I can. I root for Ferrari, which means that my disappointment is beyond measure.
Leftists wouldn't have any power if the retarded normies didn't let their shit slide every time they did something reprehensible.
Think of all the white parents who have had their children murdered by blacks in the last decade. Now think about how many of them went in public and preached about how "we all need to heal, hate has no place here, etc."
That is not how a person who just had their progeny killed is supposed to react. They should be embarking on a quest for vengeance that would be etched onto Greek pottery, and yet we see them meekly submitting. This kind of behavior will never put a stop to these murders.
Vat of acid. Feet first. Slowly.
Out of my high school buddies/warzone squad: I'm the only one who voted Trump.
Out of my former roommates, I'm the only one who has never done drugs
Out of the people here, I'm the only one (to my knowledge) who works in a union job.
I like the Prequel Trilogy.
I am 6' 270lbs and I don't have a problem fitting in my Miata, whereas everyone else around me seems to feel like anything smaller than a F250 is too tiny despite the fact that they are 5'4".
I live in a very blue state, so it is pretty hard to find people who aren't either normies, or outright libtards.
He definitely plays Command & Conquer Red Alert.
You see better looking women out on the street.
I've had a coworker who was a fast food cashier who is hotter than she is.
I remember watching a video compilation of communist military parades and it had a techno version of hell march from C&C. I think it got delisted some time ago though, and I haven't been able to find it since.
Taylor Swift isn't even that hot. She has A cups and no ass. Her face is like a 7 at best. Why do people want to rub one out to her?
Every time they do something outrageously stupid like this, it only makes me like him more. It does absolutely nothing to tarnish his image in my eyes.
They have taken the boy who cried wolf effect to the extreme. Trump could turn into a genocidal maniac and I'd still prefer him to whatever robot the liberals put out at this point. I don't give a fuck anymore.
There seems to be something about janny position that draws unethical people, of messes people into it.
People of ill intent are naturally drawn to positions of power, because the power of those positions allows them to more efficiently and effectively exert their ill will unto others.
Half of me fully believes Vince did all of this shit. The other half of me knows for certain that most, if not all of the women were totally fine getting a nice payday for all the literal shit they had to put up with, and now they want more money.
Look at his username. Seem familiar to a recently banned one?
I like how accountability is on the "mean" side of the spinner.
I'm agnostic and I would pick Christian morals over any other system every single time. All the other systems step on the little guy and treat him as a disposable asset instead of fostering growth and decency.
I guess the mods were asleep for this one.
Oh wow he made the original subreddit. What a massive accomplishment. Well I guess that gives him free reign to forum slide all he wants on this forum that isn't plebbit.
Today on KIA2 drama: u/AntonioOfVenice takes a massive ratio cock up his ass for the hundredth time, with special guest, 10 hour old handshake faggot u/ifunniuser.
who isn't profane, but is still funny and has some amount of edge to them.
So, sugar free candy?
Nothing really based about the place.
They have cool martial arts.
Drones, Automatons, Droids, Bots, Slaves Of Many Masters, Bugmen, Insectoids, etc.
These people aren't human beings in a philosophical sense. They are barely sentient walking jars of conditioned responses. They do not think terribly hard, merely responding to external stimuli rather than pondering anything.
Damn. My little league coach works for them. Hope he didn't get laid off.
and can correctly call out something that is bad, and can identify what in it is bad, but they don't want to confront why
This is something I've noticed with a lot of liberals I meet. They can identify that there are problems with something, but identifying the cause and/or the solution to the problem is where they go off the reservation.
They have a "just leave me alone to read the comics I like in peace" attitude
I used to have this attitude until I came to the realization that these people will never leave you alone because they require an enemy to exist. Just like how a tree makes no sound if it falls alone in a forest, a tranny doesn't exist in isolation.
You shouldn't want your enemies to be more clever and successful in fighting you
We should be thanking our lucky stars that our enemies are fucking moronic and arrogant enough to do shit in plain view of normies. Imagine if the globalists had half the brains of the Medici family. We would be truly fucked then.
Stardust Crusaders Jojo or the more recent stuff?
Pretty obviously a dude. He's at least 6 inches taller than them, and has the jawline and shoulders to boot. Plus his posture is that of a 16 year old male.
I'm surprised that dark souls boss music doesn't follow Gorlock The Destroyer around 24/7.