This shitlib needs to rewrite their false flag, and find-replace all instances of "brown folx" with "illegals" or "criminals". Then it would look a LOT more legit.
"If you see a construction crew that has illegal immigrants, record it" sounds WAY more legit than "If you see a construction crew who have brown folx". Even ignoring the awful grammar, though I corrected that accidentally.
That sounded so awkward to me, too.
This shitlib needs to rewrite their false flag, and find-replace all instances of "brown folx" with "illegals" or "criminals". Then it would look a LOT more legit.
"If you see a construction crew that has illegal immigrants, record it" sounds WAY more legit than "If you see a construction crew who have brown folx". Even ignoring the awful grammar, though I corrected that accidentally.