posted ago by MrGiggles ago by MrGiggles +22 / -1

It’s pretty clear that the Judicial System is currently the most corrupt government institution in the US. Judges and lawyers have become ideologically aligned with the left and are openly defiant of the Constitution and any laws that get in the way of their political ideology and activism. This isn’t limited to blue states, as every state including Texas is filled with leftist activists who are lawyers, DAs, and judges, etc. The corruption is dire and every facet of the Judicial system has been ideologically captured by the left. They are creating laws out of thin air through rulings in favor of leftist activism and the right just accepts it. I know this isn’t a new phenomenon, but the blatant disregard and arrogance the Judicial Branch displays is worse than ever. The state of Judicial Power makes it seem that the Founding Fathers failed to understand how the Justice System could be so systemically molded into a tool for enforcing authoritarianism. I do wonder if the Founding Fathers intended for the citizenry to be the real check and balance against the Judicial System through either non-compliance or direct resistance to tyranny of the courts?