RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

And appealing all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court is likely a waste of time since Trudeau packed it with Diversity Hires.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a very large portion of national identity politics among Quebec French speakers, but it's not backing Trudeau anymore. ''We'' want him out.

The Bloc Quebecois scores at 35%, Federal Conservatives 24%, and Federal Liberals are at 22% in the last poll asking about Federal elections in Quebec.

So the party who leads by a wide margin in Quebec is the Bloc Quebecois, and most of its voters hate Trudeau for obvious reasons.

And since Pierre Poilievre is a very ''autonomy'' minded guy, only the media would REEEE if the Bloc voted with the Conservatives in a minority government. The remaining problem is the Bloc leader is easily manipulated by the media making alot of noise around him.

Anyway current voting trends would give the Conservatives a clear majority and Liberals would be decimated since most of his seats in Quebec would flip Bloc or Conservative.

Dream outcome would be Conservative majority, Bloc 40+ seats, Liberals dead third.

It might be due to the absolutely catastrophic invasion going on, but nationalist parties gained votes here. The two leading parties in Quebec election polls PQ and CAQ, score around 35% and 20% ( over 50% ), are nationalist.

Ideally Quebec would finally fuck-off Canada so the two linguistic groups have to stop pretending to function together ( it never worked. The bigger group swallows the smaller one, resistance = endless strife, and resist we will. ). Left to negociate would be the future of the Acadian part of New-Brunswick contiguous to Quebec.

The libs enshrined permanent bilingualism in the New-Brunswick constitution. You can also wait it out ( Acadians assimilate at 15%+ per generation, which will accelerate exponentially the more they shrink ).

P.S. : To give you an idea of how successfull the media brainwashing about Orange Man being Bad in Quebec, 70% of the population here is unhappy about Trump winning (... or would only dare answer that when asked ). Personally I know Trump winning will end-up having a positive impact on our economy medium and long term. Cheap energy will push costs down. Nationalist policies is good for local development. Last time Trump ran your country, we ended-up benefiting too.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

They are, indeed, fucking insane. You're not even allowed to point-out their hypocrisy and double-standarts.

RoulerBleu 11 points ago +11 / -0

Went real quick from ''there is no gay agenda, they just want to be left alone'' to ''fly our flag or be fined $15 000''.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

Quebec's kangoroo court of ''human rights'' persecuted Mike Ward for making jokes about a public figure child celebrity.

Because ''muh dignity of handicapped children''.

That same court was later found-out to be packed with pedos.

These courts need to be dismantled and its judges and proponents investigated.

RoulerBleu 26 points ago +26 / -0

It's now ''extremist'' if you don't want males in female leagues and actually follow-through and refuse to participate.

Clown World.

RoulerBleu 21 points ago +21 / -0

Every time your boot it, the system has a 42% chance to crash itself.

The copy file function has been disabled, and the system must connect with the server of a Pharmaceutical company on a daily basis.

RoulerBleu 14 points ago +14 / -0

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 runs like an alpha version. It's absolutely NOT a finished product, yet they sell it as such.

It's also an ''always online'' cancer as you pointed-out. Hard No.

The ports are a clown show. Who coded this shit and greenlit it for sale?

It's not all bad, though. It's the first MSFS game to fully utilize more than 4 threads on a CPU

While giving you shitty slow loading, low FPS and utilizing less tha 75% of the CPU and GPU from what I have seen.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was unironically asked if I went to the Vancouver Olympics games by a French friend.

I'm from Quebec. So I asked him if he went to the Sochi Olympics games in Russia, or was that too far.

''No that's way too far''

Well that's the same distance.

Oh how time flies. Now the answer would be about the Russian invasion.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

The public health agency of my nation had a daily Coronavirus dashboard listing statistics. They removed the data for infections when the vaccinated group had a higher per-capita rate than the unvaccinated group.

They scrapped the whole dashboard when hospitalizations were getting close to parity.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. There are many wildly divergent strains of HIV and if a patient is infected by several strains ( and yes it happens ), the strains recombine with the most drug-resistant results taking over.

RoulerBleu 20 points ago +20 / -0

That's why Musk joined with Trump. The Democrats / Leftists are attacking him.

A woke judge even ruled his perfectly legally negociated contract performance bonus was illegal and he had to pay back.

Do judges go after other CEOs to declare their grossly-inflated salaries and bonuses are illegal? No.

RoulerBleu 22 points ago +22 / -0

Nigel Farage in the UK got debanked by the woke CEO of NatWest. For political reasons ( which they lied about too ).

The bank ( well, the CEO really ) then shared personal account informations of Farage to the media ( a big ''don't do that retards'' ), and lied about Farage and his account to the media.

Leftists rejoiced and/or lied about it.

Farage said ''hello lawyers, we're going to end a fucking bank''. The bank shat its pants. The CEO resigned.

RoulerBleu 7 points ago +7 / -0

''Best I can do is falsely-claiming a black was a samurai in feudal Japan.''

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's pretty standard at this point for the corrupt to remove measuring sticks when they don't get the result they want.

Coronavirus dashborad showing the vaccinated had higher rates of infections that the unvaccinated says ''Hi!''.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like, LOTR still fun game, or ET the Extra Terrestrial ''burried in a landfil'' game?

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

No arguing on that : he's a troll a few steps further into retardation than Milo Yianopoulos.

Any update on the yenta Marla Rose? She wasen't being very cooperative with the cops, instead switching from ''haha the evil Nazi is shaking in fear of me!'' to ''here is my Go-Fund Me, I mysteriously discovered I broke all my ribs and Fuentes killed my puppy, money pwease'' or something.

Had she shut-up about everything, she would have had a good chance to get Fuentes arrested and sue him in civil court too, but she doxed him and couldn't stop yapping about going there to harass him, and get people to come harass Fuentes too.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

also the judge told the jury not to engage in 'victim-blaming' just before they went off to deliberations

Courts in Canada too got mandatory feminist comissars ''educating'' judges about things like that, which only make sense if you presume the man accused is guilty by default, which is exactly what Feminists want.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

He did pepper-spray and shove* an old yenta who came to his door to harass him ( as she admited-to in her own public posts while inciting further harassment by other people ).

Sometimes his retardation causes legitimately entertaining stuff.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

No one who is there to help, argues implicitly or explicitly for fewer White babies.

Demographics is destiny.

In before an anti-White troll claiming ''so you're saying White men should rape White women''.

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