Yea it's why I find the whole thing to be bullshit and on that I'm with Az (HeelvsBabyface) as he also disliked the whole episode.
It jarred so tonally with the rest of the show. Some damn Gay Utopia where Frank was able to live out his Gay playing house shit. All damn peace and garbage. Which they ADMIT to making for the awards season.
Showing that nobody is immune to the turmoil of the Apocalypse would have been way better.
It's more that the initiative is always poorly worded. I remember hearing from family in Kentucky. The ballot initiative for that was like three pages of just jargon and made it seem that yes meant no.
I feel it was probably the same way in Ohio. The political class obscured the issue with jargon to confuse the average voter.
Science is only pushed by the winners. Isaac Newton had his contemporaries slandered and their works expunged because he wanted to be the gold standard.
Dunno how much the world of physics was set back because of those actions.
Destruction of something better than yours isn't surprising at all.
Fine “ la créature”