I really hate the ebonic-fication of language including among white zoomers.

When I was in like middle school, people would just for fun, but ironically and not as actual part of their conversation say things like fo-shizzle my nizzle.

It was a knowing thing of just a funny thing to occasionally say because it sounded funny and it was a snoop dogg thing. It wasn't a common thing, I just remember it being a thing on the school bus of people saying the various snoop dogg stuff, but otherwise that was the extent of ebonics bullcrap. Another way to say it is you had to very intentionally and knowingly say it, there was no casual or subconscious incorporation of "derizzles, and fo shizzles". It was not a part of our subconscious in any way. There really wasn't much of a different way of talking than my parents or any other adults. No real slang barriers.

Now, just all over the internet, gen Z and whoever uses slang like, "you know you're cooked when...", "on God", "bruh" "glazing" "no cap"

And it's literally a part of their language. Again, I was born in the early 90s....I really don't remember there being language that people had to go "what?" and look up to understand what we were saying. We just talked like normal people. And we used normal words like faggot and retard, staples since the 70s at least.

I remember going to camp one summer and there was a group of black people there and I didn't understand like 80% of what they said because it was so full of Ebonics. You needed a translator. It was like one step away from Jamaican. That's now bled it's way into general society it seems.

This ebonicsification of all of American demographics makes me feel a sense of hopelessness.

It makes me want to make a youtube video tutorial called "How to de-faggify your speech"


First of all, I should clarify, I'm not a white supremacist, however I feel that different cultures have different values and certain fields will naturally be overrepresented by certain races, and when you find "equity" you're finding mediocrity being ignored for an agenda.

Now with Penn and Teller Fool Us, probably about 90% of the people doing the magic are white men.

There are a smattering of other races, including black, asian, etc. And on the very rare occasion a woman.

Because magic is not only nerdy and niche, it can't just be appropriated the way other hobbies are. It takes years of effort to be considered qualified to be a magician. Not so easy huh trannies as it is to just flood some fandom and say you're a fan now?

When you see a black man on stage on the show Penn and Teller Fool Us, you know darn well that he deserves to be there, because, for one, he has to prove that fact on television and also because magic is something that requires years of dedication and skilled practice and if you haven't done that, it's going to be obvious immediately.

It might be the most merit based reality show ever made.

You watch a cooking show like master chef and the judges can say whatever they want, as can the producers manipulate however they want. That's why every Master Chef episode looks like a Mcdonald's commercial or any modern video game.

Magic isn't subjective like that. To even get there, you had to have been honing your craft for at least years.

If it were a show about beginner magicians, they'd no doubt make the show fill a quota of 40% women, 60% non-white and find plenty of people who don't care about magic, but just want to be on television then have these non magicians be taught enough that they can perform entry level tricks on TV and push the non-white, and probably women and "trans" to the winning spots.

But, whether they thought through the implications or not, they decided to make a show where the goal is to fool professional magicians, so by nature, you're going to have to have the best of the best be on the show or else they'd embarrass themselves.

So, yeah the few non-white people who are contestants, it's obvious that they deserve to be there, and due to it being pure merit based, it's like 90% white men.


I'm certain I've had American leftists report me or my youtube or twitter channel. It's like a 99.9% certainty.

But it's only been twice that someone said openly with zero hint of shame that they reported me.

Both were Europeans.

Both from Scandinavian countries. One was on Steam, where in the comment thread he happily told me he reported my account because I dared to have political disagreements with him.

And the second time was some twitch/youtube streamer I happened upon who was playing Morrowind and I mentioned that TES 6 would be woke. He then proceeded to live stream him reporting my channel for "hate speech".

Now I'm certain that at least dozens of American leftists have done the exact thing, but there's an American sense that tattling on someone and and using the force of a higher human authority is a bad and embarrassing look, so American leftists typically just do it, but don't announce it, instead pretend that they're made of tougher stuff.

But that American shame of tattling to whoever big brother is in the scenario, whether it's Valve or Google, over the most minor "social offenses", doesn't seem to be as prevalent over in Europe particularly in Scandinavian countries.


You'd think that 95% of criminals are white going off that channel.

Typical. Not much else to say, it speaks for itself.


When he announced his running prior to 2016, I thought it was a joke.

The apprentice guy? I was born in 92 and really just hardly aware of him except for the apprentice, of which I only watched a few of the celebrity apprentice episodes because it had celebrities on that I liked such as Gilbert Gottfried and Penn Jillette.

So I didn't really care for Trump for two reasons.

  1. I associated him with reality TV and I did and still do despise reality TV. I saw it and still see it as one of those things that decayed the American culture.

  2. When he was the subject of a comedy central roast around the time he announced he was running, he didn't seem like he could take a joke.

I've since seen that Trump's not the type of guy who does big hearty showy laughs. If he's amused by something he'll just sort of smile. But at the time, I didn't think he had a sense of humor about himself, and I've always been someone who's wary of people who can't take jokes about themselves.

But what changed for me officially was when I saw a video of his, one of his campaign videos addressing the problem of political correctness in the culture and stifling free speech.

That alone was enough to ensure I was behind him 100%. I never saw any other "conservative" politician boldly address this issue or even address it at all really.

Mostly it was just us on the internet fighting the culture war who bothered to address and fight political correctness. Where was John McCain's take down of PC culture? Where was Mitt Romney's takedown of PC culture? But here, the guy who I thought was just doing this for attention as a reality TV guy, is the only one to flat-out say, political correctness is a problem and needs to be addressed.

So that video made me a Trump supporter. Then seeing how the mainstream media treated the man made me see things even clearer.


That's what it's called right? When a character is a caricature of what they used to be.

The only spongebob I've seen is the first 3 seasons and I've seen the movie like twice I think.

I still return to those first three seasons because even as an adult, I think they hold up and are funny.

I've seen clips on Youtube of more modern spongebob and it seemed like garbage, but I haven't seen enough to see how bad it is.

Patrick in this game, and I assume it's representative of how more modern spongebob is written, in particular is completely flanderized.

He was always really dumb, but in a funny way.

Here he's straight up retarded and is just like a caricature of how he was in the first 3 seasons.

All the writing and characters feel off, but his stands out the most, and I skip all the dialogue so mostly I'm hearing the quips Spongebob and Patrick make as you play the game.


I don't think it's possible to cite a single movie as "the last classic Hollywood type movie" where its focus was entertainment and had movie magic feel to it, but I do think you could make a general list.

Some I'd throw out there for me are Mask of Zorro (1998), the Transporter (2002), the first two Harry Potter films.

What about you guy's. What's your personal list of movies that were sort of the last of that era where movies felt like movies and had something special to them?


Yes, Star Wars was saved from George's own retarded original vision, but people want to say Marcia Lucas literally heckin SAVED STAR WARS!!

I think because she's a woman, they want to say she saved it with her master editing skills.

She played a part in making Star Wars not suck, but people need to come back to reality for two main reasons.

  1. Hundreds of people helped save Star Wars from George Lucas. Actors who refused to say certain lines because they were too ridiculous (Mark Hamill has told that story many times)

The script went through many re-writes including Brian De Palma, because the original script was so terrible, and then all the nameless, faceless executives who were reigning in George Lucas for his own good. So again, Marcia played a part, but it's not even the most significant part, which brings me to point number two.

  1. Editors cannot make a bad movie good. A really good editor can make a movie the best it can be which Marcia certainly did, and a bad editor can screw up and diminish what could have been a masterpiece if they had a better editor, but you cannot make a bad movie good in editing.

It's like saying you can turn rotten moldy ingredients into a good cake if you use the right proportions.

Making my case for this is I went through a fan edit phase of watching fan-edits of movies. I never thought a fan edit made a bad movie good, including the prequels. At best, a good fan edit makes a movie suck slightly less.

You have to have something good to work with in order to make something good at the editing stage, which with the groundbreaking ILM effects, the actually well-written and well acted characters and a plot that people could jive with, Marcia Lucas had plenty to work with. A bad editor could have fumbled the ball and luckily she was a good editor.

She didn't save Star Wars, she was one of many who helped it not be the piece of crap it should have been with Lucas's bad instincts at the helm.


Like the original Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones, etc.

35mm is the standard for films. I wonder what all of the classic films would look like if 70mm was the standard.

I get its prohibitively expensive which is why it's rare for a film to do it.

It's just fun to imagine if 70mm was the standard used by basically every film.


I'm 32 btw, and I don't consider myself "old" like millennials often exaggerate....32 is still young, but time creeps along for all people and there is one thing that when I see it, it makes me have sort of an odd dread feeling.

People will post memes of like "this show is now X amount of years old...feel old yet?"

And that stuff never does. But the one thing that makes me go "that can't be right....that must be a glitch...it can't be that old" is those rare times I come across a Youtube video that was uploaded near the beginning, like a video from 2007 or something and the video will say "uploaded 15 years ago, or 16 years ago"

That one hits me in the gut every time. I remember in middle school Youtube being a new thing and it doesn't feel like the type of thing that is half my lifetime ago..It feels such a modern, part of this crap society that when I stumble across videos that were 16 years ago....I don't know...it gives me a similar feeling like when you watch a black mirror episode...there's something dystopian feeling about it.

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