The course is offered by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and their latest edition opens with an animated video telling viewers that the Human Rights Code “is not meant to punish.”
Literally three paragraphs above this one:
The Human Rights Tribunal ultimately ordered the Township to pay $10,000 to Borderland Pride, and for McQuaker to personally pay them another $5,000.
They do not punish, they just fine when you do not do what they want when they want in the way they want.
“As a lawyer who does this work that means I’m going to start taking people’s houses and their vehicles and their toys and draining their bank accounts and garnishing their wages because no one is going to stop behaving this way until there are real consequences,” he said.
Using the Human Rights Code for "consequences", not "punishment"! Very different! Not petty or vindictive at all! Thank you for the clarification Borderland Pride director Douglas Judson.
What is the terrible human rights violation they're totally not punishing, you might ask?
The claim of discrimination ultimately hinged on a single line uttered by Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker. When the proclamation came up for consideration, McQuaker was heard to say in a recording of the meeting, “There’s no flag being flown for the other side of the coin … there’s no flags being flown for the straight people.”
As Human Rights Tribunal vice-chair Karen Dawson wrote in her decision, “I find this remark was demeaning and disparaging of the LGBTQ2 community of which Borderland Pride is a member and therefore constituted discrimination under the Code.”
Literal fucking Karens. I swear to god, allowing women into the judiciary was even worse than their universal suffrage. Most women's idea of fairness hinges entirely on subjective popularity rather than any form of principles or objectivity.
Literally three paragraphs above this one:
They do not punish, they just fine when you do not do what they want when they want in the way they want.
Using the Human Rights Code for "consequences", not "punishment"! Very different! Not petty or vindictive at all! Thank you for the clarification Borderland Pride director Douglas Judson.
What is the terrible human rights violation they're totally not punishing, you might ask?
Literal fucking Karens. I swear to god, allowing women into the judiciary was even worse than their universal suffrage. Most women's idea of fairness hinges entirely on subjective popularity rather than any form of principles or objectivity.
They are, indeed, fucking insane. You're not even allowed to point-out their hypocrisy and double-standarts.