Schmendrick_Lamar 8 points ago +14 / -6

MODS!! MODS!! Rule 16 anyone? Please?!?

This trivially Googleable Hebrew phrase has not been accompanied with any of the requisite applause and/or fellatio to dispel its obvious conspiratorial insinuation when so casually misused in this manner.

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0


Y'know what? I'll split the W with you and call it a 'Voltaire'

Vishing you a happy day!

Schmendrick_Lamar 22 points ago +22 / -0

Dark Humor is like food - not everyone gets it.

[Insensitive chud declares that he wants poor people to starve - tape at nine]

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Adventitious feather-duster for purposes that spring easily to mind in the context of the whole piece.

Also, there's a certain down-to-earth charm about imperfect teeth when there's so little else to complain about.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

More people need to speak...


...for the sake of women.

Ayyy lmao.

Someone help me calculate a reentry trajectory for my sides.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Buckle up, buckaroos

I immediately pictured (in the SP style of course) a dispossessed white farmer getting run over (at least he died doing what he truly believed in) by a melanite tranny in a truck loaded with farm equipment on xir's way to start up a farming business.

Naturally the next hapless roadkill (or 'buckaroo' if you will) was looking on obliviously in the passenger's seat.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fictional witches and historical witches to one side.

Contemporary thots on Axis-II, a smattering of ill-advised tattoos and a dick count higher than their IQ who larp about hexing Bongald Krumpf on Twatter with emojis to the other.

Schmendrick_Lamar 16 points ago +16 / -0

Better yet, why don't the fish just jump in mouth? After all, they should already just know how special I am.

Come to think of it, wasn't this made into one of those Aesop's Fable/Morality Play thingies back in the halcyon days of based racist & anti-pinko cartoons?

Schmendrick_Lamar 22 points ago +22 / -0

Sad piano with ominous, droning bass

Every shillisecond vicious hatred multiplies six-shillion fold. Won't you please consider a token donation of your blood and shekels to stand up to this grave injustice, goy?

Always Remember, Never Forget®.

Schmendrick_Lamar 12 points ago +13 / -1

Dang iirc he used to be kinda funny sometimes - maybe even made a salient point about game design on occasion (not worth classroom time though).

Lemme guess he cucked out and is sucking the Big Black Rainbow Dildo now?

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

God Emperors are not elected. They seize power (with the possible help of brethren they recruit along the way).

Schmendrick_Lamar 8 points ago +8 / -0

Note how ironically the emphasis on "HYOOMAN BEEING" (repeat ad nauseum w/out elaborating until core delusion is sufficiently affirmed) smacks right after she clarifies that she ticks all the basic hygiene boxes, as if that should suffice for any troglodyte ___ (emphatic pause to once again infer 'dick' as a synecdoche for 'man' because, y'know, it's different when she reduces 'human beings' to body parts, obviously - or is it that men aren't really human beings to begin with anyways?).

Either way, with hygiene addressed, what other objections could 'a client' (very holistic, non-reductive term for 'human being') possibly have? I mean come on, everybody knows this is cut-and-dried "me want stick dick in hole" we're talking about here, right? Surely more nuanced (one could maybe even say 'more human') things like a need for companionship and intimacy could never figure into these transactions, right? Surely I'm not trifling with my emotional facility (not to mention my clients') to participate in and enjoy those things after I grow weary of all...this. Surely this is just business, and I have not in fact been transacting away the sweetness of my very soul in tens of thousands of little pieces, right?

Sigh...Let us pray that the boys from Jojo's will someday kick down the door and rescue this nigh-irredeemable slattern. (177013+fan-canon ending)

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

It means 'several' basically, as in "battery of tests" or "battery of cannon"

'Battery' got its modern colloquial sense from several galvanic cells stacked in series to increase the output voltage.

Not making any excuses here...still nasty, and not in the way that she's fixated on (gonna make another comment)

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't forget those wicked Appalachians sending out invisible waves of systemic racism even as they barely cling to life on the verge of opioid-induced respiratory failure.

Many of the world's ills are also to blame on them, goy.

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +12 / -1

JIDF ALERT DEFCON ALEPH ZERO - scramble all Goybusters for immediate takeoff. This is not a shill. Critical noticing in progress. Requesting immediate carpet downvotes. Somebody get Greenblatt on the hotline.

Schmendrick_Lamar 9 points ago +9 / -0

So I guess this isn't the quiet part anymore huh.

But wait, isn't money just an entirely fabricated social construct to colonize marginalized voices (or whatever)?

Good old doublethink, marvelously lubricious stuff. Lovely that they don't even have to bother addressing the obvious Orwell parallels anymore.

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can someone provide a summary?

Is this Atelier stuff out-and-out woke garbage or are they just projecting their bullshit à la their usual 'Femboy implies MANGA SAYS TRANS RIGHTS' routine?

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +4 / -1

No, because in those halcyon days woketoidery had just recently slipped the confines of the twisted intellects of French pedocore postmodernists and their feminit trollops.

(Feat. Sartre and de Beauvoir specifically for this shout-out, but you know the rest: their Frankfurt jew-pals, melanite attack dogs, catamite show-ponies, etc...)

Anyways, Tactics - Cheers to your good taste. Still fire up the soundtrack on the reg to this day.

Schmendrick_Lamar 28 points ago +28 / -0

For the idiots in my mentions who are protesting their innocence, I could make the argument that only constitutes further proof of their guilt.

You done made Uncle Kafka proud today, Tyrone J.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure if you have/would be interested in a Switch, but I've had some success and met some solid sanelings in the Splatroon community (jokes aside)

-It's pretty bad in pure terms of a competitive shooter (16 ticks per second, p2p server model, buggy netcode), but it's got the Nintendo polish on the aesthetic, worldbuilding, music, etc...Very playable and enjoyable if you can stomach the occasional random DC. Lots of anime vibes kept strictly PG-lite by Nintendo.

-Troon month was insufferable but again, Nintendo's brand image protection caps a lot of the faggotry at tolerable levels in the game proper. Several attempts to make everything about 'pronouns' via social media mobbing have failed. During June the occasional pushback post managed to float to the top of my plaza (i.e. 'I don't care if you're trans. Ink Base.' That got 'em butthurt, lemme tell ya.) Also, whether through organic unpopularity or an intentional crackdown, the recent 'Free Palestine' trend did not catch on. In general the demographic seems invested in preserving the escapism and repelling woketoid shit.

-Good intersection of gaming/anime with about as big a smattering of Christians as one could hope for in these times. Spotting someone with a Bible verse handle or something like 'JesusGirl,' etc...is a daily occurrence more often than not. And on the topic of girls, it's got one of the more balanced demographics. Many of them are there to git gud, not pontificate feminit manifestos.

-General discord servers are about what you'd expect. I'd recommend looking for smaller servers dedicated to 3rd-party tools (some of the discord bots that integrate with the game, Lean's tools, stat.ink, etc...) or less popular game modes (Salmon Run Server for example has a tolerable and contained fraction of woketoids)

It'll take some time. If you just roll in and look around you probably won't be thrilled about your prospects. Be patient, hit up some of those smaller places, and chances are I'll find ya eventually. Maybe mention that engine of yours or list off some neat anime both here and there, or something. Won't tell you outright it's me, but maybe you'll always suspect.

(This goes for anyone in the same or a similar boat as OP)

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hope Japan sees this and just deports that litigious fifth-column jew-funded troon.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone remember the old off-brand Mountain Dew-type soda with the crazy ads?

Where at the beginning someone would scream out at the top of their lungs? And everyone would pop off scrambling toward it in like a grungy urban landscape, crescendoing in a king-of-the-hill brawl for a solitary can?

Oh, what was that stuff called...ah! I remember:


Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Your job is to:




as per the terms of your employment, not to:

Keep everyone like, totally stoked, about like, the general vibe...

...and stuff.

That's you. That's what you sound like.

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