RoccoRatchet 8 points ago +8 / -0

It doesn't matter, because the one who posted that thread will clearly do whatever it takes to garner attention. It doesn't matter if they have to lie to do it. If there isn't a real situation for which they can make themselves a victim, they will invent one.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

More low-effort fodder, I know. I just thought it might be just entertaining enough to endure the second-hand embarrassment. Maybe it's not the correct term, but I can't help but think "astroturfing". Voice communications in Call of Duty are not at all common anymore. This is even more true in DMZ, where you'd have to be close to another player to hear them. That's if they even have their mic on in the first place. I've played over 300 matches, been on teams both with and against women, and I can guarantee this isn't something that is happening. Obviously I don't mean "This literally never happens." I mean it maybe happened one time each to a total of two or three people in that thread. Somehow this inane bullshit gets approximately 150 upvotes.

RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mentally ill people that can't answer even the most basic questions, and who unfortunately have access to firearms. That's what I get from this.

RoccoRatchet 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust XVI. Critics were previously panning it because of its predominantly white cast, but now it's getting favorable reviews. It might not be a coincidence that it was banned in Saudi Arabia for homosexual content. You also have garbage like this, and this.

RoccoRatchet 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's so goddamned demoralizing having this cancer infest literally every aspect of our lives. The movies we go see, the shows we watch, the sports we spectate, the games we play, down to the products we consume. It feels like there's next to nothing I can't enjoy that hasn't been tampered in some way by regressive faggots.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the whole point if of controlled opposition: to control the opposition. That includes looking the part of the resistance. Making sure Fox was seen losing the suit, and settling is essentially losing, is part of the plan. They were the Right's mouthpiece for acknowledging the voting fraud that was committed. Dominion winning the defamation lawsuit was to say that claims of fraud were baseless, which rhet they actually weren't.

by folx
RoccoRatchet -6 points ago +1 / -7

Then go repeat it. Stop being so creepy while you're at it. Your activity on this board is minimal, but it's like you constantly refresh my profile so you can repeat the same trite bullshit whenever I redirect someone to the conversation that's already being had.

RoccoRatchet 6 points ago +6 / -0

This isn't the first time. It happened a number of years ago when they banned TheDonald, and forced a multitude of right-leaning subreddits into quarantine. I'm sure there's some sort of archive out there detailing the whole debacle.

RoccoRatchet 11 points ago +11 / -0

You're not in a position to assess how smart someone is. This was already well documented, but now you're trying to defend ABK like they're not a substandard enterprise. It's not even the allegations of inappropriate behavior, which I doubt most people here believe, much less care about. It is an issue of product quality. It is an issue pandering on social media to degenerates. It is an issue of cutting ties with streamers for the belief that children need to be left alone. This scenario where people on this site hate ABK because of their treatment of women is entirely in your head.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't remember that, but I do remember them using the death of George Floyd as an excuse to postpone the release of content, when the truth was they didn't have the content ready for release anyway.

RoccoRatchet 6 points ago +6 / -0

Overwatch League apartment


It sucks that, on the rare occasion I get to see these people take [a] loss, I have to side with them against something even worse. All of them, from the "esports" types, to the alphabet freaks, to the substandard developers at Activision, can get thrown out of a helicopter as far as I'm concerned.

by folx
RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +7 / -0

I can't think of a more tone-deaf move for a company to make. The kind of people that eat at Cracker Barrel don't get down with this garbage.

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