Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

And they’ll revoke your vaccinated status at will.

This is totalitarian evil.

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course they are - we don’t live in a free society anymore and if they’ll blatantly subvert justice like this what are they doing with the rest of Democracy?

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Disney owned.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because men and women don’t have anal sex?

How … progressive of them…

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

Of course violence against government is all fine and dandy when its BLM and AntiFA and AGAINST THE GOP.

Nancy Pelosi kneeled and swore an oath of fealty to BLM after their violence.

Why do they suddenly think that it's now bad? (it's a rhetorical question, I know why)

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh - I’ve suspected it as soon as they announced a nationwide lockdown which has NEVER been an attempt to stop a viral spread in any history book or even a contingency/preparedness plan except as maybe a last ditch effort.

There’s also the part of going along with your society - we’re not communists or sheep but we are an organized body of people that have to work together and we don’t have all the information that the leadership has (and that’s another red flag - but that’s also typical of all crises in the short term - but this constant squelching and in some cases flagrant and violent censorship of counter info is frightening in a supposed free society)

So yeah - I’ve been calling BS the whole time but the truth is readily becoming apparent and verifiable.

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

I really want to believe that the “vaccines” are at least as somewhat effective as they state and that they're following SOME semblance of science - (no, I'm not vaxxed)

But stories like this only seem to lead to the conclusion that our leadership AND scientists are nothing more than morons at best and this is a global attempt to enforce totalitarian control at worst.

My state is now showing that 1/3 of the population has tested positive and about 2/3 are vaccinated and yet rates of infection are at an all time high (and includes my anecdotal evidence - last year this time I knew of 2 families that had it. This year its 8 and they've all been vaxxed (except the youngest children) (including my leftist twit families that refused to go anywhere or see family last year but this year are all out and about because they've been vaxxed... yeah, they got it... but it wasn't bad so it was good they were vaxxed!) So what's that mean?

Well.. to quote Sherlock Holmes... "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Skywise 27 points ago +27 / -0

No firearms advertising, period.

This is a direct attack on Steven Crowders channel along with all gun manufacturers.

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Actually - if the trend now is to subvert expectations and, thus, make Malificent a hero... why not do it with Gaston or Governor Ratcliffe?

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not true.

If it was actually effective - I'd take it.

It it was perfectly harmless and kind of effective I'd probably take it rather than risk my entire livelihood like I'm about to do.

But it's not effective. It's not harmless. And I'm increasingly mortified that they're now calling for a 4th and FIFTH booster shot and we've barely been giving them for a YEAR - so we're basically now down to 2.5 months efficacy? That's BS and that includes the ONE MONTH for the shot to become fully effective.

All of this points to a leadership that has no idea of what they're doing but merely wants to enforce a civilian passport system where we need a license to work, eat and travel.

Again, I say, BS!

The Spanish Flu of 1918 ended WITHOUT A VACCINE in 18 months. We're now in the 21st month.

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

Social dyke - she was married for 15 years and had several children and then had her epiphany.

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

Cynthia was nerdy cute in the Manhattan Project.

Didn’t take long to turn into a shrew though.

Skywise 24 points ago +24 / -0

To be fair - you’ll note Kim Catrall isn’t on that post.

That’s because the sisterhood excoriated and excommunicated her too.

(Not sure of Kim’s thoughts here)

Skywise 21 points ago +25 / -4


He was always in support of the vaccines - but against MANDATES.

I have zero problem with people that feel they need to take it but it should be a free individual choice by all and not enforced like some Gestapo.

Frankly I’ve looked at the facts and find the vaccines “effectiveness” lacking. My extended family - all fully vaxxed and boostered came down with it last week. But - yknow - it’s ok because they would’ve all died if they hadn’t had it like the 1.5% unvaxxed and above 60 years old did. (And on a sadder note my dads next door neighbor (64) died last month - vaxxed and not boostered so - yknow - that’s why…)

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