Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not like they're checking passports, vetting people, or the like. If they're just chucking random people on a boat, and saying "haha, now you're America's problem, or England's problem, not ours!", most docks can have two boats at the dock at the same time, piers tend to have two sides in the water, you can probably cycle them every 4-6 hours, not every 24 hours (which would be 2 boats a day).

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

You generally don't do these debates/shows to win over the direct person in front of you. Trump will win more buy-in and support not from the fools loudly proclaiming they will waste their vote, but from those who saw him confront them on TV.

Shill4Hire 39 points ago +41 / -2

Imp was nice in that he was genuinely schizo-posting. The sincerity came through, you could feel he really cared... Even if he was a broken clock only right twice a day. Probably better for his mental health to not be online, but at the same time, he could be fun or even downright well-researched on his more stable days.

These trolls, unpaid shills, and astroturf five-cent army posters are just... low-tier.

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's not a phobia if it is a rational fear, and since she's writing a documentary, it's at the very least a very rational fear to her. The only way her book could spark Islamaphobia is if the Canadian government took some level of extreme action against Islamic law and practices being observed in Canada, making any concerns or fears about ISIS's activities impacting Canadians seem irrational. Otherwise, it's merely a concern or awareness, not a phobia.

If you read a story about someone on an open field being struck by lightning, you'll be cautious about lightning next time it rains, even if the odds of being struck are low. You're not lightningphobic, just over-aware.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yup. If a company says "I don't want your money"... Why give it your money? That's mean of you, they don't want it!

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Giantess is a permutation on BDSM primarily, a power-top to the maximum. It often features men or women used as sexual toys for the giant in question, or in more extreme fetishes, as a food source, but both are in the end the same: all about reducing the secondary party into an object to degrade and use, while cementing that the "top", dominant, party is unassailable and unimpeachable from their position of power over others. To reach that level of fantasy domination outside of the giant(ess) genre usually requires some extreme magic-based slavery element in the worldbuilding, which sometimes isn't to the taste of the reader.

It is a sister fetish to the "tiny" fetish: fairies/imps/pixies/etc, all the things less than a foot tall, which accomplishes the "giant(ess)" element without the larger party needing some kind of in-universe explanation as to how they can surpass the square-cube law.

Oddly enough, though, the "tiny" element is more often Male Dom/Female Sub, while the "giant" element is more often Female Dom/Male Sub, from my limited exposure (so at least for the most commonly posted stuff on 4chan or the like). This might relate to the "safe horny" theory posited by a poster above.

Shill4Hire 17 points ago +18 / -1

RPGs are more labor-intensive than open-world games for the same duration of gameplay, by a fairly significant margin (that's why open-world games are so popular!), but there's a backlog a thousand games long of very good jRPGs.

Shill4Hire 7 points ago +7 / -0

Everyone is so broken because everyone is so pliable, and being pulled in so many directions. If we reach a point where we submit ourselves to AI-based eugenics breeding programs, well, one, we're all completely broken at that point, but two, the AI would have enough power to pull the people back together.

Shill4Hire 11 points ago +11 / -0

I've had to take IT internet security training recently. Apparently, "Hello, I am the password inspector, please email me your password" is a big enough issue that actually works that they needed a half hour presentation on that alone. No hacks, no cracks, no phishing, just utter morons.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn't know San Fran's mayor was homeless, that's tragic!

Shill4Hire -10 points ago +3 / -13

If the removal was done by Steam, it opens Steam up to a lawsuit from the publisher. For a non-valid reason, they restricted it to a number of countries for their own business gain at the cost of the second party's income. That is a form of tortuous interference, and Steam would be liable for all the refunds and all the lost potential sales.

Steam is stupid, and has more than a few danger-hair DIE types, but I don't think they're quite so terminally stupid as to do that.

Shill4Hire 28 points ago +28 / -0

So we meet in the middle, then: Re-criminalize drug abuse, AND ban all religions that require women wear oppressive clothing or mandatory garbs (Just like in The Handmaid's Tale!).

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

I managed to go my entire teenage years without stealing a car. In fact, I've gone on many, many more years than that. I've not stolen a car even once! It's not something you do by accident, generally speaking!

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not February? It's closer to many of their holidays.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your conditions are acceptable. I only want to play with friends.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're alone in the woods at night, it's quiet, and your phone is dead. Suddenly you see him: Shia LaBeouf.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Being alive is always the superior option, because while alive, you always have the option to be dead, but once dead, you do not have the option of being alive. If being dead is superior, then everyone who is alive with that decision can choose to be dead.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +2 / -1

God is too powerful, too Great, to be a reasonable measure of morality to humans. Just as we cannot prescribe morality to ants: "Oh, the ant queen breeds all day, what a successful ant queen." Meanwhile, the ant queen: "AHHH! Childbirth is painful! AHH! I'm raped 20-30 times per day! AHHH!".

Of course rape is worse than death in His worldview. Death is meaningless to God. God cannot die, and humans that "die" ascend to a stronger, more powerful form. Death is a moral neutral to good for God. He likely views humans crying at Death the same as a parent views a child crying at getting their MMR vaccine. "Yes, yes, I know, I know, but it's better later!"

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know some content creators prefer OnlyFans to Patreon because, well, fuck Patreon, but each and every one of them then needs to spend a few seconds after shilling it to say "and yes, it's just a Patreon substitute, I'm not naked on it, it just is a superior payment platform, despite its reputation."

Shill4Hire 10 points ago +10 / -0

"The Guild", a series about a bunch of WoW gamers, she was the token thirst target (which is where "date my avatar" came from). She also played Penny in Dr. Horrible? Her work in Guild Wars 2 was weak, in that she didn't alter her voice, didn't "act", at all in her voice "act"ing, a text-to-speech bot could have done it.

Really all that is noteworthy I remember her from is her chiming in on GamerGate about how she would cross the street to avoid anyone wearing nerd aesthetic shirts, because it is a sign of them being bad people.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

The letter is signed "Sony Interactive Entertainment", and I don't think SIE is who made Helldivers 2, so yeah, Sony is clearly calling the shot on that one.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

It did indeed ship "without censorship". No internet connection, and that 1.0.0 release is indeed without Sony's western colonial interference. Only upon the (mandatory) updates does it become a changed product.

Shill4Hire 9 points ago +9 / -0

False advertising is false advertising. If I buy a basket of apples, and under the top row it's all watermelons, it doesn't matter if I think watermelons are a fine fruit too, the point is I bought a basket of apples.

Honesty and integrity in advertising is important. Don't sell a product, and then stealthily change what product it is you're selling. If you need to make substitutes to your product, announce it, offer refunds, and understand that not all customers may want your new product.

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