If it were only middle schoolers, I wouldn't be complaining.
Throw on any youtube video on the front page and see if the clearly college aged dude with a broccoli haircut doesn't use those exact words I'm talking about.
When I said back in the day, I prefaced middle school. I remember it being a thing for a bit in middle school. All middle schoolers do cringy stuff.
It wasn't so much talking, as it was spouting stuff out. These words weren't part of our adopted vocabulary. We'd also yell out "I'm Rick James!!" because of the Chapelle show. The Fo' Shizzle was more like that than an actual way of speaking.
What I'm talking about going on today is actual change in core communication which is much different.
That's encouraging at least.
The internet does give a bias of how prevalent things are. Part of it is the difficulty with things like Youtube comments is you never know how old someone is, so you just sort of have this vague idea that they're younger than you, but that's as far as that knowledge goes so it just feels like the borg or something, like total saturation, whereas if I knew the breakdowns like "75% of youtube commenters are between 10 - 15 years old", I'd go "yeah I was cringy as well at 13".
I'm really glad my parents kept me away from the internet and that stuff until the right time.
I think it was like 6th grade when my dad walked me through getting an email address and that felt like a big deal, like I took a step towards maturity. That's how I communicated with my friends was through email, because while texting existed, no one wanted to do it because most people had flip phones and typing one sentence on those numpad keys took like 2 whole minutes. So we'd email.
I really wish everyone communicated through email again. I really hate texting. I know I sound like a 60 year old right now haha.
But yeah, I'm also really glad I didn't get a smart phone until way later. Didn't have one through all of high school, and there were people who had one in middle school. I had an Ipod so I could listen to music, and I had the computer at home where I'd email people so I really didn't feel like I was missing out, and when I changed schools when I moved in high school, I didn't make any friends anyways, so I never cared to have a smart phone until later, and I'm very grateful for that.
It was hard enough growing up in that time, just with myspace comparing yourself with others, without having to constantly have an addicting brain rot thing constantly in your pocket where high school drama never stops because of constant texting.
If I had a kid, I'd probably raise them practically amish when it comes to phones and tablets until they were like 9th grade.
They are correct in that they look at observable present reality and can tell what is apparent to anyone with eyes and can tell there are issues.
Where they are not correct is jumping to evolutionary arguments, calling people subhuman, believing that certain things make someone not made in the image of God. They are not correct because they're not starting with the Bible. If they started with the Bible they'd know that all people are made in God's image and every person comes from 1 of 3 people, the son's of Noah, and there's no evolution.
Yeah, I reject the concept of racism. It's a marxist word that has never been used in any way except as a weapon against white people.
I don't play those games, if people call me racist, I laugh and don't care, and I don't care about the perception of racism.
That said, there is a legitimate type of person who says "Hitler was right" and "all black people should be lynched" and I'm not going to embrace that just because the left calls everything nazi.
That's sort of like people saying the star wars prequels are good because the Disney star wars movies are garbage....No, two things can suck at the same time. Both suck for different reasons.
I want society to have the uncomfortable conversations about race and the inner city that they would rather gouge out their eyes than begin to have those conversations, but there's a difference between that and "black people are subhuman".
As a Christian, though I do believe in biological differences, I reject evolution, and believe all people descend from Noah's 3 sons, as it says in scripture, so while I'm not a denier of biology differences (because they're easily observable) like much of the church tries to be because the implications are too scary to wade into, my belief in biological variances and determinism ends where evolutionary arguments begin, and most stormfront people literally believe black people are not made in the image of God and are not as human as white people, and they rely on evolutionary arguments and don't start from scripture.
Not true. I've stayed basically the same in most of my tastes, ways of talking, what I find funny, etc.
I can't think of something I used to do 20 years ago ironically anyways.
Likewise I don't use the zoomer slang ironically now.
The only thing I do ironically at the moment is joke with my parents telling them my preferred pronouns for the day and stuff like that.
If you think I'll be doing that unironically in 20 years, then I shudder at the thought.
The only thing that got better was memes in my opinion.
I absolutely hated the early 2000s memes. Ceiling cat, I can haz cheeseburger, that kid doing the fist bump, etc.
To me those were peak lame comedy and I couldn't understand why anyone found that stuff funny, whereas memes are MUCH funnier nowadays in my opinion with the soyjacks, the pepe's, etc. They hit on the pulse of society in a way that good comedy should, whereas the old memes were like stuff that women find cute and normies find funny imo.
Around the gamergate era with the rise of Pepe memes I found myself shocked at how funny memes had gotten because they became less of a normie thing and more of a "I want to have a laugh dunking on leftists" sort of thing.
I saw a quote about a month ago.
If you treat incompetence/ stupidity as malice, both will go away
If you treat malice as incompetency/stupidity, both will keep growing unchecked
(I know I butchered the phrasing, but the idea is the same)
The first episode was 2011 when it was a UK show, but still had Penn and Teller as the judges. Nothing was different about the show except the host and most of the contestants were British.
When it was brought to the US it was 2014 and it's still going as of this year and the contestants are still the same as it's always been as far as I can tell. I watch clips on Youtube. You see, the show actually allows the individual magicians to upload their respective episodes to their own youtube channels, so most Fool Us segments are uploaded in their entirety without having to pay to watch, scattered across all the contestants youtube channels.
But you click on one, and dozens of others are recommended on the sidebar.
I didn't know that about his daughter either.
Have you watched the show?
Penn and Teller know basically every technique there is. Fooling them usually boils down to did the magician effectively use multiple techniques in order to make them guess the wrong one that they used primarily, or if it's something where they know exactly what was used such as sleight of hand, if the magician is so skilled at sleight of hand that Penn and Teller don't see him doing it, aka they didn't "catch" him, they consider that fooling them even though they know how the trick is done in principle.
Fooling Penn and Teller, because they know the various ways any given trick could possibly be pulled off, more revolves around them correctly or incorrectly guessing the way or if their act was so flawless that they didn't in the moment see the method, they also reward the magician.
Many magicians have been on the show and say exactly how it works.
First they show the producers exactly how the trick works, and then they re-perform the tricks for Penn and Teller, and the producers via a mic confirms or denies that Penn and Teller's theory is correct or incorrect.
Now I'm sure there's some magicians they claim fooled them, that actually didn't, but because they liked the magicians act enough, they let on like they didn't fool them, but this is a rare case of a reality show that seems pretty legit.
Yeah, Penn, though I disagree with him on much, like his atheism, used to be a very intelligent and principled thinker who was entertaining to listen to, and you're right, he actually respects Christians who evangelize because he says that if you truly believe eternity is at stake, how much would a Christian have to hate me to not want to try and preach about the dangers of hell, and that the Christians who aren't doing that because they want to be "nice" would be like not shoving someone out of the way of an incoming truck because you're worried you'll offend them for shoving them.
And yeah, I heard that TDS has made him not such a good thinker like he used to be.
Yeah, he's got some stuff where he's right on the money (George Carlin video), but other stuff where I go.....that's a bit of a stretch.
Like his matrix video.
The Matrix is the type of film that can be interpreted in dozens of ways and it's not your job to tell others what it means.
As a Christian, I see many spiritual truths of the Matrix some of which were no doubt intentional even though the Wachowski BROTHERS are obviously not Christian. Someone who wants to interpret the Matrix in a different way, even a surface, face value way is also legitimate.
His video on Jingle all the way seems legitimate and eye opening, but since I haven't seen it since I was a kid, I couldn't tell you if his analysis was accurate or cherry picked.
Yep, it's what turned me onto WABC.
Wasn't aware of it until Anthony announced the show, now I have the app downloaded.
It's fantastic. We used to live in a society
I think we’re probably around the same age.
32 here.
I experienced teachers doing this but it didn’t click for me like it did just now until you wrote that comment.
I have no idea. Didn't even watch the whole video. Just watched enough to hear Bill Burr.
Everyone on Youtube is like this nowadays.
That's a fair point. People like Charles Manson are grade-A nut-balls, but they are highly fascinating at the same time. Their bizarre worldview is interesting at the very least.
You don't usually get that with other races.
I think it's probably because white people tend to view themselves as individuals and don't collectivize. That results in some pretty crazy fringe beliefs which makes for something more compelling. When people collectivize themselves, motivations disappear into a borg-like "whatever my 'community' told me all my life"
Yeah, same with Anthony Jesselnick. Jesselnick's whole brand was being as offensive as possible.
He had a segment on the Jesslenick offensive where if someone died from a shark attack, literally within that week, a bunch of women dressed in shark outfits would come and dance with him and have a "shark party".
And this guy wants to be "politically correct" now because of what you said.
Unfortunately the source playing the clips is a cuck himself who thinks this is brilliant stuff from Burr, but it's what popped up on my feed and I'm not bothering to look for a based source. Hopefully Anthony Cumia talks about it or someone like that.
Cumia, if you didn't know, loves to talk about how much a cuck Burr turned into, which is hilarious because he used to be on O and A's show.
It’s putting the cart before the horse. The golden age started because of a national embracing of Christian values (Catholicism is a messed up brand of Christianity but still, there’s biblical root).
The expulsion as it states was part of them trying to get Jews to convert to Catholicism.
Nations that embrace biblical truth tend to be happier, better off in many ways, free-er, etc. Because even atheists adhering to the principles of wisdom will benefit in spite of their lack of belief.
Which is more likely?
A) Jews get kicked out so their country starts doing well immediately
B) they kick out Jews because a surge of religious devotion and that same religious devotion benefits them just as it did America and many other European nations before they apostasised?
Option A still leaves a a question of what forward steps would lead to a golden age, whereas option B answers both the driving force behind the golden age and explains why they’re kicking the Jews out.
Thank you! These Chuds like Eddie want to pretend like it’s still 2018. We’ve moved on from your bigoted and limited idea of what passed for “tolerance”.
Feel free to join us in the year 2025 where we literally do the bare minimum to be a decent human being which is let vehicles exist and don’t literally try to erase and deny their existence.
Big yikes….
Your example uses some Chinese groups in other places. China has been an empire for thousands of years and is the single most populated nation on earth.
Any foreign Chinese could have contemporary sources to turn to keep a Chinese identity.
Israel was not a nation for nearly 2000 years and yet the Jews remained.
And Israel, this tiny little nation being the central place of the end times…..these two factors make comparing some Chinese expats with Jews like comparing a puddle to the Atlantic Ocean.
That was one of the best things I've ever read. Thank you for linking that article.