trans barbie? Lmao
At this point they're just publishing asian games to spite people.
Wow imagine being this much of a retarded cuck. They lost against a group of 15 year olds idiot.
Well this probably won't be implemented in the eu at least.
Damm that's a lot of subhumans
It's probably somewhere in the middle. Devs were crying about people playing white human dudes tho
They forgot that most people aren't cucks like them so their game didn't do as well as they hoped
The comments on that video are all in favor of this whore. What the fuck?
I was about to recommend age of wonders kek
lol nigger
lol but still magakikes aren't better
Women are whores. Lmao.
That's pathetic.
Literally everyone against this in the replies is an ugly feminazi or a degenerate faggot. Wow.
The average is Chad, everyone below that is a subhuman
The replies make me wish for WW3
Yeah, disgusting whore.
I mean I didn't even watch the first one but the trailer for this one already screamed niggerfaggots.
Actually feel that I'm not even a weeb anymore or shit just got way too mainstream. The most popular anime I'm often not even interested in and genshin I've been boycotting since day one because fuck gacha trash.
Even though it's a troll judging by the post history, the comments are once again proof redditors don't deserve human rights.
lol kill yourself retarded nigger
the coup was some loons that had swords in their basement kek
Yes. Now into the chamber you go.