I think people here get confused. My contention is the following:
-The globohomo NGOs do exist to spread globohomo.
-like all globohomo libtards, it's horribly ineffective. See Afghanistan "hearts and minds".
I think if people consider their interactions with government for a bit they will realize they are generally incompetent.
Georgia is a country long leaning towards the US, so much so that George Bush is considered a hero there. We might disagree with that, but it is reality.
Eh, Georgia has a long history of conflict with Russia. Russia already took a big chunk of Georgia before, and salted the ground on the way.
Georgia has for that reason had one of the largest groups of fighters in Ukraine.
This is Russia trying to finish the Georgia takeover, which is not really popular there. People vastly overestimate the West's ability to create a coup.
Well, not entirely true. Capitalism didn't exist for most of human history. Mercantalism was the much more common predecessor to capitalism.
Capitalism just feels like the default in "The West" because they didn't have generations crippled by Communism and fascism like much of the rest of the world.
Well, I have great respect for you and your opinions generally here, but you are simply wrong and lack experience in the region.
I have friends (and family) on both sides of that conflict. Anecdotally, all my Russian friends had to flee the draft (even those who spoke positively about the "special military operation"). All my Ukrainian friends stayed and took up arms. Even the women. It was a brutal blitzkrieg style at that the beginning.
Most all of those in eastern Europe know very well what happens when Russia takes over: mass murder of families and non Russians. Recently Georgia went through this in Abkhazia, most of the towns simply wiped out.
Further back the baltics still have monuments to the folks rounded up and shot, the KGB rooms still having bullet holes in them.
The Russian government is far, far more brutal than the American mind can comprehend.
Cape Town is/was one of the last bastions of Afrikaners in SA. It is absolutely beautiful beyond belief, but judging by this article it too has now fallen.
I can't even describe how beautiful this land is and it saddens me to think that the beach penguins will likely be another casualty.
Unpopular opinion, but the right needs to start flooding these applications with their own people to recapture these organizations and bring them to sanity.
Search those gov jobs. Get in and try to get other like minded folks in
This. Also realize that most Dems rate the current economic situation as just fine.
I think it's rated Teen though.