days, it's worth knowing more.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's a big once-molten blob of reactor core and casing that melted right through the floor and into the basement of Chernobyl. Not actually the most radioactive thing in the world, but still pretty fucking lethal for what amounts to decades-old debris.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 14 points ago +14 / -0

God willing there's a freak storm and they're finding pieces of this plane as far south as fucking Antarctica.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 27 points ago +27 / -0

They're not trying to hide it, they're trying to make you say it. Normies, if forced to consider it, know just how much more mischief our swarthy friends get up to, but making you say it aloud either triggers decades of indoctrination, or scares them into slinking away.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you still going? You got shit to work out.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's cute, trying to pretend you didn't have an episode. That'll definitely make it go away.

SturmMilfEnthusiast -2 points ago +1 / -3

I have plenty of ideas of how Twitter could be useful, but we didn't get to that point in the conversation before you had a fit. It doesn't take an enemy actor to betray your own, all you gotta do is just be another spastic, paranoid nigger.

Point all the fingers you want. If you believed this victory was any more valuable than I did, you wouldn't be two steps from a psychotic break just because I told you otherwise.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +5 / -2

It's just basic strategic thinking. Victories come with costs, and if the victory doesn't lead to anything, then it might as well be a loss. Don't win a battle at the cost of the war.

Elon will probably never be able to make a move like this again, and leftists still hold the majority of cultural territory - the factories of the culture war. Lord knows if we'll ever have anyone crazy and rich enough to pull a stunt like this again at all. That's gonna be true no matter what happens. If leftists retake or destroy Twitter before we get our use out of it, then we're coming away worse off for our "victory."

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