SendTomBoys 14 points ago +15 / -1

Be quiet you niggerfaggot

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

This but unironically. James Bond belongs to whites you nigger lover

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

"black" "army Sargeant" "woman" I mean that explains it all

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

That 2nd pic is awful. I'd take the first one any day over that goblin creature the AI created

SendTomBoys -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ehhh I don't give a fuck, white women in the West have fucking ruined themselves in my eyes. I'd rather take an Asian or Latina any day over them.

We deserve to go extinct because we got so soft we allowed our women to do whatever they want. White feminists are ruining nations all over the West

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm of the opinion that they're taking him entirely out of context and using it to smear him because he's being a cocksucker right now. I don't see any links in the article but I'm also at work and speed browsing

I don't necessarily appreciate it because that's a Leftoid tactic, but I'm not gonna cry a river over it either.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lankford sounds like a shitbag but I'm not seeing a video or a direct link to his quote. It's entirely possible (and most likely) that he was saying that a 13 year old and and a 15 year old doing the do and "consenting", and not "A 13 y/o girl can fuck a 30 y/o if she wants"

Like if someone here can provide me a link before I find my own I'd be happy to be corrected/wrong whatever. If he thinks kids can fuck anyone that he deserves a rope. But let's not shit our pants over someone saying some teen kids having sex when they shouldn't be is different than kids and adults. I think 2 year age difference at that age is a big difference, but there's context and background I'm missing atp. The article does the classic "stringing together a few quotes that don't have links to back it up" that can be used to make anyone say anything.

I'm healthily skeptical about this, that's all.

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

Bro was irl urkel and was mad about it

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nigs be niggin

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

When China does TikTok straight to every American and they KNOW it steals data, crickets and "lol who cares"

When Pepe le Pewtin does a professional interview, RAGE

SendTomBoys 24 points ago +24 / -0

I hate to say it but the average black is fucking retarded.

I get loads of them coming thru my shop as temps. Half of them can't string a coherent sentence together. A whole lotta "umm, yuknowutmsaiyan, yeah yeah, yeahhhhh, like, um" it's as if they were bopped on the head with a bat and have a CTE. Lazy as fuck too.

Let's not even get started on the daily records of violence and animal tendencies in the streets.

I feel bad for the normal, non retarded blacks who have to associate with them and be associated with them.

by Lethn
SendTomBoys -20 points ago +3 / -23

It's early access and sold for $25. If you're broke just say it lil fella.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

On the nigger beating you part, that's why I carry. If you're assaulted by a group you're perfectly within your rights to start blasting.

SendTomBoys 20 points ago +20 / -0

Lmao a cute girl doing a cute pose because the Japanese love them some anime girls.

She's literally wearing a full conductors uniform LMAOOO

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

The venn diagram of Voters who endorse Swiftys choice and retarded subhuman Democrats is a very finely drawn circle.

This means nothing to me.

by Lethn
SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

My friends range from

(Dated a tranny and sucked it's dick and jokes about femboys a little too much, but doesn't really care if I use LGBT slurs or racial ones either, and is somewhat racist himself funnily enough)


(Average mindless default liberal who nonetheless is a good guy and good friend who disagrees with me cheerfully on politics)


(Less based than me but still uses the N word in private when making jokes about them)

All of these people are different races too. Weird little group.

The funny thing is, we're all friends because everyone is able to be rational and intelligent when it comes to classic American tolerance and simply ignoring the things we don't agree with about each other.

Some of y'all might rip me for the choice of friends but ehh, I don't know you fucks from tits on a frog

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm not playing a game that locks New Game + behind $110 purchase.

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