It's search function sucks, and it's layout isn't new user friendly.
Sounds like Nu Reddit.
We should have gone down the hybrid/hydrogen path long ago, but that might actually be effective so it won't be done.
Discrimination is when you decide where to eat, who to talk to, what clothes to wear, etc. You make a decision based on whether you like something, whether it is beneficial etc.
Bigotry is when you hate something simply because it has traits you dislike, or if it shares traits with something else you dislike. Hating Clarence Thomas for being black is bigotry because despite sharing the same skin tone as George Floyd, his character is wildly different.
Bigotry is a form of prejudice. Discrimination is not, because it relies on prior information.
It is not bigotry to want to avoid inner city blacks, because there is a good reason to do so, but it is bigotry to avoid the only black kid in school if he hasn't given you a reason to do so.
The average person isn't smart enough to understand or care about this distinction though, so just like the difference between a liberal and a progressive, it's largely moot in the modern context.
Shiro Masamune did some as well I think.
Let me guess, close personal friend of the Clintons?
but I can't resist pointing out that love isn't an emotion that women are capable of feeling towards men
I remember years ago (I think it was r/askmen) there was a reddit prompt that asked "what is your most controversial opinion?"
Being plebbit, almost every single response was the least controversial thing ever.
All except one. That response said "I genuinely believe women are incapable of love"
You would not believe the shitstorm that caused. There were more white knights there than a liberal college campus. The only guy who actually followed the prompt got crucified for it.
Turns out he was right.
I just saw it last night.
I thought it was a good movie. I haven't read the books yet so for this review I don't really care if it's a good adaptation, only whether it's a good film.
Chani is insufferable, but she's played by Zendaya so that is inevitable. Stilgar is unironically a better GF for Paul than Chani. He is literally ride or die for Paul, while Chani is a bitchy woman who constantly undermines him.
Jessica probably has the most dramatic change in her character.
The worms were my favorite part.
The bad parts of the movie are mostly just the standard DEI stuff and nitpicking from people more concerned with whether or not it's a good adaptation or not. If you take out Chani, there's basically no real bad parts.
Overall I'd say it's a solid 7/10, especially for a film in CURRENT YEAR.
If you had everything Seth did, you would have done better
Idk, he might not be the best writer ever, but he is a pretty good voice actor.
If Miyazaki dies next I will be despondent.
The irony being their reasons for doing so are still insane.
Are they gonna ban holocaust photos for non consensual activity?
What about photos of the Nuremburg trials?
Or the one of the Jap officer about to behead the G.I.?
I meet the criteria for the super-elite
Hai itz me ur frend u sed u wil gib alll ur moneyz too
Nurse Ratched
Holy shit I knew I recognized her from somewhere
I do find it ironic how Pearly Things has gotten so involved in Red Pill discussions, a woman who has no kids, has never been married, and has made highly questionable choices in her own dating life.
I consider her to be a female counterpart to Tim Pool. She might be a hypocrite in her own personal decisions, but she is a gateway for normies to start questioning things they've been told by liberals.
It was a small section of the Smith Mundt Modernization Act that allowed the government to inflict propaganda unto us. The original Smith Mundt Act banned it.
'yes the Democrats are evil parasites who are ruining this country on purpose and I would love to skin them alive on livestream'
Don't threaten me with a good time.
Paul McCartney
I thought it was Michael Salvatori
You know, usually people say to skip the in video ad.
The 80s was bad mkay?
I will roll up to this filthy heathen's den in my Vector W8, whip out my Mac 10 at point blank range (because how else am I supposed to hit him) and when I'm done I will call his parents on my car phone the size of a brick to deliver the good news, after which I will get on my cigarette boat and sail off into the distant polygonal mountains and louvered sunset.
Bing is unironically a better search engine now. Times sure have changed.
If they were really in solidarity they would burn themselves too.
dollar menu
You mean the $5 menu?
The only thing a dollar is going to get you is a couple sauce packets.
Wendy's Chili is pretty good.
And before it was high cost it was low cost thanks to mutual aid societies/fraternal lodges.
Thanks Government/AMA/Insurance Lobby, you really helped us out there!