SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +7 / -2

U still buttmad that Desantis cucked out bro?

U gonna vote for Biden so he can end the drumpf once and for all?

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

the government being too scared to repel a giant fucking monster because of political implications.

Hmmm what does that remind me of....

SarcasticRidley 12 points ago +12 / -0

People want perfection, and will destroy everything else until they get it. They won't provide an alternative, they just want to tear down the perceived slighter to virtue signal about how pure they are.

An accurate description of lolbertarians. Anyone less anti-statist than Ron Paul is too establishment for them. And they wonder why they never win.

SarcasticRidley 40 points ago +42 / -2

trolls would've stopped weeks ago after being ignored this long.

Except none of you have been ignoring them. Every thread they are in have people responding to them like clueless fucking normies.

It's literally one of the first rules of any forum: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.

And yet half this fucking board keeps doing it.

It's honest to god mind boggling, because the trolls aren't even subtle about it, and yet you people keep falling for it.

SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0

He gets Epsteined and the right might actually find their balls and revolt. For better or worse Trump is their voice right now, and given the amount of real grassroots support that guy has, the establishment would be out of their minds to attempt such a thing.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't say we shouldn't continue breeding, but Western men have got to reign them in, because right now they are causing absolute chaos with their unchecked power.

Western men are so cowardly right now that they will literally go on TV and forgive the black man that killed their children. You don't see that kind of cucked behavior from Muslims. Young men see that display of weakness and they see strength in the Islamic world where they don't tolerate bullshit from women. That right there is a powerful recruiting tool.

Our entire civilization is under threat from both the foreign invaders, [[[them]]], and our own retarded women. Right now, perhaps more than ever before, we need Western men to be courageous, principled, and violate Rule 2 in defense of the West. If that doesn't happen within the next 20 years or so we are done. There is nowhere for us to run, no country with open borders that will tolerate us, no culture that will treat us as equals. Our backs are against the wall.

SarcasticRidley 20 points ago +23 / -3

The thing is, he isn't wrong. Women are for Team Women, no matter what side of the aisle, what religion, what social status, or even race. They are extremely gullible, easily influenced, and are ruled by their emotions. They wreak havoc and sow discord in just about every group they join, and they ALWAYS try to force the group to cater to their whims.

Every single man in here has had some story of a woman at work who caused some drama (and probably got away with it too), or a woman who joined their nerdy hobby group only for the nerds to start bickering over her. Some of us here have even had the ire of a specific woman directed at us for whatever reason, and it probably cost us dearly.

Any man who has looked at the comment section of any social media post about a divorce, child support, or adultery has seen women leap to the defense of other women who have exhibited absolutely repulsive behavior, where they wouldn't dare do the same for a man. Every one of us on this board has seen it.

Is Imp a misogynist? Sure. But he isn't wrong about them. There is a reason that every society up until the modern age had rules restricting their behavior. There could be a bunch of really based women out there, but for every one of them, there are five thousand that aren't, and there are too many male simps right now to counter them.

SarcasticRidley 8 points ago +8 / -0

States still have nullification, they can refuse federal money

Yeah, good luck with that

States could fight back if they wished but last time they tried it destroyed an entire region and a million deaths

True, but then again the line of battle was literally north vs. south. Now it's all over the place, even within the same state.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

As far as the ultimate check to federal oversight it's the fourth branch of the government, that they don't teach you about. The states themselves

Until the Feds cucked the states with the power of the Federal Reserve.

SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are making it clearer and clearer that gender equality or equity women's entire existence is using men's strength to protect women while they reap the entire reward of men's work.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

So were you born a niggerfaggot or do you get paid to be one?

SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0

Halo: It's not gay if its a 3 way

SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0


SarcasticRidley 10 points ago +10 / -0

You aren't missing much. Aside from some of the touristy locations, NYC is just another city, and not really worth the hassle.

I live an hour or so away and I've only been there twice in the last four years.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

If he gets Epsteined its time to violate Rule 2 in every way possible.

by Lethn
SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's like you went to Yapistan and back.

by Lethn
SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ive been making blender porn for half a year

Pics or it didn't happen

SarcasticRidley 5 points ago +5 / -0
  1. Letters From Iwo Jima (a much better film than Flags of Our Fathers)

  2. Kelly's Heroes

  3. 12 O'clock High

  4. They Shall Not Grow Old

  5. Casualties of War

SarcasticRidley 28 points ago +28 / -0

Watching Bill Burr's old standup specials like "Why do I do this" and "You people are all the same", and then listening to his Monday Morning Podcast nowadays is like watching Germany in 1910 and then seeing the Weimar era.

Bill has been so pussy whipped that he lets his nigger wife come onto his own podcast at random and lets her shit on him, and his audience claps like seals. He constantly finds a way to shit on white people every episode. He claims to hate both Trump and Biden and the two party system and yet he is still a liberal.

The thing that really frustrates me about him is that he rants about the dangers of the Federal reserve, and how rich people want to control everyone, but then goes and attacks the one group that actually wants that to end. It's like he's solving a math problem and quits two steps before the solution.

It's absolutely infuriating to listen to his podcast now, because when he isn't droning on about sportsball or fellating himself and other standup comics, he is spitting the worst takes on just about everything else. It's like he mutated into a boomer despite being Gen X.

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