The people paying his wage
Fridge with legs
LOL aids ass fuckers at risk of more aids ass fucker disease, lmao
The bald freak gives me an immediate disgust response whenever I see his grotesque visage.
I'm still shellshocked 8 years later, fuck it doesn't even feel like 8 years lol
Why is a fat 8 year old boy screaming at a camera ?
Uh huh
I rather be called a nazi these days
Having my world view obliterated since 2014, I agree.
That reddit alien soyface lol
Small Hat of Rubbing Hands tribe
What's it's ability ? Immediately forty-one percenting upon match start ?
It's 2022 my dude, making sure the shit that goes on a dick is lumpy and smooth is important for society.
Jesus fuck put on some fucking clothes, dyke bitch
That's Rachel Dolezal, she's black (lol)
"The Ralph Retort" website
Black bitch looks like a Bogdanoff
Now with soy face!
Dat phenotype lol
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice
John Walker is the leftist testicle that used to be over at Rock Paper Sophistgun, I remember him from GG, he was a massive fag then too.
"Fuck white ppl, pay me"
Don't talk to me or Bill Murray's son ever again
I saw perhaps this exact video back at the start of 2020 with the rona starting to take off, no voice over though, sounds like bullshit.
What's he on about ?
Some photos of a turtle with a straw up it's nose were doing the rounds, and now they're banned.