Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

The movie was Time After Time and was Nicholas Meyers’ first movie… his second movie would be Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.

Wells’ love interest in the movie was Mary Steenburgen! (Talk about typecasting!)

Otherwise - yeah, Wells was very socialist and happily supported “imperialism and colonialism” because at the time that was how you civilized the savages and brought them to the light of humanity.

What you’re seeing here is communist revisionism - like denying Hitler was socialist because it destroys their entire ideology to see what their utopian ideals yield… every, single, time.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be tactical… it get Rubio out of the senate and DeSantis can replace him with a pro-Trump one?

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Leftists don't even believe in the hippocratic oath anymore (if they ever did). These are the same people that want to deny healthcare to people they don't like in the name of tolerance! (but nooo - they're not racist or bigoted!)

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

One addendum here - you see this behavior/attitude a LOT with the "highly educated" (college level), even in STEM fields but not the blue collar fields. Hands on practical knowledge vs book learning seems to be the difference here (Because hands on knowledge like plumbing, car mechanics, HVAC, requires cutting through the BS). My career path took me to the cutting edge of technology dev where the bureaucracy, at the time, had no answers. (TL;DR - even though I was in a STEM computer field, I had to get my hands dirty at the lower OS levels and even the chip level in some cases and quickly learned that most bureaucracy/documentation was BS - "Ok, heres what your white paper and documentation SAY... but here's what it's actually DOING! Thus I couldn't trust "the orthodoxy" - What really grind my gears in the number of people that get burned by "the orthodoxy" in the tech field and then KEEP BELIEVING IT and then the liberal arts types can't even question the orthodoxy because there's little hard data to counter it (besides things like sales figures which are easily waived away - see Disney...)

Skywise 29 points ago +29 / -0

I’ve encountered the same things with friends who have masters degrees. The great majority of people in the world do NOT think for themselves. They just pick the narrative that coincides with their world view or social status - contradictions and all.

You see it in the churches and religious debates and it’s where the r/atheists think themselves so smart because they decided they don’t need a sky daddy… and then promptly adopt the “religion” of shitlibs.

I’ve called a few out on that (back when I cared) and pointed out that they’ve just traded one orthodoxy system for another and aren’t thinking independently … ooo they did not like that one bit.

You definitely popped his brainwashing cap and as soon as you got him questioning the orthodoxy he realized he wasn’t “of the body” anymore and had to make a definitive break from you so he could consider himself back in the group. (I know coz I did it myself way back when) You could try making a conciliatory gesture “sorry man, wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable” but it’s probably best to just let it lay. Especially if he now thinks you’re “one of them”

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Bet he was shouting “project 2025” while he did it.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

SeE?1 tHeY gIvE tHeIr WoMeN mOaR rIgHtS tHaN wE dO!

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anybody doxxed her yet? I'm very curious about her education/employment history...

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Painters were necessary as part of communications and the part of doing business. First from recording historical events/people then later advertising.

The artistic aspect evolved from that need.

Sculptors much less so but had their roots in architecture (church building, plumbing systems, etc)

Practical need first, artistic expression later.

It's not until you get your civilization to a point where the basic necessities are easily met and you have an affluent society that can afford art for arts basis.

That also doesn't mean that "art" wasn't done on the side - families still entertained themselves in the evenings along with community events (based around harvest/planting season... naturally) and basic crafting of quilting, clothes making, furniture making, etc; But it would typically have to be of a practical nature as well.

Disneyland can't exist without a highly affluent society behind it that has the dollars AND time to go to it.

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a time where food and shelter is scarce - if you do nothing to contribute to providing food or building shelter you're a liability to society. This wasn't just true of acting, it was true of any creative art that didn't help with survival.

Skywise 15 points ago +15 / -0

Clean house.

Obama did it and installed generals who supported his woke transgender agenda and Biden picked up where they left off.

Trumps admin has to clean house again and, first, install/promote generals loyal to him and 2nd start retraining the military for meritocracy

Skywise 20 points ago +21 / -1

Honestly, even though I'd love the Schadenfreude, I prefer them not policing speech.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Evolution of society” my ass.

Does this mean I can get The Boondocks removed from history now because of its hateful depictions of white people?!

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you voted for Trump, or for a third party, fuck you, I hope you're happy, knowing you traded rights and freedoms for ALL people not just LGBTQ people for "cheaper gas and eggs".

Not a friend - just somebody on a gaming discord chat room.

It feels like hate won

That was from a friend who still doesn’t understand why I’m voting for Hitler…

They’re all sheep - the same people that said the same thing about Dick Cheney and W Bush (whom, of course, applauded Dick Cheney when he came out in support of Kamala…) who don’t even realize Trump led the desegregation of golf courses in the 70s and fully supports gay marriage and gay rights and then have the audacity to say “hate won”.

No… Hate LOST.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'll be happier once he grabs some of the tactical swing states but I think he's got it.

I'm more concerned about the house and senate races. If the Democrats get control of both they'll bar Trump from even taking office.

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

Social conditioning is a harsh mistress

Skywise 4 points ago +6 / -2

BS. Negro has never been “obscene”. The other N word is unless spoken by a black person. If this is a black church you cant even get them on “hate speech”

Skywise 20 points ago +20 / -0

Note they filed AFTER the FCC weighed in.

Trump should demand his 1:30 on the NBC Nightly News tonight.

Then RFK jr should demand his 1:30 to campaign tonight as well.

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